Who is your Character?

You have left home and are headed to the capital. Along the way, a kindly (but talkative) farmer has offered you a ride.
Not one to let silence settle, the man begins to ask several questions.
You are tired, and this ride has relieved your aching feet, so you decide to humor him...
You have left home and are headed to the capital. Along the way, a kindly (but talkative) farmer has offered you a ride.
Not one to let silence settle, the man begins to ask several questions.
You are tired, and this ride has relieved your aching feet, so you decide to humor him...
Tell me about yourself; who are your parents?
You probably wouldn't know them
I know a lot of people...do they live in a castle?
No, we're really just an average family
Of course, doesn't everyone?
I don't believe anyone is average. Surely even you have some great deeds under your belt!
Nothing of note, that's why I'm headed out into the world
Now that you mention it, I once saved my whole city!
Where is this city you came from?
It's a fair-sized farming community in the plains
Deep, deep in the forest
Well, actually it was a monastery
Oh! A pilgrim eh? Are you on a mission of faith?
Yes, I am following the edict of the holy men
No, I pray mostly on my own
The city can be a rough place...when I was your age it was hard to come by an honest living
I did what I had to to survive
Honest folks can always find honest work
A fellow survivor! The injustice of the barons can drive many to revolt in their own way.
I did what I could to funnel their money to the needy
I pretended to be one for a while, it was easy to mimic their pompous ways
You served the royal army, didn't you?
Yes sir, 4 years
Not at all
Then what did you serve?
My family's generations-old business
The greatest master of all: Knowledge
What kind of business is your family in?
We are artisans and craftsmen
We are entertainers
Hush! There are bandits approaching. It looks like they want to block the bridge. How do we pass safely?
We overcome them with force!
Fear not, I wield great mystical powers
We can take them, but be warned: I fight with both weapons and magic
What a unique style!
It is taught to all holy warriors like me
The great outdoors has taught me to be flexible
Ok, how are we going to do this?
You distract them, I will circle around and surprise attack
We charge right in and knock them off the road
I will disable them bare-handed
Kind of a risky strategy...
Risk is battle; battle is life
If the situation were different, I would have a different strategy
You mean you fight for the gods?
They have blessed me with divine abilities
Nonsense, this power belongs to me
I won't hold it against you, but which gods?
The old gods of the wood have always protected me
I find strength in the new gods
You must have studied a lot...
Indeed, it took years
Ha! This is all natural talent, old man
Well, I took a shortcut...made a risky deal...
Where did you study?
In old libraries and museums
In the company of great musicians
Good work! The bandits are defeated. You are a great fighter for your age!
Human lives are short; I have to learn quickly!
Most giants can fight before they can speak
Just because gnomes are tiny doesn't mean we aren't adults!
I was born centuries ago beneath the ancient Mother Tree of the elves
I have some elven blood in my veins; makes me look younger than I am
{"name":"Who is your Character?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Tell me about yourself; who are your parents? Do I know them?, I know a lot of people...do they live in a castle?, I don't believe anyone is average. Surely even you have some great deeds under your belt!","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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