Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Mon, 21 Dec 20
[2012.09858] L.T. Giorgini, W. Moon, N. Chen et al.: A Non-Gaussian Stochastic Model for the El Niño Southern Oscillation
[2012.09898] Andrew J. Mason: Learning goals and perceived irrelevance to major within life science majors in introductory physics
[2012.09899] S.M. Shaaban, M. Lazar, R. Schlickeiser: Electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability stimulated by the suprathermal ions in space plasmas: A quasi-linear approach
[2012.09900] Andrew J. Mason: Perceived irrelevance and mastery vs. Performance achievement goals: Two mindset variables within attitudinal experiences of life science majors in introductory physics
[2012.09902] Navid Abedzadeh, M. A. R. Krielaart, Chung-Soo Kim et al.: Electrostatic electron mirror in SEM for simultaneous imaging of top and bottom surfaces of a sample
[2012.09914] Md. Selim Habib, Christos Markos, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa: Impact of cladding elements on the loss performance of hollow-core anti-resonant fibers
[2012.09928] Yi Zeng, Shu-Yan Zhang, Hong-Tao Zhou et al.: Broadband inverted T-shaped seismic metamaterial
[2012.09931] Oscar Boyadjian, Étienne Boulais, Thomas Gervais: Experiments on transformation microfluidics: cloaking flow and transport without metamaterials
[2012.09967] V. Lebedev, J. Jarvis, H. Piekarz et al.: Conceptual Design Report: Optical Stochastic Cooling at IOTA
[2012.09979] V. B. Verma, B. Korzh, A. B. Walter et al.: Single-photon detection in the mid-infrared up to 10 micron wavelength using tungsten silicide superconducting nanowire detectors
[2012.09985] Yao Duan, Xingwang Zhang, Yimin Ding et al.: Single-Cavity Bi-Color Laser Enabled by Optical Anti-Parity-Time Symmetry
[2012.09994] Liam Nolan, Mira Mechtley, Rogier Windhorst et al.: Interactive Cosmology Visualization Using the Hubble UltraDeep Field Data in the Classroom
[2012.10005] Adrián Lozano-Durán, Hyunji Jane Bae: Self-critical machine-learning wall-modeled LES for external aerodynamics
[2012.10007] Paulo F. Jarschel, Erick Lamilla, Yovanny A. V. Espinel et al.: Intermodal Brillouin scattering in solid-core photonic crystal fibers
[2012.10010] Atefeh Fazel-Najafabadi, Sebastian Schuster, Baptiste Auguié: Orientation Averaging of Optical Chirality Near Nanoparticles and Aggregates
[2012.10027] Rahil N. Valani, Anja C. Slim, David M. Paganin et al.: Unsteady dynamics of a classical particle-wave entity
[2012.10028] Elizabeth Paul, Matt Landreman, Thomas Antonsen Jr: Gradient-based optimization of 3D MHD equilibria
[2012.10045] Garima Arora, P Bandyopadhyay, M G Hariprasad et al.: Experimental observation of pinned solitons in a flowing dusty plasma
[2012.10058] Yu-Wen Chen, Sourav Medya, Yi-Chun Chen: Investigating the Ground-level Ozone Formation and Future Trend in Taiwan
[2012.10059] Sonal Saxena, Suman Bagchi, Mohammad Tayyab et al.: Enhanced broadband Terahertz radiation from two colour laser pulse interaction with thin dielectric solid target in air
[2012.10061] M. Leconte: Phase-mixing v.s. Phase synchronization in the dynamics of flow-shear induced edge transport barrier
[2012.10072] Satoshi Taguchi, Tetsuro Tsuji: A generalized slip-flow theory for a slightly rarefied gas flow induced by discontinuous wall temperature
[2012.10088] Ting Dong, Jie Luo, Hongchen Chu et al.: Breakdown of Maxwell Garnett theory due to evanescent fields at deep-subwavelength scale
[2012.10096] Sunil Kumar, Arvind Singh, Sandeep Kumar et al.: Enhancement in optically induced ultrafast THz response of MoSe2MoS2 heterobilayer
[2012.10097] A.-M. Bachmann, P. Muggli, AWAKE Collaboration: Beam Diagnostics in the Advanced Plasma Wakefield Experiment AWAKE
[2012.10108] Dirk Nikolaus Karger, Adam M. Wilson, Colin Mahony et al.: Global daily 1km land surface precipitation based on cloud cover-informed downscaling
[2012.10119] Daniel Flamm, Daniel Günther Grossmann, Marc Sailer et al.: Structured light for ultrafast laser micro- and nanoprocessing
[2012.10137] Utkarsh Jain, Patricia Vega-Martínez, Devaraj van der Meer: Air Entrapment and its effect on Pressure Impulses in the slamming of a Flat Disc on Water
[2012.10158] Leonardo Assis Morais, Till Weinhold, Marcelo P. de Almeida et al.: Precisely determining photon-number in real-time
[2012.10163] Filippos Kapsalidis, Barbara Schneider, Matthew Singleton et al.: Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser frequency combs with a microstrip-like line waveguide geometry
[2012.10165] M. A. Elhawary: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active Flow Control around a Circular Cylinder Using Unsteady-mode Plasma Actuators
[2012.10183] Benjamin Ramberger, Georg Kresse: New insights into the 1D carbon chain through the RPA
[2012.10205] Daniel Andrén, Denis G. Baranov, Steven Jones et al.: Microscopic Metavehicles Powered and Steered by Embedded Optical Metasurfaces
[2012.10207] Julia Auernhammer, Tom Keil, Binbin Lin et al.: Mapping Humidity-dependent Mechanical Properties of a Single Cellulose Fibre
[2012.10220] V. Reboud, D. Buca, H. Sigg et al.: Lasing in Group-IV materials
[2012.10222] Giovanni Ferioli, Antoine Glicenstein, Loic Henriet et al.: Storage and release of subradiant excitations in a dense atomic cloud
[2012.10245] Tom T. B. Wester, Johannes Krauss, Lars Neuhaus et al.: How to design a 2D active grid for dynamic inflow modulation
[2012.10247] Antonin Billaud, David Allioux, Nicolas Laurenchet et al.: Pointing Error Compensation For Inter-Satellite Communication Using Multi-Plane Light Conversion Spatial Demultiplexer
[2012.10269] Adrien Devolder, Paul Brumer, Timur V. Tscherbul: Complete quantum coherent control of ultracold molecular collisions
[2012.10270] Julien Chauchat, David Hurther, Thibaud Revil-Baudard et al.: On the physical origin of enhanced turbulent-dispersion of inertial particles in boundary layer flows
[2012.10273] V. Lherm, R. Deguen, T. Alboussière et al.: Rayleigh-Taylor instability during impact cratering experiments
[2012.10297] J. A. Saenz, T. D. Ringler: A Prognostic, One-Equation Model of Meso-Scale Eddy Momentum Fluxes
[2012.10328] M. Lytova, M. Spanner, I. Tamblyn: Deep learning and high harmonic generation
[2012.10334] Daria Popova-Gorelova, Robin Santra: Atomic-scale imaging of laser-driven electron dynamics in solids using subcycle-resolved x-ray-optical wave mixing
[2012.10336] D. Kalincev, L. S. Dreissen, A. P. Kulosa et al.: Motional heating of spatially extended ion crystals
[2012.10346] L. Caldwell, M. R. Tarbutt: A general approach to state-dependent optical tweezer traps for polar molecules
[2012.10382] P. Amaro, J. P. Santos, S. Bhattacharyya et al.: Stabilization method with Relativistic Configuration-interaction applied to two-electron resonances
[2012.10383] Christian Kriso, Avijit Barua, Obaid Mohiuddin et al.: Frequency-modulated comb in a VECSEL
[2012.10385] Hamza Varikoden, Bhupendra Bahadur Singh, K.P. Sooraj et al.: Large Scale Features of Southwest Monsoon During 2015
[2012.10386] J. Sanjay, R. Krishnan, M.V.S. Ramarao et al.: Future Climate Change Projections over the Indian Region
[2012.10387] J. Sanjay, M. V. S. Ramarao, R. Mahesh et al.: Regional Climate Change Datasets for South Asia
[2012.10392] Jorge Vicent, Jochem Verrelst, Juan Pablo Rivera-Caicedo et al.: Emulation as an Accurate Alternative to Interpolation in Sampling Radiative Transfer Codes
[2012.10393] Devis Tuia, Benjamin Kellenberger, Adrian Pérez-Suay et al.: A deep network approach to multitemporal cloud detection
[2012.10394] Michael Steininger, Daniel Abel, Katrin Ziegler et al.: Deep Learning for Climate Model Output Statistics
[2012.10395] David Malmgren-Hansen, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen, Valero Laparra et al.: Transfer Learning with Convolutional Networks for Atmospheric Parameter Retrieval
[2012.10396] Luis Gómez-Chova, Gonzalo Mateo-García, Jordi Muñoz-Marí et al.: Cloud detection machine learning algorithms for PROBA-V
[2012.10397] Francisco Javier García-Haro, Manuel Campos-Taberner, Álvaro Moreno et al.: A global Canopy Water Content product from AVHRR/Metop
[2012.10408] Eunok Yim, Ambre Bouillant, David Quéré et al.: Stability of Leidenfrost drops inner flows
[2012.10414] Fernando Chierchie, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni, Leandro Stefanazzi et al.: Smart-readout of the Skipper-CCD: Achieving Sub-electron Noise Levels in Regions of Interest
[2012.10430] Fabian Böhm, Thomas Van Vaerenbergh, Guy Verschaffelt et al.: Suppressing amplitude inhomogeneity enhances computational performance of Ising machines: why the choice of nonlinearity matters
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 21 Dec 20","img":""}
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