WEEK 2 - Rules, Constitution, and Health

Create an image of a classroom setting with military recruits studying rules and the Constitution, with an American flag in the background.

WEEK 2 - Rules, Constitution, and Health Quiz

Test your knowledge of essential rules and guidelines that govern recruits during training and the foundational aspects of the U.S. Constitution.

  • 43 multiple choice questions
  • Covers rules, health guidelines, and constitutional principles
  • Enhance your understanding and retention
43 Questions11 MinutesCreated by RunningEagle24
Following proper chain of command, all recruits will submit special requests in writing to their
Recruits must request authorization to be absent from duty by submitting a written memorandum at least ______ days prior to the expected absence.
Authorized absences may not exceed ______ cumulative hours of Academy instruction and may result in dismissal from the Academy.
True or False: Recruits must immediately advise the chain of command of any physical change or condition that could influence their physical performance or health status in any way.
True or False: Recruits may use their discretion to decide if showering after PC is necessary.
Recruits may wear sunglasses on the Academy grounds.
Yes, there are no regulations against sunglasses.
No, prior approval from the Basic Training Sergeant is needed first.
What side of the breast pocket is the Sergeant's pen worn on? (Looking down at your pocket)
Left side
Middle of pocket
Right side
There is no rule on pen placement.
What uniform is permitted to be worn to and from the parking lot and Academy grounds?
Civilian attire
Departmental uniform
Range gear
PC clothing
When are recruits permitted to leave agency issued equipment in their vehicle?
When it is on Academy grounds, locked or unlocked
When it is locked and on Academy grounds
When it is locked in the trunk of the vehicle, on or off Academy grounds
Use of profanity on Academy grounds is
Acceptable during PC
Acceptable in the classroom
Acceptable in the cafeteria
The speed limit on Academy grounds is
25 MPH
20 MPH
15 MPH
10 MPH
What is the minimum passing grade on all academic tests?
The final score on the final physical fitness evaluation makes up _____ of the recruit's final grade
Academic scores account for _____ of the overall grade.
Firearms scores account for _____ of the overall grade.
Firearms scores do not count towards overall grade.
True or False: Recruits do not greet others when exiting the parade deck after colors.
True or False: Recruits will greet others during physical conditioning.
When will flags not be flown?
On holidays
When it is too hot outside
When it is raining
How much white-out is permitted for memorandums?
White-out is not to be used on memorandums
One "dab" per page
Two "dabs" per page
Three "dabs" per page
What is the supremacy clause? [PO 2.10.1]
Declares the President the head of the Executive Brance
Establishes judicial review
Declares the Constitution the supreme law of the land
Defines the right to a speedy trial
Which is the hierarchy of the federal court system? [PO 2.10.1]
Federal laws, US Constitution, state Constitution, state statutes, local laws, norms
US Constitution, state Constitution, federal laws, local laws, state statutes, norms
US Constitution, federal laws, state Constitution, state statutes, local laws, norms
Federal laws, US Constitution, local laws, state statutes, state Constitution, norms
What are the three branches of government? [PO 2.10.1]
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Executive, Congress, Judicial
Courts, President, Senate
Congress, Senate, House of Representatives
What is case law? [PO 2.10.2]
Laws that only apply to certain people
Laws enacted by legislative bodies
Laws derived by customs rather than statutes
Laws established through court decisions that "interpreted" the law and set precedent for cases that follow.
What is stare decisis? [PO 2.10.3]
The concept that courts follow previous court decisions on related issues
The concept that the decisions of the supreme court are final
The concept that police cannot detain anyone without reasonable suspicion that a crime has taken place or is about to take place
The concept that court decisions can be appealed.
How can case decisions affect statutory law? [PO 2.10.3]
All statuatory laws are created after court cases discover a need for a new law
Court case decisions can clarify and interpret existing statutory laws
Case decisions never affect statutory laws.
Case decisions are written by legislative bodies just like statutory laws
What are the five freedoms? [PO 2.10.4]
Silence, attorney, fair trial, representation, jury
Bear arms, speech, religion, quarter soldiers, malicious petitions
Life, liberty, happiness, press, assembly
Religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
What are the first ten amendments to the US Constitution known as? [PO 2.10.4]
Declaration of Independenc
Articles of Confederation
Bill of Rights
The US Rights
What is the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4A]
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Petition
All of the above
Which best explains freedom of religion? [PO 2.10.4A]
Citizens can break certain laws in the name of their religion
Citizens are can abstain from or practice any religion freely; church and state are separate
Citizens must align themselves with and practice one religion
Citizens are not permitted to publicly practice religion
What are people protected against through freedom of speech? [PO 2.10.4B]
Libel and slander
Derogatory speech
Freedom of the press is... [PO 2.10.4C]
Not a Constitutional right
Only for certain authorized government citizens
An extension of freedom of speech
The freedom to write libelous material
American citizens have the right to assembly so long as the gathering... [PO 2.10.4D]
Is done in proper time, place, and manner
American citizens do not have the freedom to assembly
Is done indoors
Does not offend too many people
What does the right to petition not protect against? [PO 2.10.4E]
Right to sue the government
SLAAP suits
Malicious petitioning
All of the above
What is the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4F]
Right to bear arms
Repeals prohibition
Protection against unreasonable search and seizure
Quartering of soldiers
A seizure performed by a government official must have ______ in order to not violate the 4th Amendment. [PO 2.10.4F]
A warrant
No bias
Probable cause
Reasonable suspicion
Which is the best explanation of the protections offered by the 6th Amendment to the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4G]
Right to carry a weapon
Right to be told criminal charges when arrested
Protection against self-incrimination
Right to deny quartering soldiers
Which Amendment protects citizens from double jeopardy? [PO 2.10.4H]
The _____ and _____ Amendments protect citizens from self-incrimination. [PO 2.10.4I]
1st, 2nd
3rd, 4th
5th, 6th
7th, 8th
What is the 6th Amendment to the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4K]
Protection against excessive bail
Right to a speedy and public trial
Gives power to the states
Repeals prohibition
What does the right to due process mean? [PO 2.10.4J]
When under arrest people must be read their Miranda rights
People are entitled to recieve notice of charges and to have a public hearing
A person must be properly identified when they have committed a crime
Citizens do not have the right to due process
Which Amendment outlines the "Rights of the Accused"? [PO 2.10.4L]
4th Amendment
1st Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
What is the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4P]
Right to counsel
Protection against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail
Power to States
Victim's Rights
What is the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution? [PO 2.10.4R]
Applies the Constitution to the state governments
Applies the five freedoms to state governments
Gives citizens the freedom of assembly
Protects all people from self-incrimination
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