What warrior cat clan do you belong to?

A cat from a different clan just crossed over the border line... What do you do?
Attack them. What else would I do?
Just ignore it. Whatever
Tell your leader, so he can address it at the next gathering
Warn them to not do it again, them let them go... But just this time
A fight has started between two border patrols... One on your side, and one on the other clans side. What do you do?
Just jump in and start fighting... What eles?
Run back and tell the leader what is happening
Well... duh, try to stop the fight before it gets worse
Walk away, whistling, pretending like you have no idea what is going on.
You just got back from a hunting patrol, and you are starving! You realize that there is barely any food, and the nursery queens and their kits haven't eaten yet... What do you do?
EAT! I AM STARVING! Queens can wait to eat later...
Give them some, but then eat immediatly afterwards
Give some to the queens, then wait to eat till the rest of the clan has eaten
You are more important, so you eat, then feel bad and go hunt again for more food for the elders
What environment do you like to hunt and fight in the most?
Lush, green forest... Where the mud is mushy beneath your paws...
Dark, pine. Duh. I dont mind my paws getting muddy
Clear, open moore, with a lot of hills. I like the open, with no trees
Somewhere with a river... Or some sort of water source
What time of day do you like to fight in?
Nightime is the best.... When no cat can see you AMBUSH them!!!
When there is wind, and the sun doesn't cast long shadows
Anytime works
When the water is the coldest 😁
How do other cats describe you?
Loyal.... dur!
Sneaky, and curious
Dark and mysterious
Rude and hungry for power
Always ready for battle
Peaceful and cool
Prepared and organized
Calm and collective
If you died, where would you want to go?
Starclan, of course
The dark forest... More of my type
What is up with your love life?
Love life? BLECH!!
My love life? I never even tried with that...
Yeah, I tried, but it didn't work out
It worked.... For a while
My mate and kits are dead!!
It worked beautifully!!
Last question... Your friend was planning on ambushing another clan.... Would you do it with them?
Heck, yeah!!!
Maybe... Let me think about it....
Sure, but if we get in trouble, I will blame it on you!
No, I must stay loyal to my clan!
{"name":"What warrior cat clan do you belong to?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A cat from a different clan just crossed over the border line... what do you do?, A fight has started between two border patrols... one on your side, and one on the other clans side. What do you do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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