R/Libertarian Community Poll

In broad terms, what is your political ideology?
You indicated that you identify as a Libertarian. Please pick the term that you believe most closely aligns with your personal beliefs.
Pragmatic Libertarian
Classical Liberal
Left Libertarian
Civil Libertarian
Please Specify:
How would you rate your understanding of the study of Economics?
0 (I know next to nothing)
1 (I understand some basic points)
2 (I have a decent understanding)
3 (I have a good understanding but have not yet grasped some of the more complex points)
4 (I have extensive knowledge)
5 (I have extensive knowledge and contribute to the field)
Are you familiar with the Austrian School of thought, and if so, how do you feel about it?
Yes, and I endorse it
Yes, and I am unsure
Yes, and I oppose it
Did you vote in the 2016 Presidential Election?
Who did you vote for?
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
Gary Johnson
Jill Stein
Please Specify:
What is your stance on the federal minimum wage?
Raise it
Keep it the same
Lower it
Abolish it
Repeal the federal law and allow the states to decide
What is your stance on military spending?
Raise it
Keep it the same
Lower it
Privatize the military
What is your stance on abortion?
Pro-Life with exceptions
Pro-Choice with restrictions
Leave it to the states
Should a business be allowed to deny service to a potential customer because of personal beliefs? (Baking the cake)
Yes, a business should be able to deny service to whoever they want
No, a business must perform the service offered to the potential customer
Leave it to the states
Please Specify:
What is your stance on LEGAL immigration?
We should have open borders
We should encourage immigration with some restrictions
We should be more selective about which immigrants we allow in
We should allow very few immigrants in
We should have no immigration
Please Specify:
What is your stance on ILLEGAL immigration?
We should have open borders
We should grant amnesty and citizenship to all undocumented immigrants currently in the country
We should grant a path to citizenship for some immigrants
We should deport all illegal immigrants
We should build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants
Please Specify:
What is your view on climate change?
It is real and is a major threat
It is real and there should be some action taken
It is real but there are more important things to deal with at the moment
It is a hoax
What, if anything, should be done about climate change?
Mandates/pollution restrictions
Emissions tax
Cap-and-trade/pollution permits
Nothing at the federal level
Please Specify:
What is your stance on firearms rights?
Repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate all firearms
There should be more restrictions on the purchase/transfer firearms
The current level of restrictions on the purchase/transfer of firearms is acceptable
We should have less restrictions on the purchase/transfer of firearms
There should be no restrictions on the purchase/transfer of firearms
Repeal federal firearms laws and leave it to the states
Please Specify:
What is your view on drug prohibition?
Legalize only Marijuana
Decriminalize only Marijuana
Legalize all drugs
Legalize marijuana/decriminalize all drugs
Legalize or decriminalize most drugs with some exceptions
Prohibit more drugs
Repeal drug laws at the federal level and leave it to the states
Please Specify:
What is your stance on health care/insurance?
Single-payer system
Affordable Care Act
Repeal ACA but keep some provisions
Return to system before ACA
Free market for health care and insurance
Please Specify:
What is your stance on Voter ID laws
You should need to show a photo ID to vote
You should not be required to show a photo ID to vote
You should need to show a photo ID, but they should be provided free of charge
Leave it to the states
Please Specify:
What is your view on the Syrian Civil War?
We should stay out of it and stop providing arms or training to anyone involved
We should not be militarily engaged, but should continue to supply arms to rebels
We should destroy ISIS and leave Assad in power
We should destroy ISIS and overthrow Assad
We should overthrow Assad and ignore ISIS
Please Specify:
Should the US remain loyal to Israel?
We should be allies but less involved than we are now
Should Citizens United be overturned?
What is your stance on taxes
Raise taxes on the rich, and keep them the same/lower them for everyone else
Lower taxes on everyone
Eliminate federal taxation
Please Specify:
What is your stance on Social Security?
It should be left alone
The retirement age should be raised
It should be privatized
Please Specify:
What is your stance on the Federal Reserve?
It should be abolished
It should be audited
It should be left alone
It should be nationalized
Please Specify:
Thank you for taking the time to fill out my poll!
You're welcome
Screw you
Would you be willing to take another poll like this in the future?
{"name":"R\/Libertarian Community Poll", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"In broad terms, what is your political ideology?, You indicated that you identify as a Libertarian. Please pick the term that you believe most closely aligns with your personal beliefs., How would you rate your understanding of the study of Economics?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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