Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

Why can this tale be found in numerous translations and movie adaptations?
The whole episode is beautifully written and defines the true essence of noble knights
It represents a new perspective for the 14th century
It is the only popular Arthurnian tale
It can not be explained
Which characters would not exist without the the inspiration of Sr Gawain?
Lancelot and Don Quixote
Ivanhoe and Lancelot
Sir Thomas Malory and Lancelot
Don Quixote and Ivanhoe
What values can be obtained from this 14th century tales?
Good modals and courtship
Correlation between high social status and traditional virtues
The value for good poesy
Being brave and helping others
What are the 5 principles for a a knight?
Loyalty, generosity, kindness, chasity and bravery
Kindness, generosity, piety and bravery.
Fellowship, kindness, respect, piety and loyalty
Generosity, fellowship, courtesy, chasity, and piety
Why was this a good version for the translation of the text?
Gives a new perspective for better understanding of the text
Written in plain English, but keeps the original meaning and maintains the rhyming poems
Helps compare the Middle English of Chaucer’s Canterbury tales to the northern dialect
Adds common vocabulary to the story to make the reading lighter for younger public
What was the name of the order of knights, that still remains to this day?
The Order of the Green Knights
The Order of the Garter
The Order of the Blue Knights
The Order of Phoenix
Who was Æneas?
A Trojan prince that betrayed his fellow Trojans
A Greek prisoner that became Trojan
A Trojan general important when attacking the Greeks
The First Knight of The Order of Garter
What is the meaning of the word Fair within the text?
Incredibly peaceful
Justice, balanced
Beautiful, good or light-skinned
The fifth principle of a Knight
What was King Arthur’s rule before starting the feast?
Everybody had to share an anecdote
He blessed the food
There was no rule
He had to hear a story of a stirring adventure
What best describes the strange character that arrived after dinner?
He was Huge, green all over, bearfooted, detailed clothing and a matching horse
Huge, with green boots and green all over, imponent horse, embroidered clothes
Heavy armor, kind looking face, gentle horse and green from head to toes
Curious looking, not that scary, average size horse, somewhat green
What the meaning of Dais?
Lower level were the common people resideded
High platform for royalty and honored guests
An embroidered flower, sigil of the rounded table
King Arthur’s special place at the table.
What is a hauberk?
Sign of high hierarchy between knights
Armor made out of silver
Suit of chain armor
Part of a horses seat
What impressed the people the most about the stranger?
His stern and firm voice
His fearlessness
The color green he wore
The size of his horse
What did King Arthur first tell the stranger?
He invited him to sit with everyone else
He denied the entry, forcing him to leave
He ordered him an explanation for his intrusion
Gave him food right away
Who is referred by He (capitalized)
Sir Gawain
The King
Holy Ghost
What was his sign of peace?
A white pigeon
A branch of Holly
A white feather
A branch of olive
The green knight looked for a game of Jousting
The green knight thought poorly of himself, and looked for the worthy opponent
Why did sir Gawain offered himself to play?
He wanted to prove himself better than the rest
He knew himself to be feeble and of less worth than the king
He did not offer himself, he was forced to do so
Sir Gawain shares the kings blood
What was the green knight’s choice of weapon for his opponent?
The Excalibur legendary sword
An axe
A mace
A spear
The green knight wanted to challenge King Arthur
The green knight praised king Arthur’s haughtiness and fierceness or did he questioned it?
He questioned it
He praised it
All of this happened during Christmas
King Arthur accepted immediately the green knight’s challenge
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