2301 PYSC FINAL Practice test Major Exam 2

#1. "If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated." This is a statement of ________.
Garcia's conditional emotional response
Thorndike's Law of Effect
The Law of Positive Reinforcement
Rescorla's cognitive perspective
#2. In this view, memories are literally "built" from the pieces stored away at encoding. This view is called _________.
Constructive processing
Hindsight bias
Adaptation of memory traces
flashbulb integration
#3. Suzy looks up from her lunch, realizing that Jacques has just said something to her. What was it? Oh, yes, he has just asked her if she wants to go to the movies. Suzy's ability to retrieve what Jacques said is due to her _________.
iconic sensory memory
tactile sensory memory
Echoic sensory memory
Short-term memory
#4 An operant conditioning technique in which a learner gains conscious control over his or her own biological response is ________.
Social learning
Contingency training
Cellular training
#5. Which of the following statements is CORRECT concerning the concept of sex and dreams?
Men dream more each night than women.
Women tend to dream twice as much as men.
Research reports that men and women differ in the things they dream about.
Men and women typically dream about similar things.
#6. After Little Albert acquired a conditioned fear of rats, Watson wanted to see how he would react to a white rabbit, cotton wool, and a Santa Claus mask. He was studying whether or not ________ had occurred.
Stimulus discrimination
behavior modification
Stimulus generalization
#7. Which of the following statements about flashbulb memories is true?
People feel unconfident about their recall of flashbulb memories.
Your memory of how you felt at the onset of a flashbulb memory rarely changes over time.
Flashbulb memories tend to be about as accurate as other types of memories.
A major news event automatically causes a person to store a flashbulb memory.
#8. When given a list of items to remember, people tend to do better at recalling the last items on the list. This is known as the _________.
Primacy effect
chunking effect
Recency effect
phi phenomenon
#9. A. R. Luria studied a mnemonist with phenomenal memory. This person had several problems associated with the ability. Which was one was reported in your textbook?
Cognitive penetrance
Repressed memory syndrome
Separating trivial from important memories
tip-of-the-tongue aphasia
#10. What would you expect to see on the EEG record of a person who is engaged in an episode of sleepwalking?
Evidence of deep sleep (stages 3 or 4)
Paradoxical sleep waves
Very large sleep spindles
a record that is virtually the same as a daydreaming person
#11. The case of Father Bernard Pagano, who was identified by seven eyewitnesses as a criminal, was an instance of a _________.
Tip-of-the-tongue effect
False positive
Primacy effect
Retrieval failure
#12. REM behavior disorder most commonly occurs ________.
in men over 60
Among the poor
In women under 60
In children
#13. Our sleep-wake cycle follows a(n) ________rhythm.
#14. In Bandura's study with the Bobo doll, the children in the group who saw the model punished did not imitate the model at first. They would only imitate the model if given a reward for doing so. The fact that these children had obviously learned the behavior without actually performing it is an example of ________.
Operant conditioning
Latent learning
insight learning
Classical conditioning
#15. Janie is taking an exam in her history class. On the exam, there is a question that asks her to state and discuss the five major causes of the Trans-Caspian War (whatever that was!). Janie remembers four of them. She knows there is a fifth, but time is up. As Janie is walking down the stairs, all of a sudden, she remembers the fifth point, but it is too late. Janie had a problem with _________.
#16. Someone a short distance away, to whom you have been paying no attention, quietly speaks your name, and suddenly you attend to that person. This is an example of _________.
The phi phenomenon
Cue-controlled inhibition
The cocktail party effect
Broadbent's process of selective memory
#17. Sleep research supports three helpful hints to avoid insomnia. Which of the following statements is one of them?
Avoid meditation or relaxation techniques, as they interfere with your circadian rhythm.
Stay in bed if you cannot fall asleep so that you don't "wake up" your brain.
Try to nap as much as possible.
It is better to go to bed at about the same time every night.
#18. Judith is startled when her 6-year-old daughter, Laura, sleepwalks into the family room. It is most likely that Laura is experiencing the ________ stage of the sleep cycle.
#19. LSD is similar to which of the following drugs?
#20. Freud believed that dreams ________.
Stem from unconscious conflicts, memories, and desires
are ways to solve problems
are reflections of consciousness
Are sexual perversions
#21. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following components "elicits" a response?
#22. Albert was a little boy who was shown to be remarkably resistant to having his emotional responses conditioned by Watson. Watson presented Albert with a cute little furry rat and then rang a loud bell. Later, Albert should have become scared of the bell, but this never happened.
#23. Which of the following is classified as a depressant?
#24. Which model of memory is most similar in conceptualization to the way computers function?
parallel distributed processing model
information-processing model
Craik and Lockhart's model
#25. How does the activation-synthesis hypothesis explain dreaming?
The cortex making sense of signals from the brain stem
Biological attempts to make recent memories more permanent
the surfacing of repressed sexual urges
the use of elaborate symbolism to disguise "unthinkable" topics
#26. Retrieving information from long-term memory is done by assembling information from various brain locations in a process known as _________.
Automatic processing
Constructive processing
#27. Alzheimer's disease accounts for between _________ and _________ percent of all dementia cases in the United States.
#28. Which technique is most widely used by therapists to help clients recover lost childhood memories?
Electroconvulsive therapy
"truth" serum
Gestalt therapy
#29. Your brain waves are being monitored in a sleep laboratory. If you are in deep sleep less than an hour after falling asleep, what brain waves will be detected?
#30. A monthly paycheck best represents a ________ schedule of reinforcement.
Variable ratio
fixed interval
Fixed ratio
Variable interval
#31. Sleep research supports three of the following helpful hints. Which statement is NOT accurate?
Don't try too hard to get to sleep.
Sleeping pills help cure insomnia.
It is better to go to bed at about the same time every night.
Don't do anything in your bed but sleep.
#32. In the partial report method of Sperling's study of sensory memory, the participants were to report _________.
the middle letter of each line
Only one or two of the letters in the cued line
the first letter of each line only
One of three lines of letters as indicated by the sound of a tone immediately presented after the letters had disappeared
#33. The research of Eich and Metcalf would suggest that if you were really happy when you were learning math, you should be _________ when taking the math exam to do well.
#34. A psychologist asks people to recall the name of their kindergarten teacher. Surprisingly, the majority of people correctly do this and comment, "Gee whiz, I haven't thought about that old bat [or old coot] in years!" Their ability to do so tends to conflict with which theory of forgetting?
Retroactive interference
Decay or disuse
Encoding failure
interference theory
#35. Which of the following pairs belong together?
MDMA; acetylcholine
LSD; tetrahydrocannabinol
Marijuana; psilocybin
marijuana; tetrahydrocannabinol
#36. If you have been waking up too early for several weeks, you are probably suffering from ________.
Reverse insomnia
#37. The key to the partial report method of Sperling's study of sensory memory was to _________.
Cue the participants, using a tone, as to which line of the matrix they were to report
Test the use of chunking
Have the participants report the entire matrix of letters they saw as fast as they could
Have the participants report the entire matrix of letters but mask the letters after the presentation with a very bright light
#38. Which of these is an example of what has been called infantile amnesia?
Johnny, age 10, has no memory of a family vacation that occurred when he was 2 years old.
Betty, age 25, can recall only good memories of what happened when she was 4 to 5 years old.
Despite the fact that Alice, age 35, played the piano from ages 3 through 13, she has very little ability to do so now.
When faced with a horrible stressor, some people return to an earlier stage of development, such as infancy, for the comfort that it provides.
#39. What term do psychologists use to designate our personal awareness of feelings, sensations, and thoughts?
#40. The sleep-wake cycle is ultimately controlled by the part of the brain called the ________.
Optical nerve
Median forebrain bundle
frontal lobe
#41. A circadian cycle is about ________ hours long.
#42. Daydreaming, meditation, intoxication, sleep, and hypnosis are all types of ________.
Waking consciousness
altered states of consciousness
#43. You spend days wandering aimlessly around a park with many different paths that end at different parts of the park. One day when you arrive at the park, you get a call on your cell phone from your cousin whom you haven't seen for years, and she says she is waiting for you in a particular section of the park. Even though the paths are complicated and twisted, you manage to find the shortest route to your cousin. Tolman would explain your efficient passage through the park as an example of ________.
Spontaneous recovery
Formation of a cognitive map
unconscious trial-and-error imagery
#44. The Brelands tried to condition pigs to drop wooden coins into a bank. This turned out not to be easy, as the pigs tended to make instinctual responses as compared to the learned responses.
#45. In the famous case of H. M., after having part of his brain removed, he could no longer _________.
Pay attention to specific stimuli
retrieve memories
Make sense of memories
Form new memories
#46. You find it hard to sleep due to your roommate's sleeping behavior. She snores quite a bit and at times it sounds as though she has great difficulty breathing. Your roommate may have ________.
Night terrors
Sleep apnea
#47. In one study, over 2,500 photographs were shown to participants, one every 10 seconds. Participants were then shown pairs of photographs in which one member of each pair was one of the previously seen photographs. Accuracy for identifying the previously seen photos was _________.
50 to 60 percent
85 to 95 percent
10 to 20 percent
70 to 80 percent
#48. There have been cases in which sleepwalking was a successful murder defense.
#49. When Keller and Marian Breland, two psychologists who became animal trainers, decided that it would be cute to have a pig drop a big wooden coin into a box, they found that _______________.
The pig showed intrinsic interest in the task, and so reinforcement was unnecessary
The pig displayed instinctive drift by dropping the coin and pushing it around with its nose
Food was not an effective reinforcer for the pig, and so learning didn't occur
When given edible roots as reinforcers, the pig learned the task in less than ten trials
#50. Your friend has experienced excessive daytime sleepiness. He is laughing with you and suddenly falls to the ground. Your friend is probably suffering from ________.
REM rebound
sleep apnea
{"name":"2301 PYSC FINAL Practice test Major Exam 2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"#1. \"If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated.\" This is a statement of ________., #2. In this view, memories are literally \"built\" from the pieces stored away at encoding. This view is called _________., #3. Suzy looks up from her lunch, realizing that Jacques has just said something to her. What was it? Oh, yes, he has just asked her if she wants to go to the movies. Suzy's ability to retrieve what Jacques said is due to her _________.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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