Quick Check 1: Police Brutality

What is the best definition of "Police Brutality"?
Any use of force in police encounters with civilians.
The use of excessive and/or unnecessary physical force in police encounters with civilians.
The use of excessive and/or unnecessary force in police encounters with civilians.
The use of police dogs to physically attack a suspect, in any situation.
Which of the following is NOT considered a level of force?
Using lethal weapons.
Using less lethal weapons.
Using verbalization.
Using communication systems to request helicopter backup.
In Chicago, the majority of complaints against police are investigated and resulted in harsh punishment for the prosecuted officers.
{"name":"Quick Check 1: Police Brutality", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the best definition of \"Police Brutality\"?, Which of the following is NOT considered a level of force?, In Chicago, the majority of complaints against police are investigated and resulted in harsh punishment for the prosecuted officers.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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