Find Out: How Hype are you?
       Kids Across America runs on HYPE.
       HYPE is pure excitement for Christ,
              displayed by dancing,
             jumping, and cheering!!!

Finish this cheer: I can get hype all by myself...
I can get turnt whenever I want!
Jesus is the best thing I've ever felt!
Here at KAA!
Jesus is the best thing I've ever known!
The Birthday cheer begins, you...
Begin to clap along at your table.
Finish your current piece of chicken, wipe your hands, then begin to make your way to the middle of the DH.
Stop what you're doing to Jump up immediately and run to the middle of the DH and if your at a table with kampers, convenience your kampers to do the same.
Panic because You can't remember all the words but still go to join in on the cheer.
Who created the SUPER MAD CRAZY HYPE cheer?
Richard Marks
Joe White
Stephen Moore
Chantel Mack
Your Favorite time of day the Kamp day is...
Evening Program Dance Party
Hype session in the Dining Hall
Finish this cheer... If your _____ is still dry, you ain't getting hype.
The Proper way to stroll is...
With all of your might...with food in hand if necessary
Sitting down watching...
From the back... Not quite sure of all the moves yet
Jump to the front of the line to lead that stroll all around the DH.
A hype session begins you...
Look around to see if a kamper needs to go anywhere and volunteer to take them.
You JUMP UP AND RUN TOWARDS THE ACTION taking kampers with you!
You get so hype you push a kid off the stage.
Stay sitting at your table eating or reclining in your crazy creek at the back gym.
What do you do after prayer at breakfast?
You go get in line for cereal.
Come up with table chant.
Grab your whistle and start the Good Morning Cheer...
You sit down and wait for kampers to pass food plates.
When the Y.O. Is up you...
Go down..
You watch their every word, ready to cheer on them at the drop of a Um...
Sit there, praying they cut the cheers.
Continue talking to your CO.
On Vespers night you...
Sit in the stands to 'watch' the kampers
Have on full costume that you bought weeks ago when you found out the vespers theme and are still sweaty from going hard for the kampers at Say- So.
Run around last minute looking for a costume.
Show up in costume but your staff shirt is showing.
{"name":"Find Out: How Hype are you? Kids Across America runs on HYPE. HYPE is pure excitement for Christ, displayed by dancing, jumping, and cheering!!! HYPE IS A MINISTRY here at KAA...U KNOW.", "url":"","txt":"On Vespers night you...","img":""}
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