Ancient India

India is classified as a ___
A Subcontinent, which is a large separated piece of land.
The world's largest coal export
The best country in the world
What is a monsoon?
A type of rodent widely hunted by ancient Indians
Absolute Zero
A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ).
A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of India that blows one direction in both Summer and WInter
How do they help and negatively impact India?
It brings water and cools the climate, but makes animal babies die instantly.
It brings water and cools the climate, but also can flood and knock houses down.
It has no positive or negative impacts
Monsoons do not exist.
What is a guru?
A teacher like figure.
Gogurt - Low Calorie
A leader of the subcontinent
A type of floating device used to rescue those stuck in nets.
What is Hinduism's main written language?
The Four Vedas
How many Veda's were there?
Eight, and they taught how to reach Nirvana.
Four, and they taught how to reach Nirvana.
Four, and they taught wisdom about the world and religion.
Eight, and they taught wisdom about the world and religion.
What is the BEST explination of Hinduism?
A polytheistic India-based yoga class that believes to reach the Brahma you have to follow the divine rule of dharma to get good karma to be reincarnated into a higher or lower caste eventually stopping.
A monotheistic India-based religion that believes to reach the Brahma you have to follow the divine rule of dharma to get good karma to be reincarnated into a higher or lower caste eventually stopping.
A polytheistic China-based religion that believes to reach the Brahma you have to follow the divine rule of dharma to get good karma to be reincarnated into a higher or lower caste eventually stopping.
A polytheistic India-based religion that believes to reach the Brahma you have to follow the divine rule of dharma to get good karma to be reincarnated into a higher or lower caste eventually stopping.
You can be reborn into a higher or lower caste in Hinduism by fufilling your dharma and getting karma. In Buddhism, you can be reborn into any body.This process is called...
What is the caste system?
A system build by the Indians to make sure others don't kill Egyptian Pharaohs.
A method introduced by the Aryans built to control and conquer the mass of Indians by splitting them into ranks, from high to low.
What are the castes of the system?
Brahmin, Kshatryia, Vaisya, and Sudras.
Brahmin, Kshatryia, Vaisya, and Selia
What are the roles of the system that are correct? Select them all.
Brahmin: The priests
Brahmin: The noble warriors
Kshatriya: The farmers
Kshatriya: The cow butchers
Kshatriya: The Warriors / Council
Vaisya - The servants
Vaisya - The middle class traders/artisans
Sudra - The children
Sudra - The boat workers
Sudra - Unskilled workers
If you have to preform duties that are dirty, unwanted, and are not allowed to make physical or social contact with those outside of your separate village you are...
A common Sudra child.
A mesiah, a rank so high it is the very tip of the pyramid.
An untouchable, a rank so high it is not even on the pyramid.
An untouchable, a rank so low it is not even on the pyramid.
What is the best definition of Buddhism?
A religion that was created by Siddhartha Guatama, a prince who left home to discover sickness, suffering, and death. He meditated for 49 days and nights until he found the answers to the world in the Eightfold Path and the Four Veda's to reach Nirvana, a state of wisdom.
The nickname of a Dairy Queen in Bangladesh.
A religion that was created by Siddhartha Guatamala, a king who left his palace to be presented with happiness, richness, and wellness.
Grace's eyebrows.
What is Nirvana?
Where Buddhists want to go. It is not a place, but a state of wisdom where you give up all human wants and discover the truth of life.
A good band.
What are the eight steps to the eightfold path?
Grace's eyebrows.
Right views, right angles, right boat, right judgment, and right counting.
: right views, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.
How does following the eightfold path affect them?
It helps them know how to follow the Upanishads, and eventually reach the Brahman.
It helps them know how to follow the Four Noble Truths, eventually to reach Nirvana.
What are the concequences in your life that could rather let you go to an upper caste of go down to a lower caste called?
What is the divine law that states the duties you must complete in your life to get good karma?
The main civilizations in India are located in a _______
Mountian Valley
River Valley
What are the benefits of living in a River Valley? Select all that apply.
Fertile Land
Turtle pets
Easy Trade & Transport
Easy Mudbrick creation
Water usage
A group of European travelers that came through the Himalaya mountians on chariots and created the caste system are the_____
Siddhartha Guatama
The British
The Germans during WW II
The Aryans
One of the main groups of people that settled along the Indus River Valley and created many mysterious and useful innovations are
The Harrapans.
The Indus
Who is Siddhartha Guatama?
A prince that created Buddhism after going outside and seeing sickness, suffering, and death. He found himself in the state of Nirvana after 49 days of meditation and 49 nights under a tree. He found worshippers and became the Buddha.
An old king that partnered with the Christan god's belifs to create Buddhism after living in royalty for all his life.
Who is the Brahman?
The universal spirit in Hinduism of all combined deities. After death, Hindu people are reincartnated with the end goal to meet him.
A Buddhism god.
{"name":"Ancient India", "url":"","txt":"India is classified as a ___, What is a monsoon?, How do they help and negatively impact India?","img":""}

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