Biology Exploring Life - Chapter 9 Assesment

When a single-celled organism produces offspring by splitting into two identical new cells, the process is an example of
Sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction
Chromosome duplication
The difference between a cell in G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle is that
The cell contains more DNA in G2
By G2 the spindle has begun to form
Chromosomes are visible in G1
Mitosis follows G1
The S phase comes after G2
A sign that a eukaryotic cell has begun mitosis is
The spindle forms
The ribosome production stops
The chromatin becomes visible as chromosomes
The nucleolus disappears
All of the above
The amount of DNA in the nucleus of a cell is doubled during
Which of the following statements about the cell cycle is false?
A cell spends up to 90 percent of it's time in interphase
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells follow similar cell cycles
The speed of cell division varies withthe cell role within the organism
Some eukaryotic cells do not follow the cell cycle
Irregularities in the cell cycle can lead to disease
In interphase, after a cell duplicates it's DNA, each chromosome consists of
Two sister chromatids
Two centrioles
Two centromeres
Two spindles
Two cell plates
How does cytokinesis differ in plant cells and animal cells?
In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs in telophase; in plant cells, cytokinesis occurs in interphase
In animal cells, the plasma membrane pinches inward; in plant cells, a disl of cell wall material grows outward
In animals, the result is two diploid cells; in plants, two haploid cells result
Cytokinesis completes cell division in animals but not in plants
All of the above
The uncontrolled cell division of cancer cells is dangerous because
The cells can displace normal tissues
The cells can spread into surrounding tissues
The cells can migrate to other parts of the body
Cancer cells do not function as noraml tissue cells
All of the above
Both radiation and chemotherapy can be effective treatments for cancer because
They can stop cancer cells from dividing
They can remove tumors
They have few side effects
They cut off the blood supply to tumors
They only work on old, mature cells
How do homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids differ?
Homologous chromosomes are formed in mitosis, while sister chromatids are formed in meiosis
Homologous chromosomes are genetically identical, while the sister chromatids may carry different versions of their genes
Homologous chromosomes may carry different versions of their genes, while sister chromatids are genetically identical
Sister chromatids carry twice as much DNA as homologous chromosomes
During meiosis I sister chromtids seperate, while during meiosis II homologous chromosomes seperate
Which of the following statements about karyotypes is false?
A karyotype visually displays all of an individual's chromosomes
A karyotype shows how chromosomes in homologous pairs are always identical to their mates
A human karyotype contains 46 chromosomes
Human karyotypes contain 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes
In humans a female karyotype is different than a male karyotype
If not for meiosis, with each generation the chromosome number of a species of organism would
Remain constant
The two processes that ensure a contstant number of chromosomes from generation to generation in sexually reproducing species are
Mitosis and meiosis
Mitosis and fertilization
Meiosis and fertilization
Meiosis and cytokinesis
Mitosis and cytokinesis
Which of the following statements describes a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Meiosis produce four haploid cells, while mitosis produces two diploid cells
The offspring cells of mitosis are not genetically identical, while those of meiosis are.
Mitosis occurs after interphase, while meiosis occurs during interphase
Mitosis occurs in plant cells, while meiosis is unique to animal cells
Mitosis reduces the number of chromosomes, while meiosis maintains the same number of chromosomes
Meiosis II is similar to mitosis, except that
Instead of starting with a diploid cell, meiosis II starts with a haplpoid cell
In meiosis II, homologous chromosomes pair up
Centromeres are critical to mitosis, but absent in meiosis II
All of the above
None of the above
Which process generally plays a larger role in an organism's day-to-day survival, and why?
Meiosis, because it involves two nuclear divisions
Mitosis, because it results in diploid daughter cells
Meiosis, because it results in haploid daughter cells
Mitosis, because it is involved in an organism's growth and repair
Meiosis, because it allows for sexual reproduction
Genetic variation among offspring is ensured by the random assortment of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I and
In the seperation of chromatids during metaphase II
Crossing over
The formation of tetrads
The production of sister chromatids
All of the above
Crossing over occurs
During interphase
During mitosis
When homologous chromosomes are arranged as tetrads
During metaphase II of meiosis
As gametes unite during fertilization
The daughter cells of mitosis differ from those of meiosis in that
They are diploid
They are haploid
There are four of them rather than two
The chromosomes are single-stranded
They will form from gametes
During mitosis, the movement of chromosomes is guided by
Structures called centromeres
A framework of microtubles called the spindle
A cell plate
The nucleoli
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