Sustainable Development Goals

First question! And it is an easy one, just to get you started … How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to, by all the world’s nations, as part of the 2030 Agenda?
16, plus a few statements about implementation that are not actually a Goal
Each SDG is supported by a set of Targets — specific objectives that are associated with that Goal. How many Targets are there in total?
Goal 1 is about poverty. What is the aim of this Goal?
Cut poverty in half by 2030
Reduce poverty by 75% by 2030
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Help each nation make progress on reducing poverty
Goal 17 is about strengthening the “means of implementation” and revitalizing the “Global Partnership” for realizing all the other Goals. Which of the following is not part of Goal 17?
Mobilizing the financial resources necessary to achieve the Goals
Creating international sports tournaments and festivals to promote the Goals
Helping developing countries build the capacities they need in areas such as technology, public policy, and data for reporting on progress
Enhancing trade, especially to help developing countries increase their exports and grow their economies
In the 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goal #13, on climate change, has an “ * ” (asterisk) after it. Why?
Because addressing climate change is more important than all the other Goals.
Because the negotiators were unable to come to an agreement on a climate change Goal.
Because the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (which met in Paris in late 2015) is the forum where more detailed decisions on climate were made.
Because the Goal on climate change is constantly shifting.
Which of the following is not part of the Sustainable Development Goals?
Access to sustainable energy for all
Availability of water and sanitation for all
Provision of internet services for all
Promotion of decent jobs for all
Equality issues are specifically mentioned in how many of the Sustainable Development Goals (not including the targets)?
In two of them: Goal 6 on water, and Goal 12 on sustainable production and consumption
In four of them: Goal 2 on hunger, Goal 7 on energy, Goal 8 on economic growth and jobs, and Goal 14 on preserving the oceans and seas
In three of them: Goal 4 on education, Goal 5 on gender, and Goal 10 on reducing inequality within and among countries
In one of them: Goal 16 on promoting peaceful and just societies for all
Which of the following is not part of Goal 15, on ecosystems?
Halt and reverse land degradation
Halt biodiversity loss
Halt the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering
Use ecosystems sustainably while protecting and restoring them
Which of the following is not true about the SDGs?
They encourage the promotion of health, well-being, and education for all, at all ages
They explicitly promote innovation
They include the development of sustainable cities, infrastructure, and industry
They are a legally binding international treaty that all nations are required to follow
The first sustainable development goal aims to eradicate extreme poverty. How does the UN currently measure extreme poverty?
People who are unemployed and unable to access welfare benefits from the state
People who live on less than $5 a day
People who live on less than $1.25 a day
People who claim to be living in poverty
The sustainable development goals are designed to continue the work of the millennium development goals. Which of the following millennium targets was the least successful?
Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day
Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education
Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health
Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate
Last question! What can individuals do to help realize the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?
Hold their governments and the private sector accountable and support reputable civil society organizations
Create projects and partnerships of their own and participate in existing initiatives to help achieve one or more of the goals
Use their positions in society — as teachers, decision-makers, consumers, role-models, and ordinary citizens — to voice support for the Goals, to make decisions that advance the Goals, and to take actions help to implement the Goals
All of the above ... And more.
{"name":"Sustainable Development Goals", "url":"","txt":"First question! And it is an easy one, just to get you started … How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to, by all the world’s nations, as part of the 2030 Agenda?, Each SDG is supported by a set of Targets — specific objectives that are associated with that Goal. How many Targets are there in total?, Goal 1 is about poverty. What is the aim of this Goal?","img":""}
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