(128-254) Dental pathology
Which of the following lesions cannot be differentiated from each other on the basis of size and radiographic appearance?
Periapical granuloma from periapical cyst
Periapical abscess from periapical cyst
Periapical granuloma from periapical abscess
Periapical cyst from phoenix abscess
Chronic apical periodontitis is another name of?
Phoenix abscess
Periapical abscess
Periapical granuloma
Periapical cyst
What DOES NOT prevent the calculus formation “build up”?
Tooth shape
Tooth inclination and crowding
Salivary flow
Oral flora
Using fluoride in the root surface caries is to protect?
Dentine and cementum
All of the above
Transillumination is used to**?
To find intrinsic tooth coloration
To detect caries
Hemorrhagic pulp
The emergency treatment for painless necrotic pulp is?
Drainage through canals
Root canal treatment
Internal resorption of RC usually?
Sensitive to cold
Sensitive to heat
In young children what is the commonest finding after dental complaint?
Acute periodontal abscess
Chronic periodontal abscess
Apical abscess
Chronic alveolar absces
What are the commonest congenitally missing teeth?
12, 22
35, 45
15, 25
33, 43
Dental plaque produces?
Dental caries
All of the above
The most prominent feature of acute apical periodontitis is?
Tenderness of tooth to pressure
Extra oral swelling
Intermittent pain
None of the above
Which antibiotic administered in childhood may result in tooth discolouration?
All of the above
The MOST cariogenic sugar is?
Which of the following is a radiographic feature of dentinogenesis imperfecta ?
Small pulp chambers and root canals, normal enamel
Enamel is missing but dentine formation is normal
Enamel and dentine show disturbances
Pulp is normal but dentine is abnormal
The most accepted theory on mechanism of action of ingested fluoride is?
Absorption of fluoride ions on hydroxyapatite crystallites
Prevention of carbohydrate degradation
Inhibition of microorganisms
Incorporation of fluoride in crystal structure of enamel
The most commonly employed fluoride in dentifrices is?
Sodium monofluorophosphate
Stannous fluoride
Acidulated phosphate fluoride
Sodium fluoride
Most accepted explanation for anachoretic pulpitis is?
Increased capillary permeability
Increased vascular pressure
Presence of large number of dilated capillaries
Lack of collateral blood supply
Microabscess formation within inflamed pulp is characteristicOf?
Acute pulpitis
Focal reversible pulpitis
Chronic pulpitis
Pulp hyperemia
Sensitivity to electric pulp vitality tester in acute pulpitis is lost in later stages because of?
Necrosis of pulp
Reduction in inflammatory exudate
Increase in the size of capillaries locally
Decreased secretion of prostaglandins
Pulp reacts to electric pulp vitality tester at higher levels in chronic pulpitis due to?
Slow advance of pulp inflammation
Lack of edema fluid collection within inflamed pulp
Degeneration of nerves in affected pulp
Deposition of collagen around inflamed area
Which amongst the following characteristics is not associated with chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?
Open carious lesion
Occurs in children and young adults
Occurs in people with high tissue resistance
Occurs around margins of a restoration
Which teeth are most commonly involved by chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?
Deciduous anteriors and permanent canines
Deciduous molars and permanent 1st molars
Deciduous canines and permanent incisors
Exclusively deciduous molars
All of the following are deposits found on tooth surfaces Except .?
Acquired pellicle
Nasmyth’s membrane
Odontolithiasis is better known as?
Salivary calculi
Which amongst the following correctly depicts the stages in formation of calculus?
Pellicle → Bacterial colonization → Plaque formation and mineralization.
Pellicle → Bacterial colonization → Degradation of carbohydrates.
Bacterial colonization → Degradation of carbohydrates → Enamel dissolution
Pellicle → Plaque maturation → Bacterial colonization → Calculus
Maximum accumulation of calculus can be seen in which of the following regions?
Palatal surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth
Palatal surfaces of maxillary posterior teeth
Buccal surfaces of maxillary posterior teeth
Buccal surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth
The chief inorganic component in calculus is?
Calcium carbonate
Calcium phosphate
Calcium sulfate
The hardness of calculus is almost like that of?
All of the below given factors are responsible for causing dental caries except?
Dental plaque
According to miller, which of these acids was held responsible for producing the lesions of dental caries, according to Miller?
Lactic acid
Ascorbic acid
Picric acid
Citric acid
Which inorganic constituent is present in highest concentration in dental plaque?
A caries increment of __ or more new carious lesions over one year is considered characteristic of rampant caries?
Acute dental caries occurs most frequently in children and young adults because?
Dentinal tubules are scleroses in the teeth of young people
The apex of root of teeth are not formed completely
Dentinal tubules are narrower in diameter
Dentinal tubules are larger, open and show no sclerosis
Nursing bottle caries is a type of _______ caries?
Absence of caries in _______ teeth helps to distinguish nursing bottle caries from rampant caries?
Maxillary canines
Mandibular incisors
Maxillary incisors
Mandibular canines
The phenomenon by which bacteria circulating in blood accumulate at the site of pulpal inflammation is called as?
Retrograde pulpitis
Anachoretic pulpitis
All of the following except _______ occur as a sequel to pulpitis.?
Lateral periodontal cyst
Periapical granuloma
Apical periodontal cyst
Periapical abscess
All of the following except _______ are common radiological features associated with a periapical granuloma.?
Thickening of PDL around root apex
Well-defined radiopacity
Root resorption of involved tooth
Well-defined radiolucency with sclerotic borders
Giant cell hyaline angiopathy and Rushton bodies are associated with which of the following lesions?
Ludwig angina
Odontogenic keratocyst
Pulp polyp
Periapical granuloma
Which cells, secreting osteoclast activating factor are believed to be responsible for much of root and bone destruction in periapical granulomas?
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Mast cells
Foam cells within periapical granulomas are ______ cells that have ingested lipids.?
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Langerhans cells
Plasma cells
_________ is least likely to produce any noticeable signs or symptoms.?
Radicular cyst
Acute pulpitis
Periapical abscess
Ludwig angina
What term is applied to a radiolucent lesion within the alveolar ridge at the site of a previous tooth extraction?
Lateral radicular cyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Residual cyst
Periapical abscess
All except _____ are deposits found on tooth surfaces.?
Acquired pellicle
Nasmyth’s membrane
Acquired pellicle is primarily composed of?
Heparan sulfate
Which types of bacteria predominate in the organic matrix ofcalculus?
Gram-positive filamentous
Gram-positive bacilli
Gram-negative bacilli
All except _________ are principal causes of halitosis.?
Unclean prostheses
Sweet odor of diabetes
Respiratory tract infection
What is the causative factor of plasma cell gingivitis?
Allergy to a component of chewing gum, dentifrices or food component
Allergy to antibiotics
Infection by filamentous bacteria
Infection by herpes zoster virus
Which amongst the following drugs are capable of inducing gingivitis either directly or systemically?
During the course of gingivitis if bony changes become evident on a radiograph, the condition is then referred to as?
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Plasma cell gingivitis
Desquamative gingivitis
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is on the rise globally in association with?
Hepatitis B
ANUG is now believed to be caused by a fusiform bacteria and?
Actinomyces israelii
Actinomyces naeslundii
Treponema pallidum
Borrelia vincentii
Which is considered to be one of the most important predisposing factors in the causation of ANUG?
Allergy to drugs
Decreased resistance to infections
Hormonal changes
All, of the following except _______ are potentially serious complications of ANUG.?
Squamous cell carcinoma
All, except ________, are believed to be causative factors of desquamative gingivitis.?
Hormonal influences
Decreased resistance to infections
Which amongst the following are believed to be the most important dermatoses presenting with oral findings described as desquamative gingivitis?
Dyskeratosis congenita
Erythema multiforme
Cicatricial pemphigoid
The etiology of which of the following gingival enlargements is still unknown?
Fibrous epulis
Plasma cell gingivitis
Fibromatosis gingivae
Pregnancy gingivitis is essentially a?
Plasma cell gingivitis
Fibrous epulis
Pyogenic granuloma
Peripheral ossifying fibroma
Chronic periodontitis usually begins as?
Marginal gingivitis
Marginal periodontitis
Pyogenic granuloma
Chronic gingivitis
One of the early microscopic signs of advancement of inflammatory process into the periodontium is?
Ulceration of crevicular epithelium
Infiltration of connective tissue with plasma cells
Appearance of osteoclasts on alveolar crest
Appearance of osteoblasts on alveolar crest
The earliest radiographic finding in periodontitis is?
Widening of periodontal space
Blunting of alveolar crest
Loss of trabeculae in the alveolar crest
Formation of suprabony pocket
Factors that interfere with reattachment of fibrous connective tissue to the tooth include all of these except?
Crevicular epithelium
Tooth mobility
Necrotic cementum
Dental caries
The localized form of aggressive periodontitis is largely caused by all of the following bacteria except?
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Bacteroides forsythus
Actinomyces actinomycetemcomitans
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis, generalized hyperhidrosis, peculiar dirty colored skin along with aggressive periodontitis is referred to as?
Frey’s syndrome
Desquamative gingivitis
Papillon—Lefevre syndrome
A pseudopocket is?
Periodontal pocket with furcation involvement
Pocket limited to gingiva
Pocket with base extending past cementoenamel junction
Pocket with base extending past the crest of alveolar bone
An infrabony pocket is a pocket with bone on its ________ wall.?
All of the following statements except one are true regarding chronic periodontitis?
It begins as marginal gingivitis
The epithelial attachment begins to migrate cervically
Teeth become mobile
Patients may complain bleeding gums and hyper-sensitivity around necks of their teeth
Which amongst the following systemic diseases involves gingivae prominently?
Crohn’s disease
Phlegmon is also known as?
Infections arising in maxilla perforate the outer cortical plate of bone above _______ muscle.?
Orbicularis oris
Lateral pterygoid
Tissue spaces are potential spaces located between?
Buccal space is bounded posteriorly by ______ muscle.?
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Anterior edge of masseter
Lateral pterygoid
Pterygomandibular space infection arises as a result of extension of infection in ________ region.?
Mandibular 3rd molar
Mandibular 2nd molar
Mandibular canine
Maxillary tuberosity
Inferior portion of _______ space is called as pterygomandibular space.?
The pterygomandibular space abscess must be distinguished from the _______ space.?
Lateral pharyngeal space infections have the potential to spread upward through ________ and cause cavernous sinus thrombosis, meningitis and brain abscess.?
Various foramina at base of skull
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Submandibular space
Mediastinitis results from downward extension of ______ space infection.?
Lateral pharyngeal
Infection in the parotid space reaches as a backward extension along the parotid duct or from ______ space.?
Lateral pharyngeal
The lateral pharyngeal space is bounded laterally by?
Carotid sheath
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
External jugular vein
______ forms the posterior boundary of the submasseteric space.?
Parotid gland
Submandibular salivary gland
Sublingual salivary gland
Anterior ramus
Infection of submasseteric space usually arises from?
Mandibular 1st molar
Mandibular 3rd molar
Parotid space
Buccal space
The submaxillary or submandibular space is bounded laterally by?
Carotid fascia
Skin and superficial fascia
Mylohyoid muscle
This space is one of the most commonly involved of all facial spaces?
Infection in sublingual space may arise as an extension from ______ space.?
Submental space extends from the anterior border of submandibular space to?
Sublingual space
Mandibular incisors
Symphysis menti
Ludwig’s angina is a severe form of?
Cardiac disease
Ludwig’s angina is diagnosed as such only when submandibular, submental and ______ spaces are involved together.?
Lateral pharyngeal
The swelling in case of Ludwig’s angina, usually occurs in?
Floor of mouth
Maxillary tuberosity
Dental infections are carried to the cavernous sinus by means of?
Pterygopalatine vessels
Pterygoid plexus of veins
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Which one of the following situations can be a source of focal infection in oral cavity?
Periapical granuloma
Periapical abscess
Periodontal disease
Odontogenic keratocyst
The occurrence of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is dependent to a great extent on the relation and proximity of ______ to the maxillary sinus.?
Canine, first and second premolars
Canine and first premolar
Second and third molars
Second premolar, first and second molar
Which amongst the following is not an intracranial complication of dental infections?
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Brain abscess
Maxillary sinusitis
The primary microorganism in the etiology of Ludwig’s angina is?
None of above, it is a mixed infection
One of the characteristic clinical presentations of cavernous sinus thrombosis is?
Exophthalmos with edema of eyelids and chemosis
Antrolith can be detected in?
Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis
Chronic maxillary sinusitis
Acute maxillary sinusitis
Chronic sialadenitis
The sinus polyps of chronic maxillary sinusitis microscopically show?
Hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium
Hyperplastic pseudostratified squamous epithelium
Hyperplastic ciliated epithelium
Hyperplastic granulation tissue with lymphocytic infiltration
Oral foci of infection can be aggravated by all of the following conditions.?
Ischemic heart disease
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
________ is also known as follicular cyst.?
Odontogenic keratocyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Dentigerous cyst
A dentigerous cyst develops due to collection of fluid between _________ and tooth surface.?
Reduced dental epithelium
Stellate reticulum
Internal dental epithelium
External dental epithelium
The tooth most commonly involved by dentigerous cyst is?
Maxillary canine
Maxillary 3rd molar
Mandibular 2nd premolar
Mandibular 3rd molar
Which one of the following is not a radiographic variety of dentigerous cyst?
A well-defined radiolucent lesion attached to the neck of an impacted mandibular third molar in a 20-year-old male is most likely to be?
Dentigerous cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Multiple odontogenic keratocysts, basal cell carcinomas and bifid ribs are features of ________ syndrome.?
Kelly Paterson
Which one of the following odontogenic cysts grows in an anteroposterior direction within the medullary spaces of bone?
Dentigerous cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Gingival cyst of adults
Radicular cyst
“Picket fence” or “Tombstone” appearance of basal cell layer of cyst lining is a characteristic feature seen in _________.?
Odontogenic keratocyst
Dentigerous cyst
Radicular cyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
All of the following statements except _______ are true regarding odontogenic keratocyst?
Seen primarily in mandibular molar—Ascending ramus region
Epithelial lining is thin and friable
Originates from cell rests of Malassezia
Epithelial lining is keratinized
Which one of the following is an important factor in the recurrence of odontogenic keratocysts?
Presence of exudate in the cyst lumen
Presence of inflammation in connective tissue wall
Friable and thin epithelial lining
Development of new cysts from the cell rests of Malassezia in the vicinity
All of the following except _____________ are examples of developmental odontogenic cysts.?
Radicular cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Gingival cyst of adults
Lateral periodontal cyst
A primordial cyst is now believed to represent?
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Botryoid odontogenic cyst
Small, superficial, keratin filled cysts that are found on the alveolar mucosa of infants are most likely to be?
Median mandibular cyst
Nasopalatine duct cyst
Gingival cyst of the newborn
Eruption cyst
Spot the only fissural/inclusion cyst amongst the below given cysts?
Lateral periodontal cyst
Nasopalatine duct cyst
Glandular odontogenic cyst
Dentigerous cyst
An eruption cyst is a soft tissue analogue of?
Radicular cyst
Gingival cyst of newborn
Dentigerous cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
A smooth, translucent swelling on gingival mucosa overlying the crown of an erupting tooth is suggestive of?
Eruption cyst
Gingival cyst of adults
Gingival cyst of newborn
Which amongst the following cysts has a predilection for occurrence in mandibular canine-premolar region?
Gingival cyst of adults
Gingival cyst of newborn
Radicular cyst
Dentigerous cyst
Botryoid odontogenic cyst is a variant of which of the following cysts?
Gingival cyst of adults
Lateral periodontal cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Which one of the following cysts is considered to be a soft tissue counterpart of lateral periodontal cyst?
Gingival cyst of newborn
Radicular cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Gingival cyst of adults
Carcinoma arising within the odontogenic cyst linings is a complication seen most commonly in which cyst?
Dentigerous cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Radicular cyst
A lateral periodontal cyst must be distinguished radiologically from which other odontogenic cyst?
Lateral dentigerous cyst
Collateral keratocyst
Epstein’s pearls
Eruption cyst
A median palatal cyst arises from?
Epithelium entrapped along the line of fusion of palatalprocesses of maxilla
Cystic degeneration of remnants of nasopalatine duct
Cystic degeneration of rests of dental lamina
Cystic degeneration of epithelial rests of Malassezia
Gorlin cyst is more commonly referred to as?
Odontogenic keratocyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Glandular odontogenic cyst
A common odontogenic tumor, odontoma is most commonly associated with?
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Dentigerous cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Radicular cyst
Histological features of thin epithelial lining, ameloblast-like basal cell layer with overlying layers resembling stellate reticulum and abundant ghost cell within the epithelial lining are suggestive of?
Dentigerous cyst
Radicular cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
A swelling of the upper lip lateral to the midline resulting in elevation of the ala of the nose is most likely to be?
Nasopalatine duct cyst
Nasolabial cyst
Medial mandibular cyst
Globulomaxillary cyst
Which one of following odontogenic cysts is not usually associated with an unerupted tooth?
Dentigerous cyst
Eruption cyst
Gingival cyst of adults
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Spot the only inflammatory odontogenic cysts amongst the below given cysts?
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Lateral periodontal cyst
Buccal bifurcation cyst
Select a false statement regarding calcifying odontogenic cyst from below given statements?
Numerous ghost cells are seen in connective tissue wall
It is seen mostly in the anterior maxilla and mandible
Usually associated with an impacted/unerupted tooth
Cyst lining appears ameloblastomatous
Microscopic features of ___________ in some areas sometimes resemble those of a low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma.?
Buccal bifurcation cyst
Nasopalatine duct cyst
Sialo-odontogenic cyst
Gingival cyst of the newborn
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