Design Labs Survey
As a D&I practitioner, I am/have
New to D&I (0-2 years of experience) and have no formal training/education in the subject matter
New to D&I (0-2 years of experience) but have formal training/education in the subject
Between 2 and 5 years of D&I experience
Between 6 and 10 years of D&I experience
More than 10 years of D&I experience
Please select the option that best describes your role in D&I
I am responsible for D&I and report to the HR/Talent leader
I am responsible for D&I and report to the Corporate Social Responsibility Leader
I am responsible for D&I and report to the Legal and/or Ethics Leader
I am responsible for D&I and report to the CEO of the company
I am a member of the D&I specialist team in my organization
I am a member of a D&I council, resource group, or task force
I am a leader of a D&I council, resource group, or task force
I am an executive sponsor for a D&I council, resource group, or task force
Please select the option that best describes your role in D&I
I am dedicated to D&I on a part-time basis
I am dedicated to D&I on a full-time basis
I contribute to D&I on a volunteer basis (e.g., as a voluntary member of a council, resource group, or task force in addition to my core job responsibilities in another function)
I/my team has
Global responsibility for D&I
Regional responsibility for D&I
National responsibility for D&I
Local responsibility for D&I
Please select the option that best describes your day-to-day focus
I develop D&I strategies for our organization
I influence D&I/talent strategies for my organization
I consult with business leaders to ensure the business relevant integration of D&I
I ensure the effectiveness of our existing D&I infrastructure and initiatives
I implement specific aspects of our existing D&I infrastructure and initiatives
In terms of D&I, my organization would generally be considered
Novice (we are new to D&I and have very little prior D&I work)
Standard (we do what most, similarly sized organizations in our industry do)
A hidden champion (not well recognized but with state-of-the-art D&I practices)
A recognized leader/best-practices company
A paradigm shifter (we aspire to drive the D&I agenda forward and truly achieve results)
My colleagues would primarily say I am
Getting started in my D&I role
Contributing to the current D&I practices in the organization
Executing and Institutionalizing good practices
A thought leader and innovator
My strategies and tactics are applied/supported
By the C-suite and business leaders
Primarily by the Legal function
Primarily in the HR/Talent
Primarily by Learning & Development
Primarily by Corporate Social Responsibility
As part of our business and go-to-market strategy
As part of our innovation agenda
As part of our supply chain strategy
As part of our strategic growth/mergers and acquisitions strategy
As part of our investor relations strategy
As part of our government relations strategy
Which of the following best articulates the value you are seeking as a D&I practitioner
Learn the common and best practices in D&I, including what works and what doesn't
Ensure that our current D&I efforts contribute measurable results
Ensure we are applying the best practices and learn from the experiences of peer organizations
Stay connected to the cutting-edge developments in D&I and related fields
Drive the development of D&I beyond its current state
Contribute to thought leadership in D&I and related fields
Break the current D&I paradigm to achieve intended results
How would you rate your knowledge of D&I best practices within your industry/sector?
How would you rate your knowledge of the state of D&I in general?
How would you rate your knowledge of emerging issues in D&I?
How would you rate your knowledge of relevant developments in fields that relate to D&I (innovation, design, organization development, public policy, change management, etc.)?
How would you rate your knowledge of the global dimension of D&I work?
When advancing and piloting new and innovative approaches, which of the following best describes your position?
I have work to do to influence executives to garner support
I have the full support of at least one internal executive sponsor who ensures I can test/pilot new ideas
I have the full support of my board and Executive Leadership Team
Which single objective would you choose to most significantly advance your current D&I practice?
Achieving full support by the C-suite
Improve how we measure impact/results
Improving the effectiveness and business relevance of our ERGs/BRG's
Leverage D&I for innovation
Advance our analytics
Improving bias awareness across all levels of our organization
Focus on making an inclusive culture real as a driver for innovation and sustainability
Changing formal talent management processes
Develop the empathy of our leaders
Connect with communities for social license to operate
Shift from loose set of initiatives to a robust D&I strategy
Improving our resourcing and structure to support D&I
Developing a leadership strategy to clarify leadership expectations for D&I
Improving the D&I capabilities of people in our organization
Shifting the prevailing norms about what people in our organization believe about D&I
Improving our brand and reputation
Improving our research and development
Improving our supply chain
Improving our customer focus
Improving our market share
Improving our attractiveness to shareholders/investors
Improving our government relations
Improving our strategic growth through mergers and acquisitions
My current D&I work and performance would benefit most from
Learning and networking as I start doing contemporary D&I work
Learning about proven and promising new ways to accelerate my work and get results
A platform to co-innovate and transform D&I
Which D&I Design Lab(s) do you think you are most interested in joining?
Foundation Design Lab
Optimization Design Lab
Transformation Design Lab
Not sure
{"name":"Design Labs Survey", "url":"","txt":"As a D&I practitioner, I am\/have, Please select the option that best describes your role in D&I, Please select the option that best describes your role in D&I","img":""}
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