Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 12 Oct 20
[2010.04163] Christopher E. O'Connor, Bin Liu, Dong Lai: Enhanced Lidov-Kozai migration and the formation of the transiting giant planet WD1856+534b
[2010.04164] Arun Kannawadi, Erik Rosenberg, Henk Hoekstra: Mitigating the effects of undersampling in weak lensing shear estimation with metacalibration
[2010.04165] Morgan Bennett, Jo Bovy: Did Sgr cause the vertical waves in the solar neighbourhood?
[2010.04166] Meng Gu, Charlie Conroy, Benedikt Diemer et al.: Coordinated Assembly of Galaxy Groups and Clusters in the IllustrisTNG Simulations
[2010.04167] Christopher J. Dillon, David B. Jess, Michail Mathioudakis et al.: Statistical Signatures of Nanoflare Activity. II. A Nanoflare Explanation for Periodic Brightenings in Flare Stars observed by NGTS
[2010.04169] Mihir Kulkarni, Eli Visbal, Greg L. Bryan: The critical dark matter halo mass for Population III star formation: dependence on Lyman-Werner radiation, baryon-dark matter streaming velocity, and red...
[2010.04170] Jesus M. Salas, Smadar Naoz, Mark R. Morris: The effects of turbulence on galactic nuclear gas rings
[2010.04174] Ken Osato, Masahiro Takada: Super-sample covariance of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
[2010.04176] Andrés N. Salcedo, Ying Zu, Youcai Zhang et al.: Elucidating Galaxy Assembly Bias in SDSS
[2010.04177] Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Sarkar, Christopher A. Tout: Modified virial theorem for highly magnetized white dwarfs
[2010.04178] Henk Hoekstra, Arun Kannawadi, Thomas D. Kitching: Accounting for object detection bias in weak gravitationallensing studies
[2010.04180] Erik Aver, Danielle A. Berg, Keith A. Olive et al.: Improving Helium Abundance Determinations with Leo P as a Case Study
[2010.04182] Sihan Yuan, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Sownak Bose et al.: Evidence for galaxy assembly bias in BOSS CMASS redshift-space galaxy correlation function
[2010.04184] Troy J. Raen, Héctor Martínez-Rodríguez, Travis J. Hurst et al.: The Effects of Asymmetric Dark Matter on Stellar Evolution I: Spin-Dependent Scattering
[2010.04192] S. Ettori, L. Lovisari, M. Sereno: From "universal" profiles to "universal" scaling laws in X-ray galaxy clusters
[2010.04206] Prajwal V. Padmanabh, Ewan D. Barr, David J. Champion et al.: Revisiting profile instability of J1022+1001
[2010.04214] Kaitlin C. Rasmussen, Joseph Zepeda, Timothy C. Beers et al.: Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Southern African Large Telescope
[2010.04217] R.D. Jeffries, R.J. Jackson, Qinghui Sun et al.: The effects of rotation on the lithium depletion of G- and K-dwarfs in Messier 35
[2010.04221] M. E. Shultz, Th. Rivinius, G. A. Wade et al.: MOBSTER -- V: Discovery of a magnetic companion star to the magnetic $β$ Cep pulsator HD 156424
[2010.04229] Kevin C. Hurley: Gamma-Ray Burst Triangulation with a Near-Earth Network
[2010.04234] Lena Murchikova: S0-2 star, G1- and G2-objects and flaring activity of the Milky Way's Galactic Center black hole in 2019
[2010.04236] E. Gudkova, N. Nesterova: Results of the further analysis of Tien-Shan array data on the energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays at 2x10$^{13}$ - 3x10$^{17}$ eV
[2010.04243] Narsireddy Anugu, Katie M. Morzinski, Josh Eisner et al.: Betelgeuse scope: Single-mode-fibers-assisted optical interferometer design for dedicated stellar activity monitoring
[2010.04250] Juraj Lörinčík, Jaroslav Dudík, Guillaume Aulanier et al.: Imaging evidence for solar wind outflows originating from a CME footpoint
[2010.04252] John J. Salzer, Jesse R. Feddersen, Kathryn Derloshon et al.: The H$α$ Dots Survey. II. A Second List of Faint Emission-Line Objects
[2010.04255] Andrea Kunder, Evan Butler: Spectroscopic analysis of the bulge Globular Cluster ESO~456-SC38
[2010.04289] G. Sandell, M. Wright, R. Güsten et al.: NGC7538 IRS1 -- an O star driving an ionized jet and giant N-S outflow
[2010.04338] Liu Tao, Anna Green, Paul Fulda: Higher-order Hermite-Gauss modes as a robust flat beam in interferometric gravitational wave detectors
[2010.04356] Ernazar Abdikamalov, Giulia Pagliaroli, David Radice: Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernovae
[2010.04417] J.-M. Wang, E. Bon: Changing-look active galactic nuclei: close binaries of supermassive black holes in action
[2010.04419] J. Cernicharo, N. Marcelino, M. Agundez et al.: Discovery of HC3O+ in space: The chemistry of O-bearing species in TMC-1
[2010.04431] Annapurni Subramaniam, Sindhu Pandey, Vikrant V. Jadhav et al.: UVIT/ASTROSAT studies of Blue Straggler stars and post-mass transfer systems in star clusters: Detection of one more blue lurker in M67
[2010.04442] M. Nowak, S. Lacour, A.-M. Lagrange et al.: Direct confirmation of the radial-velocity planet $β$ Pic c
[2010.04455] M. Beaulieu, P. Martinez, L. Abe et al.: High contrast at small separation -- II. Impact on the dark hole of a realistic optical set-up with two deformable mirrors
[2010.04461] Andreas Bauswein, Sebastian Blacker, Georgios Lioutas et al.: Systematics of prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers
[2010.04479] Nadège Lagarde, Céline Reylé: New population synthesis approach:The golden path to constrain stellar andgalactic physics
[2010.04498] Lawrence E. Bilton, Kevin A. Pimbblet, Yjan A. Gordon: The Impact of Disturbed Galaxy Clusters on the Kinematics of Active Galactic Nuclei
[2010.04500] S. M. Koksbang: On the relationship between mean observations, spatial averages and the Dyer-Roeder approximation in Einstein-Straus models
[2010.04567] Masato Shirasaki, Naonori S. Sugiyama, Ryuichi Takahashi et al.: Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Post-reconstructed Galaxy Bispectrum in Redshift Space
[2010.04587] Emeline Bolmont, Sylvain N. Breton, Gabriel Tobie et al.: Solid tidal friction in multi-layer planets: Application to Earth, Venus, a Super Earth and the TRAPPIST-1 planets. Can a multi-layer plane...
[2010.04620] Pierre Auclair, Patrick Peter, Christophe Ringeval et al.: Irreducible cosmic production of relic vortons
[2010.04629] Michael Kretschmer, Avishai Dekel, Jonathan Freundlich et al.: Evaluating Galaxy Dynamical Masses From Kinematics and Jeans Equilibrium in Simulations
[2010.04632] Haiyang S. Wang, Thierry Morel, Sascha P. Quanz et al.: Europium as a lodestar: diagnosis of radiogenic heat production in terrestrial exoplanets
[2010.04655] Takashi Horiuchi, Hidekazu Hanayama, Masatoshi Ohishi: Simultaneous Multicolor Observations of Starlink's Darksat by The Murikabushi Telescope with $MITSuME$
[2010.04656] C. G. De Pree, D. J. Wilner, L. E. Kristensen et al.: Time-Variable Radio Recombination Line Emission in W49A
[2010.04664] L.-L. Zhao, G. P. Zank, Q. Hu et al.: Detection of small magnetic flux ropes from the third and fourth Parker Solar Probe encounters
[2010.04685] I. Ruffa, R. A. Laing, I. Prandoni et al.: The AGN fuelling/feedback cycle in nearby radio galaxies III. 3D relative orientations of radio jets and CO discs and their interaction
[2010.04698] Ellie Kitanidis, Martin White: Cross-Correlation of Planck CMB Lensing with DESI-Like LRGs
[2010.04710] N. Marcelino, M. Agundez, B. Tercero et al.: Tentative detection of HC5NH+ in TMC-1
[2010.04716] Genoveva Micheva, Göran Östlin, Jens Melinder et al.: Spatially resolved CIII]$λ$1909 emission in Haro 11
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 12 Oct 20","img":""}