Chapter 2: Canadian Charter Rights

1. The Canadian politician who promoted a "just society" was...
a. John Diefenbaker
b. John Humphrey
c. Pierre Trudeau
d. none of the above
2. The Canadian Bill of Rights was pioneered by...
a. John Humphrey
b. John Diefenbaker
c. Pierre Trudeau
d. none of the above
3. The Canadian Bill of Rights was criticized for which of the following reasons?
a. It applied only to federal matters
b. Parliament could change it at any time
c. It did little to protect equality rights
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
4. Three of the following four freedoms are part of the Charter. Which one is not part of the Charter?
a. freedom of peaceful assembly
b. freedom from fear
c. freedom of thought
d. freedom of conscience and religion
5. Legislation passed using the notwithstanding clause can stay in effect for...
a. 2 years
b. 5 years
c. 7 years
d. 10 years
6. The Supreme Court has ruled that a law that limits a Charter right or freedom is reasonable for all but one of the following reasons. Which one is NOT a valid reason?
a. It addresses citizen complaints
b. It enforces an important government objective.
c. It sets clear and exact standards
d. The restriction on individual rights or freedoms is minimal
7. Which of the following forms of expression is outlawed by the Criminal Code?
a. attacking the Constitution in print
b. arguing against democracy in Canada
c. promoting war against other nations
d. inciting hatred of identifiable groups
8. A restriction on individual rights under the Charter can remain if it is demonstrably justifiable in a free and...
a. modern nation
b. bilingual country
c. multicultural country
d. democratic society
9. All provincial and territorial Human Rights Codes are based on the...
a. Charter of Rights and Freedoms
b. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
c. Constitution Act, 1882
d. Canadian Human Rights Act
10. The law refers to which types of discrimination?
a. intentional discrimination
b. adverse discrimination
c. unintentional discrimination
d. a and b but not c
e. a and c but not b
{"name":"Chapter 2: Canadian Charter Rights", "url":"","txt":"1. The Canadian politician who promoted a \"just society\" was..., 2. The Canadian Bill of Rights was pioneered by..., 3. The Canadian Bill of Rights was criticized for which of the following reasons?","img":""}
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