4.5 voting history test

This amendment gave African Americans the right to vote
This amendment gave women the right to vote
In the 1800s, who could vote?
African Americans
White property owners
What was used as a way to keep African Americans from voting?
Literacy tests
Racial profiling
Age restrictions
When were women granted the right to vote?
T/F: In the 1800s, anyone over the age of 15 could vote.
T/F: "Suffrage" is the right to vote in political elections
T/F: The "Green Party" was established as an alternative to the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian parties
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
Literacy Test
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
Poll tax
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
The Magnuson Act
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
A hindrance to African Americans who wanted to vote in the 1800s
A prerequisite to the registration for voting until 1966
The right to vote
Gave Chinese immigrants the right to vote
The status of being a citizen of a particular country
An expression of a wish will, or choice made by a process of voting
Essay Question: Compare and contrast the voting struggles faced by women and by African Americans. How were they similar and how were they different?
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