Finance and Administration Quiz

A stylized illustration of UNICEF's logo, combined with financial management elements such as charts, graphs, and children playing that represents child welfare and administration.

Finance and Administration Quiz

Test your knowledge about UNICEF's financial processes and administration practices with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers essential topics related to child protection and financial management within UNICEF operations.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Check all that apply options
  • Covering key concepts and procedures
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingChild2023
What does UNICEF stand for?
A. United Nations International Children Fund
B. United Nations Children Fund
C. United Nations International Children Emergency Family
D. United Nations International Childrens Foundation
How many Outputs does CP have
A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. 14
What is WBS for CP?
A. 1430/A0/06/804
B. 1430/A0/06/805
C. 1430/A0/06/880
D. 1430/A0/06/884
What are the three HACT modalities?
A. DCT Advances, Direct Payments and Reimbursements
B. DCTs, Invoicing and Prepayments
C. DCT Advance, PO and Direct Payment
D. DCT Advance, FC and Direct Payment
What are the THREE different funding sources?
A. PO, FC and SO
B. RR, ORR and ORE
D. DCT Advance, Direct Payment and Prepayments
When can implementation of activities take place?
A. After all activities have taken place
B. Once work plans have been planned and agreed by partners and UNICEF
C. Once the Request FACE Form has been signed and approved by UNICEF
D. Whenever the partner is ready to implement
Which of the following statements of the FACE form is true? (Choose all that is relevant)
A. The FACE form comes in a standard format used by all agencies
B. The Rep must approve all changes on a FACE form and what additional documentation is required
C. The FACE form is used by all IPs to request Direct Cash Transfer, Direct Payments and Reimbursements
D. The FACE form is used by UNICEF to authorize, disburse and record expenditures of cash transfers
When should liquidation take place after disbursement?
A. Three Months
B. Nine Months
C. Two Years
D. One Month
What documents are required by Finance for liquidation of direct payment?
A. Request FACE form, ICE and Invoice
B. Report FACE form and ICE
C. Report FACE form and Proforma Invoice
D. Report FACE form and Invoice
Who is responsible for managing, monitoring and reporting and cash transfers to the implementing partners?
A. Programme Associates, Programme Offices and Chief of Field Office
B. Programme Associates and Chief of Section
C. Programme Officers
D. Chief of Section and/or Chief of Field Office
What is the role of the Programme Associate (Suva and Field Office PAs)? (Choose all that is relevant)
A. Approve FACE Forms
B. Complete or Create FACE forms for Partners
C. Review FACE forms and supporting documents
D. Enter FACE form details into VISION
E. Create TAs for all staff
F. Create SOs
G. Follow up with Partners for Liquidation documents
H. Monitoring Outstanding DCTs
I. Create PRQs for new consultants
J. Organize workshops for or on behalf of Partners
K. Take minutes or notes for technical meetings with partners
L. Update section budget and monitoring reports
M. Prepare and organize visas for incoming consultants
N. Raising FRs for PCA and SSFA
O. Creating FCs
P. Register or update vendor database
Q. Providing payment details to Finance for invoice processing for vendors
R. Preparing PCA and SSFA Documents
S. Identifying and providing funding sources for various activities
What does FACE stand for?
A. Funding And Certification of Expenditure
B. Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditure
C. Funding Application for Certificate of Expenses
D. Financial Administration Cash Effectiveness
For Grants, when should be implementation be completed?
A. By Expiry Date
B. A year after expiry
C. Six months after Expiry
D. Month after expiry
What are the three outputs for CP?
A. CP Services, Education and CP Legal and Policy Legal
B. CP Legal and Policy Legal Framework, Social Welfare and Child Safeguarding
C. One, Two and Three
D. CP Legal and Policy Framework, CP Services and CP Behavior Change
A partner would like to procure three laptops valued at USD1,300 each, what modality can be used to have these processed?
A. Using the Direct Payment Modality
B. Using the DCT Advance modality
C. Using Petty Cash / FC Payment
D. Via the UNICEF Supply Unit
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