The Counterpart IT Helpdesk

Do you know how many ways you have to contact the helpdesk ?
There's only one
I know a couple
3 of course !
More than that !
Do you know the email address to use to contact our Helpdesk ?
Can you walk in the IT Office and tell us about your IT problem ?
No, I need to raise a ticket
Yes, but it would be better to raise a ticket before so I don't cut the line !
There's an intranet portal that allow you to raise and review your tickets. Do you know it's address ?
Sure, it's
I don't know the address but I can access it from my Counterpart login page (yes, the one with the Ultipro button)
Of course, it's
Wait, what ? There's a portal to raise my ticket ?
Do you know the helpdesk phone number ?
+1 (571) 748-5505
+1 (571) CPI-HELP
+1 (571) 748-HELP
Ha ha, that's a mind trick, there's no number to call to reach the Helpdesk !
Do you know the Helpdesk Twitter account ?
No way, there is no helpdesk Twitter account
Twitter ? What's Twitter ?
Do you know how to chat with our Helpdesk ?
Sure ! With widget from the portal !
Skype for Business of course ! Everyone in the company is in there !
No, I'm pretty sure we can't do that
Is there anything you would love the Helpdesk to improve ?
More communication when working on my ticket
Solving issues faster, of course !
More trainings on the super cool tools they provide us with !
More brown bag pizza meetings ! (and yeah, all of the above too !)
{"name":"The Counterpart IT Helpdesk", "url":"","txt":"Do you know how many ways you have to contact the helpdesk ?, Do you know the email address to use to contact our Helpdesk ?, Can you walk in the IT Office and tell us about your IT problem ?","img":""}
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