Women in Leadership

Your level of Education
What is your current occupation?
What is your biggest fear regarding your career?
To be fired
The difficulty of finding a new job
Earning low income
Not having an opportunity to be promoted to senior executive positions
Failing to manage a team
Not meeting expectations/not delivering
What are your career aspirations?
To earn a high salary
To be promoted to top senior executive positions
To manage a team
To have a solid retirement plan
To have a work-life balance
In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge that may affect your career?
Difficulties in negotiations and persuasion
Difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance
Difficulty in establishing myself as a credible leader
Difficulty in voicing my opinion
Difficulty in understanding what is expected of me
Do you think you have experienced certain gender stereotypes at your workplace/university?
Skip question
If answered yes, across which one of these stereotypes you have come most often?
Qualitative approach rather than quantitative
Quantitative approach rather than qualitative
In your opinion, what is the most important issue faced by women today in the workplace?
Glass Ceiling
Work-life balance
Gender discrimination in the workplace
Lack of inspirational leaders
Lack of mobility opportunities
Low salaries
To what extend do you agree with the following statement: "There is an acute imbalance of women leaders in today's modern business environment"?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Please select the statement you agree with the most to answer the following question: How would you rate the gender balance at your work place?
Higher representation of Men in Senior Roles
Men and Women at equally represented in Senior Roles at my work place
Higher representation of Women in Senior Roles
In your opinion, how well businesses address the issue of gender equality at executive CEO level?
Very good
To what extend do you agree with the following statement: it is important for organisations to implement programs that are specifically targeted at development of women in leadership roles?
Extremely important
Very important
Neither important nor unimportant
Extremely unimportant
Are you aware of any specific program implemented at your organisation/institution designed specifically for developing women leadership?
Extremely aware
Somehow aware
Slightly aware
Not aware at all
In your opinion, which level is the most important for women in relation to leadership development?
What type of women leadership workshop would be most beneficial for future female executives?
Executive Education Programs
Networking events (informal)
Official conferences (formal)
Self-learning via online training tools
Personal Coach (from outside of company)
Inspirational mentorship (from within company)
In your opinion when planning a Female Leadership Programme, companies should focus on developing which skill?
Work-life balance
Mental resilience
In your opinion, today companies have the following approach to developing female leaders:
Plan to offer effective programs
Offer effectieve programs
Remain at observational level, debating the need for such programs
Do not have in place any programs targeted at developing female leaders
In your opinion, how modern organisational climate supports female leadership?
Great extent
Moderate extent
Does not support at all
Neither of the above mentioned options
In your opinion, what is the major organisational challenge for companies in relation to having more female leaders?
Not having enough of qualified women in the leadership pipeline
Retaining women that would eventually reach leadership levels
Having work-life balance that would attract and retain more females
Having to combat the "Boys Club" mentality
Identification of high-potential candidates at early stage
In your opinion, to what extent female professionals support female leaders?
Strong support
Moderate support
Do not support at all
Neither of the above mentioned options
{"name":"Women in Leadership", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your level of Education, What is your current occupation?, What is your biggest fear regarding your career?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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