Software Design

1. Which of these truly defines Software design ?
A) Software design is an activity subjected to constraints
B) Software Design specifies nature and composition of software product
C) Software Design satisfies client needs and desires
D) All of the mentioned
2. Which among these is false ?
A) A process is collection of related tasks that transforms set of inputs to set of output
B) A design notation is a symbolic representational system
C) A design heuristic is a rule proceeding guidance, with guarantee for achieving some end
D) Software design method is orderly procedure for providing software design solutions
3. Which of these describes stepwise refinement ?
A) Nicklaus Wirth described the first software engineering method as stepwise refinement
B) Stepwise refinement follows its existence from 1971
C) It is a top down approach
D) All of the mentioned
4. What is incorrect about structural design ?
A) Structural design introduced notations and heuristics
B) Structural design emphasis on procedural decomposition
C) The advantage is data flow representation
D) It follows Structure chart
5. What is solution for Structural design ?
A) The specification model following data flow diagram
B) Procedures represented as bubbles
C) Specification model is structure chart showing procedure calling hierarchy and flow of data in and out of procedures
D) Emphasizing procedural decomposition
6. Which of these are followed by latest versions of structural design?
A) More detailed and flexible processes
B) Regular Notations
C) Wide support by CASE(Computer Aided Software Engineering)
D) Wide support by CASE, More detailed and flexible processes
7. The incorrect method for structural design is?
A) Transition of problem models to solution models
B) Handling of larger and more complex products
C) Designing Object oriented systems
D) More procedural approach
8. What are followed by design task?
A) Choosing specific classes, operations
B) Checking model’s completeness
C) Following design task heuristics
D) All of the mentioned
9. Which of these analysis are not acceptable ?
A) Object oriented design always dominates structural design
B) Object oriented design is far better approach compared to structural design
C) Object oriented design are given more preference than structural design
D) Object oriented uses more specific notations
10. Which these does not represent object oriented design ?
A) It follows regular procedural decomposition in favor of class and object decomposition
B) Programs are thought of collection of objects
C) Central model represents class diagrams that show the classes comprising a program and their relationships to one another
D) Object-oriented methods incorporates Structural methods
{"name":"Software Design", "url":"","txt":"1. Which of these truly defines Software design ?, 2. Which among these is false ?, 3. Which of these describes stepwise refinement ?","img":""}

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