Marion County Transportation Recert. Study Guide

In accordance with Section 19, the overhead amber lights should be activated...
400 feet before the stop
300 feet before the stop
200 feet before the stop
100 feet before the stop
When arriving at the designated stop, the overhead red lights should be activated...
50 feet before the stop
As soon as the bus comes to a complete stop
After the parking brake is engaged
After the service door is open
When arriving at the designated stop, the driver should...
Activate red lights, open door, apply parking brake
Open door, activate red lights, apply parking brake
Activate red lights, apply parking brake, open door
Apply parking brake, open door, activate red lights
When a passenger is required to cross a road, you should...
Honk the horn to signal them to pass
Use "stop" and "proceed" hand signals
Wait for them to cross
Pull over towards the opposite side of the road
Once the passenger is on the bus, you should...
Proceed as soon as they are aboard
Wait until the passenger is fully seated to disengage and proceed
Disengage and wait for the passenger to sit
Go slow until the passenger sits
If an oncoming vehicle passes while your stop sign is engaged, you should...
Honk twice and try to write their tag number if possible
Hold down the horn and wave at them
Take a picture of their tag
Turn the bus around and chase them
When using the equipped radio transceiver, how should you identify yourself?
"(Bus #) to base" and continue to talk
"(Bus #) to base" and wait for response
"Base" and wait for response
There is no need to; just proceed to talk
What is an appropriate distance from the handheld PTT to your mouth?
1-2 inches
2-3 inches
3-4 inches
4-5 inches
What does "10-1" declare?
Bad reception
Say again
Not available
What does "10-2" declare?
Bad reception
Not available
Good reception
What does "10-3" declare?
Not available
Stop transmitting
What does "10-4" declare?
Not available
Out of service
What does "10-5" declare?
Out of service
Not available
What does "10-6" declare?
In service
Out of service
Not available
What does "10-7" declare?
In service
Out of service
What does "10-8" declare?
In service
Be advised for weather
What does "10-9" declare?
I don't understand
Be advised for weather
What does "10-13" declare?
Be advised for weather
I don't understand
In case of emergency, you should...
Order an evacuation, toss the PTT out of the driver window, and assist.
Assist, order an evacuation, and toss the PTT out of the driver window
Stay in the bus until dispatch arrives
What is an appropriate distance between you and the bus after an evacuation?
50 feet
100 feet
150 feet
200 feet
{"name":"Marion County Transportation Recert. Study Guide", "url":"","txt":"In accordance with Section 19, the overhead amber lights should be activated..., When arriving at the designated stop, the overhead red lights should be activated..., When arriving at the designated stop, the driver should...","img":""}
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