Do I have GRIT???

The teacher asks you to pick up a piece of paper from the floor. The paper belongs to someone else in your pod. What should you do?
Ask the other person to pick it up.
Tell the teacher it's not yours.
Pick it up anyways.
Ignore the teacher.
You study really hard for a fractions test, but you get an NY. What do you think?
I guess I'm not very good at fractions.
I will study harder and try again!
The questions were too hard!
Oh well, I don't need to know fractions.
You're writing notes in social studies, and your hand is getting tired. What do you do?
Keep writing - you can get through this!
Stop writing - it's too much work
Write fast and messy - it will hurt less
Only write some of the notes
You just cleaned the floor under your desk, then another student spills their pencil shavings under your desk. What do you do?
Get mad at them! They ruined your hard work!
Kick the pencil shavings under their desk
Ignore it
Clean up the pencil shavings by yourself
You're playing hockey and an opponent steals the puck from you. What do you do?
Skate back to your bench for a change
Yell at a teammate to get the puck
Hustle and try to get it back yourself
Cross your fingers that your teammates stop them
You wrote a really long story in Language Arts, then you realize you made lots of mistakes and it doesn't make sense. What do you do?
Hand it in. It's good enough.
Write the entire story again and fix the mistakes.
Crumple it up and throw it away.
Copy a friend's story.
You're drawing an animal in art class, and the eyes look funny. You've tried 5 times, and they always look funny. You really want the animal to look good. What do you do?
Just go with the funny eyes. It doesn't matter.
Ask a friend to draw the eyes for you.
Forget about the animal. Draw something else.
Keep trying until you get the eyes right.
You like playing soccer, but the older kids laugh at you. What do you do?
Play at the playground instead.
Tell an adult.
Play soccer, and ignore the older kids.
Laugh back at the older kids.
You really love to sing, but you're not very good at it. What should you do?
Keep practicing until you are a good singer.
Only sign when you're by yourself.
Sing quietly so nobody hears you.
Find a new hobby.
{"name":"Do I have GRIT???", "url":"","txt":"Name:, The teacher asks you to pick up a piece of paper from the floor. The paper belongs to someone else in your pod. What should you do?, You study really hard for a fractions test, but you get an NY. What do you think?","img":""}
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