D047 Unit 6 Quiz

A serene landscape representing comfort and care, with soft light illuminating a hospice scene, showcasing medical staff assisting patients in end-of-life decisions.

End of Life Care Quiz

Test your knowledge about end of life care and explore the important aspects of patient preferences, advance directives, and various care options available. This quiz will guide you through vital concepts that impact patients facing terminal conditions.

Highlights of the quiz:

  • Understand hospice and palliative care differences.
  • Learn about advance directives and their significance.
  • Discover the role of autonomy in patient care.
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CaringHeart257
Patients have less than six months to live and are considered to have a poor functional status with regard to their terminal condition.
Palliative Care
Hospice Care
Terminal Care
Transitional Care
Refers to patients that may have more than six months to live but have decided to utilize comfort care measures in their treatment plan.
Palliative Care
Hospice Care
Transition Care
Home Health
A patient who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness is going to enter hospice. What services should the care coordinator provide?
A follow-up appointment with the patient's primary care physician
A series of appointments with a wide range of specialists
Nursing care, home health aide, and counseling
An infusion center appointment and follow up.
Ignite and support end of life dialogue and discuss advance directives with patients. Adhere to advanced directives and the patient’s wishes regarding treatment and information sharing.
Understand that the patient’s best interest is not always the patient’s desires
This is when medical staff aim to avoid inflicting personal opinions regarding their patients’ care. Allowing patients to make their own decisions without interjecting personal biases or thoughts.
Discusses patients wishes regarding end-of-life care including methods of resuscitation, medications, dialysis, and organ donation
Durable Power of Attorney
Special Power of Attorney
Living Will
Healthcare Power of Attorney
Power to handle financial, estate planning, business, life insurance, claims, and employment matters. This POA is appointed to allow another person/organization to handle legal matters when an individual is out of the country, physically or mentally incapable of managing affairs, and/or in the event of a person’s death.
General Power of Attorney
Durable Power of Attorney
Special Power of Attorney
Healthcare Power of Attorney
If a patient does not want life-saving measures to be taken, such as CPR, what is the correct order to place?
Advanced Directive
Referral to a religious leader
Referral to a specialist for emergency measures
Allows patients to die on their own terms with the assistance of medical staff.
Active euthanasia
Physician-assisted suicide
Death with Dignity
{"name":"D047 Unit 6 Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge about end of life care and explore the important aspects of patient preferences, advance directives, and various care options available. This quiz will guide you through vital concepts that impact patients facing terminal conditions.Highlights of the quiz:Understand hospice and palliative care differences.Learn about advance directives and their significance.Discover the role of autonomy in patient care.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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