Chapter 1: Introduction to Law

1. Common law is based on the rule of...
A) Magna Carta
B) habeas corpus
C) precedent
D) citations
2. The government of Canada does not have which of the following?
A) the right to enforce laws
B) unlimited power
C) unelected officials
D) the right to enact laws
3. In Canadian society, laws exist for all but one of the following purposes. For which one do they not exist?
A) to settle disputes
B) to ensure that a person who supports human rights becomes prime minister
C) to reduce conflicts
D) to eliminate violent conflicts
4. The basis of our modern property laws is...
A) the English feudal system
B) personal freedom
C) Roman law
D) the Justinian Code
5. Magna Carta recognized the principle of...
A) citations from case law
B) democratic government
C) the rights of the people
D) the rule of law
6. In Quebec, civil law is still based on...
A) the Code of Hammurabi
B) Mosaic law
C) modern European democracies
D) the Napoleonic or Civil Code
7. Which of the following did the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal define as international crimes:
A) crimes against the environment
B) crimes against peace
C) crimes against humanity
D) a and b but not c
E) b and c but not a
8. One of the following is not a class of international treaty. Which one?
A) convention
B) tribunal
C) protocol
D) charter
9. What was the original name of Canada's first constitution?
A) Statute of Westminster
B) British North America Act
C) Constitution Act, 1867
D) Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
10. The formula for changing Canada's constitution requires the consent of:
A) the Canadian Parliament
B) the Supreme Court
C) two-thirds of the provinces with 50 percent of the population
D) a and c but not b
E) all of the above
{"name":"Chapter 1: Introduction to Law", "url":"","txt":"1. Common law is based on the rule of..., 2. The government of Canada does not have which of the following?, 3. In Canadian society, laws exist for all but one of the following purposes. For which one do they not exist?","img":""}
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