Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Knowledge Check

Type your First and Last Name
True or False: Nissin is the Original Instant Noodle Company.
Nutritional qualities of Cup Noodles Very Veggie are:
No added MSG.
No Artificial Flavors.
A full serving of Veggies.
All of the Above.
Who is the main competitor of Nissin brand Noodles?
Cup Noodles
Instant Ramen
Chow Mein
True or False: The Cup Noodles will be sent to your house before the visit and you should bring them with you to the GameStop store.
The Goal of the Visit is to:
A. Distribute Cup Noodles.
B. Sell Video Games.
C. Talk to customers about Very Veggie Cup Noodles.
D. Both A & C.
After arriving at the GameStop store, you should
Start making noodles.
Ask the Manager if there is a table you can use to distribute product from.
Start handing out Cup Noodles.
Play video games.
Cup Noodles Very Veggie come in what 3 flavors:
Vegetable, Shrimp, & Chicken
Pork, Shrimp, & Chicken
Chicken, Beef, & Spicy Chicken
Beef, Pork, Shrimp
If there is any product remaining after the visit, what should you do with it?
Take it with you.
Eat it.
Sell it.
Leave it with the Store Manager.
True or False: Cup Noodles Very Veggie is the first and only Instant Ramen containing a full serving of Vegetables.
After completing the Visit, you should
Fill out the Recap Report.
Leave leftover product with the Manger.
Thank the Manager.
All of the Above.
{"name":"Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Knowledge Check", "url":"","txt":"Type your First and Last Name, True or False: Nissin is the Original Instant Noodle Company., Nutritonal qualities of Cup Noodles Very Veggie are:","img":""}
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