Are you a fake or genuine friend

Do you respect every one, or just people with power?
People with power
Do yo try to get people to like you?
No, I don't care who likes me
Yes, I want everyone to like me
I bit of both maybe
Do you look for attention
A bit
Yes, I'm an attention seeket
Do yo show off all the time
No I don't brag
Yes, all the time!
Maybe a bit
Do you gossip
Yes! I can't help it
No, I always express my opinion about everyone to their face
Do you keep your commitments
Yes, I always try to keep them
No, I never keep them
Do yo put other people down to make your self look better
Yes, I do
No, I admire and praise others
Are you nice and helpful all of the time
Only when I need something out of it
Yes, I generally try to be
{"name":"Are you a fake or genuine friend", "url":"","txt":"Do you respect every one, or just people with power?, Do yo try to get people to like you?, Do you look for attention","img":""}
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