Scientists in Black History-Find out which scientific figure in black history most relates to you

Check EVERY statement that applies to you
I enjoy science fiction movies
I enjoy action movies
I like to go on adventures
I like sad movies/stories
I root for the underdog
Space exploration interests me
I think it would be fun to be an astronaut
I enjoy books about animals
I like going to zoos
I like learning about animal behavior
I find bugs interesting
I like to learn new things
I watch Animal Planet and Discovery Channel
I like to figure out how things work
I like finding interesting ways to solve problems
I sometimes take things apart just to put it back together again
I like to be part of a team
I like electronics
I'm interested in learning about sound waves
I like to create
I like to find clever ways to use tools/use things for reasons other than their intended purpose
I would enjoy/have considered becoming a doctor when I grow up
I like stories about strong women
I enjoy talking to/visiting/helping elderly people
I like to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves
I remember learning about Thomas Edison's inventions and thought it was interesting
I don't mind being behind the scenes/I don't like the spotlight
I like to learn about energy sources/where energy comes from
I like using electronic devices
I'm very curious
I like to help people
I like learning about history
I enjoy problem-solving
I like tv shows about doctors
I value hard work
I know what it's like to have people doubt me or say I can't do something
I like success stories
I enjoy learning about how different parts of the human body work
I'm a proud Arkansas/I like Arkansas History
I'd like to work in a school or college
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