Security Forces_Flight Training Part 2

What are the 5 FPCON Types
What is the definition of a RAM? APPENDIX 16 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP
Random Association Measure, part of the installations facial recognition program
Random Access Memory, used in computing
Random, multiple security measures that are derived from higher FPCON measures and constantly change the look of an installation's security program.
What is an AF Form 1168, Statement of Suspect/Witness/Complaint form? AFI31-118; p 15.5.5.
Use this form to take a verbal statement from a suspect or accused person, witness or complainant.
Use this form to take a written statement from a suspect or accused person, witness or complainant. Also, the AF From 1168 is used to advise an individaul of their Article 31/Fifth Amendment rights.
Use this form to record visitors
What is an AF Form 1109, Visitor Register Log? AFI31-118; p 15.5.4.
Provides a log of visitoers and or personnel entering areas which the entry and/or exit is controlled.
Requests for Visitors to leave base
A form where all activities are logged by visitors
What is an AF Form 3545, Incident Report? AFI31-118; p 15.5.15.
Use this form to record witness testimonies.
Use this form to report actitivites off the installation
Use this form to record facts about an incident or complaint ofr the proper military authority. Include in the report all available facts, names of personnel involved and a summary of the intial on-scene investigation.
What is an AF Form 1176, Authority to Search and Seizure? AFI31-118; p 15.5.6.
Use the form to obtain authorization to serve and protect. per Chapter 8.
Use this form to gain consent for search and seize per chapter 9.
Use the form to obtain authorization to search and seize per Chapter 8.
What is an AF Form 1364, Consent for Search and Seizure? AFI31-118; p 15.5.10.
Use this form to document when an individual consents freely and voluntarily to a search of his/her person or property.
Use the form to obtain authorization to search and seize per Chapter 8.
Use the form to obtain consent to serve and protect.
What is an AF Form 1315, Accident Report? AFI31-118; p 15.5.8.
Use this form to record investigations of major traffic accidents.
Use this form to record any discrepancies at the intial on-scene investigation.
Use this form to record facts about an incident or complaint ofr the proper military authority. Include in the report all available facts, names of personnel involved and a summary of the intial on-scene investigation.
What is an AF Form 52, Evidence Tag? AFI31-118; p 15.5.1.
Use this form to record facts about an incident or complaint ofr the proper military authority. Include in the report all available facts, names of personnel involved and a summary of the intial on-scene investigation.
Use this form to record evidence and maintain a chain of custody.
Use this form to record facts about an incident or complaint ofr the proper military authority. Include in the report all available facts, names of personnel involved and a summary of the intial on-scene investigation.
What is the definition of an FPCAM? APPENDIX 15 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP
Forward Protection Condition Alerting Messages (FPCAM) is an up-channel alerting order that sets in motion a decrease in readiness posture.
Force Promotion Capital Arrangment Management, a communication system
Force Protection Condition Alerting Message (FPCAM) is a down-channel alerting order that sets in motion a increase in readiness posture.
What is the definition of FPCON Bravo? APPENDIX 12 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP
Is an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measures this FPCON must be capaable to be maintained for weeks without causing undue hardship, affecting oerpational capability or aggravating realtions with local authorities. However, sustaining BRAVO measures for a prolonged period may affect operational capability and relations with local authorites.
This condition is declared when and incident occurs or when intelligence is received indicating some form of terroist action is imminent
This condition is declared in the immediate area where a terroist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terroist action against a specific location or person is likely.
What is the response time for an ESRT? TAB A TO APPENDIX 11 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP
3 minute response
5 minutes response
1 minute response
What is the response time for an ISRT in the restricted area? TAB A TO APPENDIX 11 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP
5 minutes response within the R/A
3 minutes response within the R/A
1 minute response within the R/A
What is the definition of a Protection level 3 resource?
Resources that which the loss, theft, destruction, misuse, or compromise will result in mission degradation to the U.S war fighting capabilites.
Resources that which gain, promotion, or aquisition will result in mission upgrade to the U.S war fighting capabilites.
Resources that which the loss, theift, destruction, misuse, or compromise will not affect the U.S. War fighting capabilities.
What article do use to read a military member there rights? AFI31-118; Chapter 6; p 6.5
Article 15
5th Ammendment
Article 31
What Amendment is used to read a civilian there rights? AFI31-118; Chapter 6; p 6.5
5th Ammendment
Article 15
Article 31
What are the 8 Justification of Use of Deadly Force? AFI31-117
Inherent the right of defense
Assest vital to national security
National Critical infrastructure
Serious offense against others
Arrest or Appehension
Defense of others
Inherently dangerous property
What is the definition of a Helping Hand? APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p
This term is a classified telephonic message to inform the command of a foreign national who is seeking asylum.
An unclassified telephonic message transmitted rapidly up the channel of command to inform the command post that than unusual incident, possibly hostile and affecting prioirty resources, has been detateceted at the base or dispersed site. This term is no longer a requered reporting term by the Air Force but is still used locally at the 106 RQW
This term refers to our duty to help those in need.
What is the definition of a Covered Wagon? APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX C TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p
An unclassified telephonic report sent rapidly up to the channel of command to inform higher headquarters that an unusual incident, probably or actually hositle and affecting proirity resources has orrured at a base or dipersed site.
An unclassified telephonic message transmitted rapidly up the channel of command to inform the command post that than unusual incident, possibly hostile and affecting prioirty resources, has been detateceted at the base or dispersed site. This term is no longer a requered reporting term by the Air Force but is still used locally at the 106 RQW
This term is a classified telephonic message to inform the command of a foreign national who is seeking asylum.
What is a controlled area?
Only Land Area controlled by the USAF
All Water area controlled by the USAF
Land or water area, building. Structure or room where entry must be controlled to protect resources
What is a Restricted Area?
Legally established military zone under AF Jurisdiction where persons may not enter without authorizationn.
Land or water area, building. Structure or room where entry must be controlled to protect resources
All are controlled by the United States Governement
What are response codes 1, 2, and 3? SFOI 31-12; p 6.1.
Routine: Travel at speed limit and observe all traffic laws. No emergency lights or sirens will be used.
Urgent: Answer as quickly as possible WITHOUT sirens. Emergency lights may be utilized and observe all traffic laws.
Practical: Answer quickly but cautiously, do not use emergnecy lights.
Emergency: Answer immediately with overhead lights and sirens. Proceed to the scene as quickly and safely as possible. Other units not inolved will cease all radio traffic until situation is terminated unless another emergency arises.
How often are Building Checks conducted? SFOI 31-12; p 1.1.8.
All shift will conduct one round of building checks per tour, per day. During 12 hours operations, day shift will conduct one round of building checks and midnight shift will conduct two rounds of building checks. Building checks will be conducted not more than k6 hrous from the last round of the building checks.
All shift will conduct two rounds of the building checks per tour, per day. During 8 hours operations, day shift will conduct two round of building checks and midnight shift will conduct three rounds of building checks. Building checks will be conducted not more than 6 hours from the last round of the building checks.
What is an S.A.L.U.T.E. report?
Size, Activity, Location, Uniform, Time, Equipment
Seize, Action, Location, Understand, Time, Evade
What form do you use to inspect and utilize a GOV? SFOI-31-2; p 2.2.
AF Form 4523
AF Form 1190
AF Form 1800
Who can authorize an off base pursuit? SFOI-31-9; p 5.5.2
Flight Chief
Installation commander or designee
Member E6 or higher
What are the current duress words?
Where would you position your vehicle for an unauthorized engine start? SFOI 31-10
At the middle of the aircraft
Position two patrol/SRT vehicle in back of the tail of the aircraft and the other patrolSRT vehicle will park to the middle of the aircraft, at the wing, in an attempt to stop movement of the aircraft.
SF patrols/SRTs will enter the vehicle away from the aircraft and take tactical positions which provide the least protection.
Position one patrol/SRT vehicle in front of the nose of the aircraft and the other patrolSRT vehicle will park to the rear of the aircraft, hebind the tail, in an attempt to stop movement of the aircraft. SF patrols/SRTs will exit the side of vehicle away from the aircraft and take tactical positions which provide the most protection.
Where would you position your vehicle to prevent an unauthorized helicopter departure? SFOI 31-10; p
Position the patrol vehicle under a place on the aircraft that will prevent the rear rotor from turning (Tail of a helicopter). SF Patrols/SRTs will exit the side of the vehicle away from the aircraft and take tactical positions which porvide the most protection. The side
Position the patrol vehicle above a place on the aircraft that will enable the rear rotor from turning (Tail of a helicopter). SF Patrols/SRTs will enter the side of the vehicle near the aircraft and take tactical positions which porvide the most protection.
Approach the helicopter with weapon drawn.
How does a member send a message on the radio? SFOI 31-12
Messages will be brief, concise, and to the point.
Messages will be detailed, long and complex.
Messages will be cordial, polite and descriptive
What form do you use if someone makes a bomb threat through telephone? SFOI 31-14
No Form
AF Form 440
Form 1190
Can a member perform a full search of the opposite sex? SFOI 31-23
Only under special orders
What is a seven bridges? SFOI 31-29
The Bridges that need to be crossed in a critical mission excercise.
A US Citizen requests political asylum on Francis S. Gabreski Airport (FSG) Air National Guard (ANG) Base.
A foreign national or other person of unknown origin requests political asylum on Francis S. Gabreski Airport (FSG) Air National Guard (ANG) Base.
What is the maximum speed limit on base?
25 MPH
30 MPH
20 MPH
What form number is the armed forces traffic ticket?
DD Form 1408
DD 214
AF 1190
Where would a patrol set up on a building during an Alarm Activation? SFOI 31-6; p 2.2.3.
Position patrols at the affected facility, blocking all avenues of escape and execute either at the high ready or low ready based upon the officers risk perception when they dismount from their vehicle. Comply with AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by the Air Force Personnel.
Position patrols at corner avenues of escape and execute either at medium level of readiness the officers risk perception when they dismount from their vehicle. Comply with AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by the Air Force Personnel.
Right at the front of the building
What check must you do before entering the flight line?
Sound Check
FOD Check
DOH Check
FRO Check
What is the cordon size for a small box?
1000 Feet
300 Feet
500 Feet
What is the cordon size for a large truck?
2000 Feet
200 Feet
4000 Feet
How many checks of the MSA is conducted per shift? SFOI 31-12; p 1.1.8.
Are Privately Owned vehicle’s allowed on the restricted area? 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p 6.3.
With The correct orders, on Occasion
All on-duty SF personnel will carry what gear on a routine basis? SFOI 31-12; p 6.
Cold and foul weather gear
Web Gear
Restricted Area Badge
ID Card
SF shield
Who must you always contact before crossing the flight line or active runway?
Fox One
Gabreski Tower
Flight Chief
Who is authorized to take pictures of Aircraft within the restricted area?
Public Affairs
Members Only
All military Personnel
Who can terminate a Covered Wagon? TAB A TO APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX M TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p
Termination authority for a Covered Wagon situation is the Installation Commander.
Termination authority for a Covered Wagon situation is the Flight Chief.
Termination authority for a Covered Wagon situation is the Base Operations Center.
Who can terminate a Helping Hand? TAB A TO APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX M TO 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p
106 RQW/CC has delegated approving authority for terminating Helping Hand situations to the on-duty Security Forces Flight Chief
106 RQW/CC has delegated approving authority for terminating Helping Hand situations to the Installation Commander.
106 RQW/CC has delegated approving authority for terminating Helping Hand situations to the Base Operations Center.
Where is the Alt. BDOC located?
Building 211
Building 212
Building 110
Building 220
How many Force Protection Condition do we have? 106 RQW 31-101-14 IDP; p 3.1.1.
What must all member have displayed at all time while being within the Restricted Area? SFOI 31-19; p 3.1.7.
Ensure personnel within the RA display their Restriced Area Badge (RAB) on their t Shirt.
Ensure personnel within the RA display their Restriced Area Badge (RAB) on their left wrist.
Ensure personnel within the RA display their Restriced Area Badge (RAB) on their outer most garments and above the waist
What do you do if you see someone without a Restricted Area Badge? SFOI 31-19; p 3.1.4.
Detect unauthorized personnel in the RA. Challenge their purpose and if appropriate, remove them from the area. Note: Always notify BDOC when executing a challenge or vehicle stop. BDOC will implement appropriate checklist/s.
Detect unauthorized personnel in the RA. Call the Police immediately.
Detect unauthorized personnel in the RA. If you recognize them, don't worry about it.
When responding code 2 or code 3, when will you terminate your lights and sirens?
After you have confronted the individual(s)
Your lights should not be on at all.
When approaching the displaced location you're responding to, ensuring that your presence is not alerting the individual(s) you will possibly encounter.
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