Afla ce aiqiu ai))))))

A whimsical illustration of a crocodile surrounded by surreal and funny imagery, depicting bizarre questions and humorous scenarios.

Crocodiles and Crazy Questions Quiz

Are you ready to dive into a world of absurdity and humor with our unique quiz? Explore a series of outrageous questions that blend the bizarre with the hilarious! Perfect for anyone looking to have a good laugh and test their wits against some ludicrous options.

  • 8 outrageous questions
  • Checkboxes and multiple choice options
  • Guaranteed giggles and bewilderment
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LaughingCrocodile42
Cati dinti are un crocodil😂😂😂😂
Am pula circumcisa
Niciunu ca au cazutdela droguri:)))))))))))))£)
Sai dau la muie lu mitica dragomir
Din ce e facut un calorifer industrial im pula mea
Nu am mai dormit de 17 zile datorita faptului ca mam drogat intensiv=£))))))
Ce sai spui lu tasu lu gagikta cand o iei de nevasta
Deten pula mea ce nasoi ai coaie zici k e munti alpi))))))))))
Sa vezi cit ii fac gaozu cat nasu tau+++++)))))
Nu miam luat pastilele hahahah haha ce frumoasa este gagikmea🥰🥰🥰🥰
Cate voci auzi?
Ia si tu niste lapte dela magazin fututi cristosu mati sami fac cu cereale££)))))
Cu siguranta nu am o gaura in perete unde imi bag pulocu cand ma enervez
New Answer
Cat de rasist esti?)))))
Max verstapen
Luis hemilton ala cum drecu il. heama
Ce proastai mata coaie doamne))))))kkkkkk
De ce pula mea fac asta in timpu meu liber
Cati azteci au fost sacrificati pt a crea ciorba de azteci (ciorba preferata a masonilor)
A â
Cemi plac minorele££))))))))))
Imi put picioarele mai rau ca lachetii de la cur
Ne ducem pe pula oculta mondiala face laba in fata celor 7355,5 ecrane care arata webcamul a 765 de milioane de femei (eu sunt oculta mondiala)
Doamne ador furry ador furry ador furry ador furry
Exterminare in masa
Cu siguranta nu au legatura raspunsurile
{"name":"Afla ce aiqiu ai))))))", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to dive into a world of absurdity and humor with our unique quiz? Explore a series of outrageous questions that blend the bizarre with the hilarious! Perfect for anyone looking to have a good laugh and test their wits against some ludicrous options.8 outrageous questionsCheckboxes and multiple choice optionsGuaranteed giggles and bewilderment","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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