Poly Sci

A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Unitary Systems
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Federal Systems
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Which federal system qualify in the 6 areas?
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Confedrate System
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Presidential System
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Direct Democracy
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Civil Liberties
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Indirect or Representational Democracy
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
How much money is the US in debt?
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Parliamentary System
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
National Surplus
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
National Investment Rate
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Declaration of Independence
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Articles of Confederation
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
When was the Articles of Confederation made?
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Virginia Plan
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
New Jersey Plan
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Connecticut (or, Great) Compromise
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Checks and Balances
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Federalist Papers
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Bill of Rights
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Progressive taxation
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Regressive taxation
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Decennial Census
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Social Democracy
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Civil Rights
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the four criteria of a nation state
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know how the legislature and Presidency were to be structured under the Virginia Plan and under the New Jersey Plan, and explain who and why any group would be put to an advantage or disadvantage under each plan.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Explain checks and balances in the US, List 5 examples.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Separation of Power
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Judicial Review
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the Constitution. Know the Branches of Government, the requirements of an office holder, and the basic powers granted under Article 1 and Article 2 and Article 3 of the Constitution
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the basic rights granted by the First Amendment of the Constitution
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the four basic rules of the Electoral College System
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the basic right granted to criminal defendants under the Constitution
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the basic procedures of the Impeachment Process
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the basic process by which the US Constitution can be amended
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the basic limits that are placed upon Federal and State government authority under the US Constitution
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Know the number of Congressional Districts in California
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Thomas Jefferson
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Alexander Hamilton
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
George Washington
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
John Adams
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
John Locke
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
John Marshall
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
James Madison
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
American War of Independence
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Declaration of Independence
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
The American Constitution ratified
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
Civil War
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
A proposal from small states, saying there should be a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature. They just wanted to expand the Articles of Confederation for economic matters.
Checks and balances gives power to 1 branch to limit the power of the other two, 1) Presidential veto and pardon power from the President, 2) Veto override from Congress, they need a 2/3 majority vote from the HOR and the Senate. 3) Impeachment, Congress can impeach the President or other officers from the executive branch if a criminal act occurs. 4) Senate must confirm all the Presidential appointments. 5) Judicial Review, the Supreme Court can void any law Congress makes if it is seen as unconstitutional.
When you are leader just because you are part of a bloodline that is related to God or consist of a Military Specialist
Personal guarantees and freedoms that the federal government cannot abridge by law of the constitution
The HOR convicts the person and see if they should impeach them or not, once they decide yes then the HOR has to get a majority vote to say yes and it is passed on to the Senate. The Senate the holds a trail for the person and the President will hold his case. Then the Senate needs a 2/3 vote to impeach the President. “The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.”
The people get to rule the Country. All people are equal legally
When 1 person has “Absolute Power.”
A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties
- Is the money left over from a Nation that is used to invest in companies, either their own or others.
Pure Democracy, when all the people make all the decisions
Is how much money is left over after the GDP is subtracted by the National Consumption rate.
All members are apart of their own sovereign nation, however they are join together very loosely through a military, foreign affairs and a post office
One chamber or house
Legislative and Executive Powers are fused together into 1 group of people
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which is largely guarantee specific rights and liberties
Declares the colonies independence from Britain, first document that the U.S. made (1776) Thomas Jefferson wrote it, Declaration of Independence was originated from John Locke and his British Bill of Rights
Allows private enterprise and private ownership of property. Produces a lot of goods.
- When everything is shared. There is no private property and work all goes towards
Is when the people get to elect their government and that elected government makes the decisions for the people.
Separates the powers in the government. Congress is bicameral, first is the House of Representatives which is represented by population, second is the Senate which has 2 per state. The President and judges are separately voted for.
One who believes in limited government and no governmental interference in personal liberties
The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government or individuals
When a small group of mostly Military men control the country. Usually 1 party state
Accepts capitalism, rejects diversity integration. Their belief is that their race is superior AKA white supremacy. Will use violence to get their point across
Accepts Capitalism, rejects diversity, in belief that their race is superior, will use violence like the KKK
A tax where everyone pays and is at a percentage so rich people pay less of their own money
17 Trillion
Those who favored strong state government and a weak national government opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Those who favored a stronger national government and supported the proposed U.S. Constitution.
When 1 person has absolute rule but has to pull off the Coup de’ etat. That is when a group of (military) men move to take over a King and Start a revolution, very violent.
1) Territory 2) Population 3) Population 4) Soverignty
Rejects Capitalism, very violent (Lenin, Stalin, Mao)
The first Amendment gives freedom of speech, religion, petition to go against the government peacefully, and freedom of the press
A group of people who rejects capitalism and use violent revolution to get their point across.
A tax that is high for rich people, so they have to pay more to the government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors progressive taxes, social welfare spending, higher education spending, pro-choice, labor issues, and environment issues over business issues and less military spending.
All significant legislative executive budgetary judicial power belongs to the central government
Accepts capitalism as legitimate, favors regressive taxation, low social welfare spending, pro-business, pro-life, and more military spending
Allowed the states to come together and form a military, appoint ambassadors and to create a Post Office.
Having two branches of something. Like Congress, and Senate
Consisting of or lasting 10 years, occurring or being done every 10 years
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, was an anti-federalist and wanted Bill of Rights
The process of redrawing of congressional districts to reflect increases or decreases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
Also known as Social Welfare Economy. It provides basic human needs fro everyone, progressive taxes for the rich, regressive taxes where everyone pays, and the government provides social welfare programs for the poor
A constitutionally mandated structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions they do.
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
-The Virginia Plan favors the large states because they want a bicameral legislative in which lower house is represented by population and upper house is appointed by the lower house. By doing this, it allows the larger states to put more people in Congress. Once Congress is made up, they select the President and the Judges. -The New Jersey Plan favors the small states because they want a legislature with equal representation from each state. Then the legislature will appoint the President and the Judges. By doing this, every state is on an equal playing field and the small states have as much say as the big state s even though they have less to offer.
A proposal from large states, saying there should be a bicameral legislature. The lower house will be represented by population and the upper house will be appointed by the lower house. Then the president and judges would be appointed by the legislature.
An act of vesting the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
The fatal value of goods and services produced in a Nation State in a year.
Congress-(Article 1) HOR is based on population, 435 members. Must be at least 25, citizen for 7 years, and serves a 2-year term. Senate has 2 members from each state. 6 year term, every 2 years 1/3 of the senators are up for re-election. Must be at least 30 years of age, and a citizen for 9 years. Congress has the power to establish and maintain a military, declare war, have commerce powers, anything to do with money, immigration and citizenship, post office, and establish all the courts beside the Supreme Court. Presidency-(Article 2) must be 35 years old, natural born citizen, and President must be appointed by the Electoral College. He is the commander-in-chief of our military, chief executive of all Federal government agencies, carry out foreign affairs and appoints ambassadors and negotiate treaties, veto power and pardon power. Judicial-(Article 3) The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges and all judges must be appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senate.There is 1 chief justice in the Supreme Court and all the terms of a being a Supreme Court judges are life time. They have Judicial Review, which gives them the power to void law if it is unconstitutional. Injunction- which is a legal order that tells an executive offices they are doing illegal things AKA “Rule of Law.” They enforce the Due Process of Law- anyone has the right to be tried in a court. They have jurisdiction over all Federal Law- hears anything case that deals with the Federal Court.
1) In November, every 4 years when people vote, all 50 states count their votes separately and declare the winner by the amount of points they get from each state. Whoever wins the plurality in a state is the winner. 2) Each state has “Electoral Votes”-which is the number of Electoral votes a state has equals the number of HOR member from the state plus 2 senators, 535 points plus 3. 3) Whichever candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes (270) becomes President. Whichever candidate wins the plurality in a state wins (100%) of those Electoral Votes. 4) If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, the the HOR decides.
53 Districts
1) Military Powers, 2) Foreign Policy, 3) Regulate all interstate, 4) Money, 5) Immigration
Is the concept of separations of powers. Having a legislative with a bicameral Congress, Executive AKA President, and Judicial AKA Judges. America has Presidential systems.
It must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote in the HOR Senate. Then it must be ratified by 75% of the state legislatures (39 states.)
The federal government has war powers, can regular interstate or international trade, Immigration and citizenship, tax and spend. Money policy and create a court system and federal agencies. The State government has pretty much all other powers in their own state which can be criminal laws, transportation, health. Real Estate, Education
Came up with the Great Compromise. Separation of powers in government. Came up with the idea of federalism Congress will be bicameral, first is HOR, then the Senate. President is separately voted for, then appointed judges
Accepts Capitalism, favors progressive taxes, social welfare, higher education, pro-choice, labor issues, environmental issues over business issue, and less military spending
Accepts Capitalism, favors regression taxes, low taxes so there is little social welfare, pro-business, pro-life and more military spending
A series of 85 political essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Big military fighter and the first President
Helped make and interpret the constitution, was a federalist
Helped with constitution and was a federalist
Wrote the British Bill of Rights and influence Thomas Jefferson to include the Bill of rights for the US
Absolute power of a government to make and implement law over a territory and people. It can independently make its own foreign policy. Ex: sovereign state: you have true independence. No government, you can do whatever you want to
Father of the Supreme Court and created the Judicial Review
A government where the constitution specifically divides specific powers between Central and Regional government
1776 July 4th
When other nation states, taking over one nation states
Every criminal has the right to a fair trail. No double jeopardy. Reasonable bail and conviction.
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