QUIZ : Are you digital savvy enough ?

A modern office environment with diverse individuals engaging with various technology devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops, showcasing teamwork and digital communication.

Are You Digitally Savvy Enough?

Test your digital know-how with our engaging quiz! Discover how adept you are at navigating technology in various scenarios, from using new devices to handling social media in the workplace.

Through 10 insightful questions, you will learn:

  • Your comfort level with digital tools
  • How well you troubleshoot tech issues
  • Your approach to learning and adapting to new technologies
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by TechSavvyAdvisor27
Let’s assess your digital savvy style
There no wrong answer, only to measure your preference about digital savvy
Just be yourself
Let’s assess your digital savvy style
There no wrong answer, only to measure your preference about digital savvy
Just be yourself
1. When you purchase a new technological device do you:
A. Set it all up on your own, sync it, download apps and more
B) Get the sales person to program what you need right away such as access your emails
C) Know the platform, the tech terms, the capacity and more than the sales professional
D) Feel somewhat overwhelmed and would likely get help from the sales professional, your partner or children to help you set it up
2. When at work and a co-worker doesn’t know how to use the technology to do their job well do you:
A) Get impatient, irritated and frustrated and take over to just do what needs to get done
B) Communicate what you need and suggest they learn what they need from the team
C) Spend time going over the details, show them where to and the info and provide them with the step by step
D) Calmly explain that they have to learn the technology to do their job and let others help them
3. You are in a meeting and someone phones you, do you:
A) Answer the call and say you are in a meeting
B) Answer the call, leave the room to take the call
C) End the call, text to say you are busy and ask them to text or email their question
D) Invite them to IM you on online meeting tools (zoom,skype, etc.) so that you can quickly answer their question
4. You need to set a reminder for yourself and so you:
A) Type it in your smart phone calendar
B) Voice instruct Siri on your IPhone or with another voice app
C) Email yourself a reminder and a note
D) Write it down with pen and paper
5. The company introduces new technology to do the job better you:
A) Learn the technology quickly to speed up your task completion
B) Need someone to physically show you and walk you through before you ‘get it’
C) You analyze the effectiveness of the technology, ask questions and the bugs
D) You struggle with learning the technology and don’t see the value in using it as things were ok before
6. You hear about the latest apps available- you are:
A) Constantly downloading new apps to help you do your work more quickly
B) Only download apps you hear about from friend or co-workers but love the games
C) Are skeptical about most app- what is the practical application of it?
D) Apps? The number of apps overwhelms me and even if I download an app I often forget what it does
7. Your company has adopted social media and you:
A) Don’t have time but make a commitment to tweet one or two times a day and use Hootsuite to pre-program updates
B) You love the social aspect and can get caught up in spending too much time on social media
C) You are not convinced- it seems like a waste of time
D) Why would anyone want to know where I am and what I am doing?
8. Your company has or introduces instant messaging such as Skype or Internet Messenger, you:
A) Use it all the time to get quick answers from colleagues and suppliers
B) Love the social aspect of it- a quick check in- get an answer and connect
C) Hate it- it interrupts you when you are focusing on a project or a task- you would prefer an email
D) Get frustrated with it- when it works it is great but when I have to trouble shoot I get nervous and frustrated
9. Everyone in the company is now allowed to bring their own device to use at work and you:
A) Like it, whatever works for people to get the job done works for me
B) As long as we can text if needed - I like the informal chatting and connection
C) This is frustrating - from an IT standpoint it’s a lot to manage and monitor
D) Not sure about it, once I learn what one device can do I tend to stick with that
10. When it comes to your leadership approach you tend to believe the following:
A) Everyone should be focused on results and getting things done and maximizing the use of technology to leverage their time
B) If you have fun at work your team will want to work harder, you encourage some fun time, you focus on the big picture and give your team the tools to succeed in their jobs
C) People should know the technology, know where to find information and be accurate- they should do it right
D) People are more important than the technology- at the end of the day it is the people that are most important
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