Which Avenger are you?

Which Avenger Are You?
Discover your inner Avenger through this thought-provoking quiz! Answer a series of questions related to historical events, music, and pop culture to find out which Marvel hero matches your personality.
- Delve into intriguing questions
- Explore contemporary events and opinions
- Find unexpected connections to your favorite characters
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. When and what happened?
No one knows. It vanished over the Indian Sea.
March 2014, it dissapeared over the sea, I blame a dimensional portal...
2016, it went from Kuala Lumpur over Russia, I suppose it got caught on hostilities and they covered it up.
2014, is the missing plane right? It exploded, planes tend to do that.
They should have searched it sooner
It fell on the water? Poor people.
2014, Flight 17. It was downed by a Russan missile from a separatist faction in Ukranian missile
It's a smokescreen, half the Rotschild Bureau was aboard... It was a hostile takeover gone murderous.
Which of this songs is for you, one the 2000's anthems?
Hello, 2015, Adele.
Viva la Vida, 2008, Coldplay
Bring me To Life, 2003, Evanescence
Stan,2000, Eminem,
Sexy Back, 2006 Justin Timberlake.
Happy, 2013, Pharrell Williams
Airplanes, 2010, B.0.B
Which year was 9/11 and what happened?
2001, 4 hijacked planes, it was an inside job.
2000, 4 hijacked planes, 3 crashes and one downed
2001, inside job to finance Afganistan War with a new Pear Harbour
Muslim extremists from Al-Quaeda hijacked several planes
There was no planes! Watch Loose Change!
2001, termite and militar explosives used, WTC7 was the proof
2001, an awful and coward act.
Don't remember the year, but United 93 made me cry.
Which year in what circunstances was Princess Diana of Wales killed?
1999, car crash
1996, car crash in Paris
At war?
1997, car crash in Paris, drunk driver
1997, car crash in Paris tunnel, ordered by the British government.
1997, car was rigged to kill her and her boyfriend in Pont d'Alma tunnel. Mohammed Al-Fayed and Arab intelligentsia are sure she was killed.
Before 2000? Her diver was drunk and drugged. Oh, and she was pregnant.
I don't know, but it was unforgivable, and I blame the media.
Which of this TV series is your favorite?
Game of Thrones
House of Cards
American Horror Story
Breaking Bad
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Terrorist attack on London. Go
July 2007, bombers in city bus.
Coward attempt in innocent lives!
They * should* have best security
July 2005, bombs in subway and buses. 56 dead.
London bombing 2005, Al Quaeda terrorist attack, in Afganistan war retailation
It has been Al Quaeda adjudicated, but I have doubts...
The same responsables than 9/11 and Spain 11/M Atocha attacks. But I don't think they are yihaddists
2005, July 7, explosives in subway and buses. The specifications are shady, but the blame rest over Tony Blair's politicsis right in
The "True facts movie" that inspires me is::
The Imitation Game
The Hurt Locker
127 hours
Into The Wild
Zero Dark Thirty
The 2016 election of Donald Trump means to America:
We are in the hands of people very smart and very evil.
We are in the hands of people very stupid, lucky and evil
American people are idiots
American people is duped heavily
We are in the verge of Civil War
Oh, it will pass, and people will learn, as always
Impeach NOW!
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