A detailed atmospheric weather chart showcasing isobars, fronts, and various storm systems with an educational theme.

Meteorology Midterm Quiz

Test your knowledge of meteorological principles with our engaging midterm quiz designed for students. This quiz covers essential topics including isobars, fronts, and storm systems to enhance your understanding of weather patterns.

  • 30 Multiple Choice Questions
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72 Questions18 MinutesCreated by PredictingClouds475
What do the number on isobars indicate?
Barometric pressure
Rain in inches
Wind speed
Which of the following is TRUE bout front?
A boundary between two air masses
Temperature has no difference
Pressure is steady
Visibility not affected
Which of the following can you predict using the isobars on a synoptic chart?
Relative humidity
Dew point
Wind velocity
There is an approaching warm front, what will happen to barometric pressure?
What is known as synoptic weather chart, displays various meteorological features across a particular area at a particular point in time?
Prognostoc chart
Mercator chart
Weather chart
Synoptic chart
What chart has summary of the current weather situation reflecting the state of atmosphere cover a large area?
Prognostic chart
Weather chart
Mercator chart
Synoptic chart
Which line in the synoptic chart has an equal pressure?
What chart is relating to prediction that having value for making predictions, a chart showing the predicted state of the atmosphere for a given time in the future.
Weather chart
Prognostic chart
Mercator chart
Synoptic chart
Which line seperates the warm air masses and cold air masses?
Wind bar
Which of the following is TRUE about front?
Temperature has no difference.
A boundary between to air masses
Pressure are steady
Visibility not affected
On the weather maps, if you observed triangle apex, downwards, what are the corresponding meaning of this symbol?
Which atmospheric condition is expected if the barrometric readings is 980.0 millibars?
What chat is relating to prediction that having a value for making predictions, a chart showing the predicted state pf the atmospheric for a given time in the future.
Weather chart
Prognostic chart
Mercator chart
Synoptic chart
On the weather maps, if you observed the arrow with indication of 2.5 barb and pointing from 315°T, How much is the wind velocity?
30 knots
15 knots
35 knots
25 knots
What do the numbers on iaobars indicate?
Barrometric Pressure
Rain in inches
Wind speed
Which line in the synoptic and prognostic chart has an equal pressure?
On the weather maps, if you observed the arrow with indication of 2.5 barb and pointing from 315°T what is the direction of the wind?
Which front is present if there is a cloud sequence of cirrus, cirrostratus and altostratus cloud followed by rain?
At what angle to the isobar at that the surface wind blows over the open sea
About 15°
About 10°
About 20°
About 25°
In a low-pressure area, which area has the lowest pressure?
What chart has a summary of the current weather situation reflecting the state of atmosphere over a large area?
Weather chart
Synoptic chart
Prognostic chart
Mercator chart
Which chart ia reflecting the state of the atmosphere over a large area at any given (current or recent) moment.
Mercator chart
Weather chart
Synoptic chart
Prognostic chart
On the weather maps, if you observed triangle apex upwards, What are corresponding meaning of this symbol?
Which of the following is usually the first indication of the existence and approximate bearing of a tropical storm?
Long low Swell
- Change direction of the wind
Increasing wind speed
Falling of barometric pressure
Which depression is rotating intense in a region of low pressure that develops over the tropical oceans?
Tropical disturbance
Cyclone or Tropical Storm
After encountering a swell, you are experiencing 4mbs barometric pressures falling band the wind is increasing, what does indicate?
There is incoming tropical storm
There is incoming front
There is incoming inter tropical convergent zone
There in incoming monsoon
On which direction the TRS (Tropical Revolving Storm) moves due to coriolis effect?
Westward and away from the equator
Southward and away from the equator
- Westward and near from the equator
- Westward and away from the Hemisphere
Among the types of lows as per study which of the following is reasonably well forecasted by the GFS weather model
Mid latitude low
Cutt-off low
Tropical low
Tropical off low
Between the south Atlantic and north Atlantic what is the difference of this ocean water regarding development of tropical storm
Sir cabrejas
Which types of low will encounter during passage within of the lower latitude approximately in 30 N and 30 S
Mid- Latitude lows
- Tropical cyclone lows
- Tropical lows
- Cut off lows.
In some certain ocean of the world the tropical storm will NOT from due to?
To the cooler sea surface temperature and higher vertical wind shears
To the lower sea surface temperature and lower vertical wind shears
To the warm sea surface temperature and average vertical wind shears
To the greater sea surface temperature and lower vertical wind shears
If you observe on the weather maps, tropical storm was passed in area of responsibility this indicated movement is called?
Dangerous semi-circle
In the three types of lows which of the following have characteristics of unnoticeable movement of weather
Mid- Latitude lows
Tropical cyclone lows
Tropical lows
Cut off lows
Tropical cyclone can only form over oceans of the world except:
South Atlantic Ocean
North atlantic Ocean
Southern Hemisphere
Northern Hemisphere
Between all the types of low which of the one has a greater pressure gradient
Mid- Latitude lows
Tropical cyclone lows
Tropical lows
Cut off lows
What is the TRUE differentiate between the tropical lows and mid latitude lows?
Tropical low latitude lows has a greater pressure gradient
Middle latitude lows have a greater pressure gradient.
Tropical lows have a greater pressure gradient.
Middle latitude lows have lesser pressure gradient.
What are the main causes that cut of low are has a possibility transition in a tropical low?
If they remain over warm water and the jet stream is existent
If they remain over warm or cold water and the flow of air is existent
If they remain over warm water and the jet stream is nonexistent
If they remain over cold water and the jet stream is nonexistent
If you observed the weather maps, tropical storm has the possibility to passed across to your route, what it means that tropical storms intensed passed?
Dangerous semi-circle
Which an example of floating ice?
Ice drift
Hostile ice
Pancake ice
Floe ice
What is the break-up ice, single heavy drift ice floes (originally old ridges)
Rafted ice
Floe bits ice
Drift ice
Ridge ice
The seasonal cycle in arctic sea, how long is period ice growth and melt?
Over one year
Semi annual
What is the sign that vessel is verry near the area of the iceberg?
Lots of ice flows in the vicinity
Wind is blowing cold and strong.
The sea temperature drops rapidly.
The sea is calm no wind.
Does this mean that sea ice becomes more and more thick?
No. Sea ice eventually reaches what scientists call a thermodynamics equilibrium state.
Either Yes or No
Yes. Wheb reaches what scientists call a hydrodynamic equilibrium state.
The ice is potential threat to shipping, particularly during darkness of in situations with poor visibility.
Pancake ice
Hostile ice
Floe bits
Ice drifts
Why drift at sea is constant threat to the shipping during wintertime? I. It is formed of broken, land fast ice from coastal areas. II. From ice frozen together at sea in calm conditions.
Neither I nor II
Both Iand II
II only
I only
What is the ice at sea obviously is verry exposed to wind and currents?
Drift ice
Ridge ice
Rafted ice
Floe bits ice
Which of the following is horizontal distance travelled by the wave?
Wave fetch
Wave period
Wave height
What is freezing temperature Of ocean (sailine) water is typically?
-1.6 degrees celsius
-1.7 degrees celsius
-1.8 degrees celsius
-1.9 degrees celsius
What ice floes gradually takes a round shape usually and originating from an area of consolidated ice?
Floe bits
Hostile Ice
Pancake ice
Ice drifts
Which event in the ocean will occur, if there is a sudden large-scale motion of a portion of the ocean floor or the shore as by volcanic eruption, earth quakes?
Tidal wave
Seismic wave
Sea wave
There's a seismic wave occurs in the ocean, where do you think that the disturbance originated?
Mid wave
Ship encounters waves in the ocean, which of the following is the peak part of the wave?
On sea you observed a large piece of the ice break away w/ 1 mile dimension, which object you were shifted?
Tabular iceberg
Ice cake
Ice foot
Shelf ice
Which movement of the sea in the undulation of the surface of the water?
Which is the freezing temperature of ocean (sailine) water ia typically what temperature?
29.7 deg Fahrenheit
30.2 deg Fahrenheit
31.3 deg Fahrenheit
28.7 deg Fahrenheit
What ice on is on top side located at the surface of the water may be dark and rotten (porous)
Floe bits
Hostile ice
Ice drifts
Pancake ice
Which of the following is the primary cause of undulation of the surface of the water?
Volcanic eruption
Waves run in a group, which of the following is passage of two successive create over a reference point?
Wave period
Wave fetch
Wave length
Wave height
Why the drift ice is always dangerous in navigation?
It is verry thick.
It is verry thin ice.
Can be difficult to pass.
Verry hard to melt.
Which ice in upper or lower latitude to the shore close to land?
Ice foot
Ice cake
Shelf ice
Which of the following currents is responsible for the movement of iceberg into the north Atlantic shipping lanes?
Baltic current
Baffin current
Labrador current
Iceland current
During the world of the ice season the southeastern limit of the iceberg is located in the vicinity of?
Aleutian Islands
Baltic sea
Grand banks of newfoundland
You are navigating in south pacific region, which area would you avoid for the possible presence of an iceberg?
Latitude 48'N to latitude 42°N
Latitude 46'S to latitude 59°S
Latitude 46'Sto latitude 53° S
Latitude 57°S to latitude 63°S
Which waves that have traveled into the area of observation after having been generated by previous winds in other areas?
Sea wave
Gravity wave
Small ships go up and down through the waves, which of the following is the most downward part of the save?
In the arctic area, as per thermodynamic equilibrium, How much is the thickness of ice approximately?
3 meter
4 meter
5 meterr
6 meter
Which are the waves that have traveled into the area observation after having been generated by previous wnds in other areas?
Swell wave
Seismic wave
Tidal wave
Gravity wave
Where sea ice and iceberg are present, which of the following are TRUE?
Icebergs and sea ice travels the same direction, iceberg is faster.
Iceberg and sea ice travel in a different direction
Iceberg and sea ice travel the same direction and speed
Iceberg and sea ice travel the same direction but different speeds
Where can be found special type of pancake ice?
North Iceland
West coast of USA
Swedish west coast
East Canada
By a performing a task the wave height, how will you measure distance of it?
From through to top
From crest to crest
From trough to crest
From star to fetch
How does the iceberg move from greenland in arctic region during springtime?
Northward from latitude 46°N to latitude 53°N
Northward from latitude 46°S to latitude 59° S
Southward from latitude 48°N to latitude 42°N
Northward from latitude 57° S to latitude 63° S
Ice growth continues through during season of?
{"name":"MET MIDTERM 2ND TRI", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of meteorological principles with our engaging midterm quiz designed for students. This quiz covers essential topics including isobars, fronts, and storm systems to enhance your understanding of weather patterns.30 Multiple Choice QuestionsInstant Feedback on AnswersImprove Your Weather Knowledge","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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