Vienso House

You find some money lying on the ground. It turns out to be 1000 dollars. What do you do?
You take it and use it up and pretend it's yours
You give it to the police
You go asking around if it's theirs
You give to a person and say it's for them
You leave it their and walk away
What do you want people to think of you
The Brave
The Rich and Famous
The Wise
The Kind
The Trustworthy
You are walking in the dark and you hear a noise, what do you do?
You try to find out where the noise is coming from
You run away screaming
You keep on walking but keep a look out
You stay were you are and keep looking around
Draw back into the shadows without making a noise and walking away slowly
Which symbol will represent your personality most?
A heart
A peace sign
Two swords clashing together
A cloud representing 'dreamer'
A tree representing a 'wanderer'
What type of animal do you like?
You find out that one of your friends are cheating in a quiz and your teacher is suspicious and asks you if it's true after the quiz, what do you do?
You say the teacher should ask your friends himself and if your friend doesn't say the truth you will tell the teacher yourself
Say the truth
You have already told the teacher right after you realised what was happening
Say you didn't see because you were so absorbed in the quiz
The headmasters study is burning down and there are 5 things that are really important, what do you save?
The first cure ever of a really bad disease
A treasure chest in which are treasures that can make you that wealthiest and most famous person ever
The headmasters pet which is squeaking for help
The records of all student throughout the years
A book in which the headmasters idol has signed his book
You are walking on a path when you come to an end leading to five separate paths, which one do you take?
What do you do when you come across a lost child?
Leave it where it was, it's none of your business
Call the police
Go looking around for her mother or father
Wait with it to see if the mom comes back
Take the child home and give her some food then report to the police
There are 5 people stuck in a tower that is burning up, who do you save first?
A woman with a child
Your best friend
You wouldn't save anyone because you are to scared
Your crush
You would save everyone at the same time even if it is a risk
{"name":"Vienso House", "url":"","txt":"You find some money lying on the ground. It turns out to be 1000 dollars. What do you do?, You are walking in the dark and you hear a noise, what do you do?, Which symbol will represent your personality most?","img":""}
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