What Japanese Heist Character are you?

A dynamic, stylized illustration of a Japanese heist scene, featuring a diverse group of characters planning a heist with various weapons, city skyline at night, neon lights, and a sense of excitement and danger.

What Japanese Heist Character Are You?

Ever wondered which character from Japanese heist stories you resonate with the most? Take this fun quiz to find out your inner heist mastermind! Discover your traits as a member of a high-stakes crew and see how your personality aligns with iconic characters.

  • Choose your weapon of choice
  • Decide how to break into the bank
  • Pick the perfect heist partner
  • Reveal your motives for joining the heist
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CunningFox7
What weapon are you bringing to the heist?
Hired thugs
You're breaking into a bank, how do you get in?
Guns blazing
Tunnel under the bank into the safe
Wait for someone else to rob the bank then kill them
Hire an inside man
You're hiring a partner for a job, who do you want on your team?
Weapons expert
Mafia hitman
Former military strategist
You successfully complete a huge score, what's your next move?
Kill your partners to get a bigger share for yourself
Flee the country with whatever riches you can pack
Hire some new muscle to protect you and your money
Spend that shit!!!!!!
What’s your reason for joining the heist?
Spent all your money on gambling or booze
To pay for your sick sisters medical bills
Expand your criminal gang
You don't know any other life
You want to live a life of luxury
The plan’s gone to shit, how do you salvage the heist?
Shoot your way out
Try again in a few years
Call a possibly untrustworthy associate to "handle it"
Sacrifice one of you crew and escape with what you have
Surrender and beg for mercy
It's time for the heist, how are you dressed?
Fancy and pompous
Full suit and tie
Raggedy and unassuming
Slacks, a t shirt, and a bowlers cap
Are you constantly chain smoking cigarettes?
Only on days that end in y
The police are onto you, how do you get them off your trail?
Kill them
Seduce them
Offer them money
Go undercover and wait out the heat
Push the heist up to tomorrow
Where do you spend your free time?
Horse race track
The bar/strip club
At home with family
Running your shop
In and out of prison
{"name":"What Japanese Heist Character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered which character from Japanese heist stories you resonate with the most? Take this fun quiz to find out your inner heist mastermind! Discover your traits as a member of a high-stakes crew and see how your personality aligns with iconic characters.Choose your weapon of choiceDecide how to break into the bankPick the perfect heist partnerReveal your motives for joining the heist","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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