Oral surgery

1. What are the ideal treatment plans?
σ� Long-term outcomes
σ� Address all patient concerns
σ� Minimum intervention
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
2. In which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment?
σ� Suture removal
σ� Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth
σ� Prescription writing for orofacial pain
σ� Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus
σ� Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth and Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus
3. The difficulty of extraction?
σ� Severely divergent roots
σ� Periapial radiolucency
σ� Dilacerated roots
σ� Endodontically treated teeth with or without post and core
σ� Increased number of roots present
4. Which one of the following is NOT one of the basic steps of surgical extraction?
σ� Incision & raising a flap
σ� Application of Betadine
σ� Removal of bone
σ� Tooth or root division
σ� Removal of tooth or roots
σ� Wound debridement
5. When a fractured root tip can be left in-situ?
σ� The root tip is smaller than 2mm in an infected root
σ� For small root fragments as the risk of removing them may cause potential complications
σ� The infected root tip is closed to the maxillary sinus
σ� The infected root is close to the inferior alveolar nerve
σ� All of the above
6. Which suture that can be used in contaminated wounds?
σ� Vicryl
σ� Silk
σ� Nylon
σ� Catgut
σ� Stainless steel
7. Which suture creates eversion of the wound edges?
σ� Interrupted sutures
σ� Continuous sutures
σ� Horizontal mattress suture
σ� Vertical mattress suture
σ� Figure-of-eight suture
8. What sizes of the sutures that commonly used in oral cavity?
σ� 2//0
σ� 3/0 & 4/0
σ� 4/0 & 5/0
σ� 6/0
σ� 7/0
9. What is the atraumatic suturing technique?
σ� No crushing tissues with forceps
σ� Not too large suture and needle
σ� Not too large tissue bites
σ� Not too tight
σ� Not too dry
σ� All of the above
10. Which suture is used for extraction socket of molar teeth to control bleeding?
σ� Horizontal mattress
σ� Vertical mattress
σ� Figure-of-eight and interrupted
σ� Interrupted
σ� Sling suture
11. How many knots do you need to tie tissues intra-orally?
σ� One knot
σ� Two knots
σ� Three knots
σ� Four knots
σ� Five knots
12. Suture is selected depends on:
σ� Tissue to be suturing, ie. mucosa, muscle, skin
σ� Healing process
σ� Tissue tolerance
σ� Patient’s availability to come for suture removal
σ� All of the above
13. Which of the followings are the treatments of ecchymosis?
σ� Apply ice pack on the bruise
σ� Reassure the patient
σ� Inject steroid
σ� Apply warm moist pack
σ� Apply ice pack on the bruise and Inject steroid
σ� Reassure the patient and Apply warm moist pack
14. Which of the following are the local measures to control bleeding after surgical extraction?
σ� Use vitamin K
σ� Apply pressure with sterilized gauze
σ� Use tranexamic acide injection
σ� Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket
σ� Suture across the socket
σ� Apply pressure with sterilized gauze, Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket and Suture across the socket
15. Which case of cyst do you need to do marsupialization?
σ� Very large cyst involving vital structures
σ� Traumatic bone cyst
σ� Pocket cyst of lateral incisor
σ� Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula)
σ� Very large cyst involving vital structures and Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula)
V All of the above
16. How to diagnose an Oro-antral fistula?
σ� Squeeze patient nose & ask to strongly blow to see air bubble
σ� Insert a large needle into fistula & take X-ray
σ� Use the probe to explore the fistula
σ� None of the above
σ� All of the above
17. Which one of the following is NOT the factors influencing the course of infection?
σ� Portal of entry
σ� Virulence
σ� Patient's weight
σ� Pathogenicity
σ� Host defense
σ� Numbers/types of bacteria
18. What are the investigations for infection?
σ� Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity
σ� Immunoflurescence
σ� Blood culture
σ� Urine test
σ� Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity and Blood culture
σ� All of the above
19. Which of the following are NOT the modes of spread of infection?
σ� Saliva
σ� Lymphatic
σ� Blood
σ� Tear
σ� Direct spread
σ� Saliva and Tear
20. What is the first line antibiotic for acute infection?
σ� Rodogyl
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Amoxicillin or with clavulanic acid
σ� Cephaxin
σ� All of the above
21. In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital?
σ� Localized infection
σ� Ludwig’s Angina
σ� Palatal abscess
σ� Cavernous sinus thrombosis
σ� Localized infection and Palatal abscess
σ� Ludwig’s Angina and Cavernous sinus thrombosis
22. How to confirm the definitive diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion (diameter ˃2cm) on the lateral border of the tongue?
σ� Blood test
σ� Fine needle aspiration
σ� Incisional biopsy
σ� Excisional biopsy
σ� All of the above
23. Which lesions are needed for fine needle aspiration?
σ� Vascular lesions
σ� Fluctuant soft tissue pathology
σ� Surgical emphysema
σ� Intraosseous pathology
σ� Vascular lesions and Surgical emphysema
σ� Fluctuant soft tissue pathology and Intraosseous pathology
24. When aspirate a cystic lesion which shows cholesterol, what type of cyst might it be?
σ� Dentigerous cyst
σ� Eruption cyst
σ� Inflammatory cyst
σ� Odontogenic keratocyst
σ� Aneurysmal bone cyst
25. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows blood, what type of lesion might it be?
σ� Contamination
σ� Lipoma
σ� Aneurysmal bone cyst
σ� Radicular cyst
σ� Haemengioma and Mucoccel
σ� Contamination, Aneurysmal bone cyst and Haemengioma
26. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows air, what type of lesion/structure might it be?
σ� Salivary gland duct
σ� Maxillary sinus
σ� Nerve canal
σ� Traumatic bone cyst
σ� Salivary gland and Nerve canal
σ� Maxillary sinus and Traumatic bone cyst
27. How do you perform pulp vitality tests?
σ� Tap on the tooth
σ� Use hot GP points
σ� Spray air on the tooth
σ� Use cold spray
σ� Use electric pulp tester
σ� Use hot GP points, Use cold spray and Use electric pulp tester
28. What are the surgical options of jaw cysts?
σ� Apply acid
σ� Marsupializaion
σ� Incision and drainage and Enucleation
σ� Root canal canal treatment
σ� Local resection +/- reconstruction
σ� Marsupializaion, Enucleation and Local resection +/- reconstruction
29. Which one of the following is the best method of amrsupialization of large cysts?
σ� Packing with gauze into the cystic cavity
σ� Open the cystic cavity with robber urinary catheter
σ� Packing with alveogyl
σ� Cover the cystic cavity with resine stent
σ� Plug the cystic cavity with gelfoam
30. Which one of the soft tissue lesions that penetrate into underlying bone (cupping)?
σ� Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
σ� Central giant cell granulama
σ� Focal fibrous hyperplasia
σ� Drug induced gingival hyperplasia
31. Which of one the following lesions do NOT need to do excisional biopsy?
σ� Firoepithelial polyps
σ� Mucocoeles
σ� Fibromas
σ� Haemengioma
σ� Papillomas
32. What is the flap design for removal of torus palatinus?
σ� Envelop flap
σ� Triangular flap
σ� J-shape flap
σ� Y-shape flap
33. What is Compound Odontome?
σ� Odongenic tumour characterized by the formation of calcified enamel & dentin in
σ� An abnormal arrangement
σ� A bag of teeth
σ� A variant type of ameloblastoma
σ� A malignant tumour of the tooth
34. In which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment?
σ� Non-invasive procedures such as extraction of a just root
σ� Prescribing an analgesic
σ� All the invasive procedures such as surgical removal of mandibular third molar
σ� Prescribing an antiseptic mouthwash
35. Which of the following is NOT the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion?
σ� List all the most probable diagnosis
σ� Look at the characteristics of each condition/lesion
σ� Blood tests
σ� Compare & distinguish between them and choose on a “best-fit” basis
36. Which one of the following is NOT the investigation before extraction?
σ� Radiographs
σ� Antibiotic
σ� Pulp vitality tests
σ� Study models
37. Which one of the following is NOT the ideal treatment plans?
σ� Meet all patient concerns
σ� Future procedures for long-term outcomes
σ� Provide treatment options
σ� Treat only painful tooth
38. Which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment?
σ� Non-invasive procedures such as extraction of a just root
σ� Prescribing an analgesic
σ� All the invasive procedures such as surgical removal of mandibular third molar
σ� Prescribing an antiseptic mouthwash
39. Which of one of the following is NOT the clinical factors predicting the difficulty of extractions?
σ� Extensive loss of coronal tooth structure
σ� Limited access to the area of extraction
σ� Severe periodontitis
σ� History of past root canal therapy
40. Which of one of the following is NOT the radiographic factors predicting the difficulty of extraction?
σ� Severely divergent roots and dilacerated roots
σ� Enlargement of periodontal ligament space seen in a radiograph
σ� Hypercementosis/bulbous roots and dense bone
σ� Endodontically treated teeth with or without post and core
41. Which teeth are at risk for sinus exposure when doing extraction?
σ� Lone standing maxillary molar with pneumatized maxillary sinus
σ� Roots projecting into a severely pneumatized maxillary sinus and minimal coronal bone visible radiographically
σ� Teeth with advanced periodontal disease but with no mobility; also teeth with the maxillary sinus extending into the trifurcation area
σ� All of the above
42. Which one of the following is NOT one of the principles of flap designs?
σ� Avoid vital structures
σ� A little broad base flap
σ� Very broad base
σ� Gentle soft tissue handling
43. What are the factors to consider in flap design?
σ� Depth of the buccal sulcus
σ� Position & size of labial fraenum and muscle attachments
σ� Size of lesion and number of teeth to be treated
σ� All of the above
44. Which one of the following is NOT one of the basic steps of surgical extraction?
σ� Incision & raising a flap
σ� Application of Betadine around the tooth
σ� Removal of bone and tooth or root division
σ� Wound debridement and suture
45. When a fractured root tip can NOT be left in the socket?
σ� The root tip has got infection
σ� The root tip is smaller than 3mm
σ� The root tip is closed to the maxillary sinus and closed to inferior alveolar nerve
σ� All of the above
46. How do you prevent aspiration of a tooth or root into the lungs when doing an extraction?
σ� Place a piece of sterilized gauze as a pharyngeal screen at the back of the patient's mouth
σ� Place a rubber dam on the tooth
σ� Patient stands up while extracting the tooth
σ� Lay the patient flat while extracting the tooth
47. Which of the followings are the treatments of ecchymosis?
σ� Apply ice pack on the bruise
σ� Inject steroid
σ� Reassure the patient and apply warm moist pack
σ� Prescribe antibiotic and analgesics
48. How do you avoid TMJ dislocation during dental procedures?
σ� Use mouth prop or bite block
σ� Make short appointment
σ� Support the mandible during extraction
σ� All of the above
49. What are the symptoms and signs of alveolar osteitis (dry socket)?
σ� Severe pain and discomfort from the extraction site and may radiate from to other parts of the head, ear, eye, and neck
σ� Exposed bone around the socket and remaining food debris inside the socket
σ� Delayed healing
σ� All of the above
50. Which one of the treatment procedures of alveolar osteitis (dry socket) below is NOT always given to the patients?
σ� Irrigate the socket with chlorhexidine
σ� Prescribed antibiotic
σ� Apply alvogyl in the socket
σ� Prescribe strong analgesics
51. Which one of the following is NOT the prevention of dry socket?
σ� Stop smoking
σ� Stop oral contraceptive for several days before & a few days after surgery
σ� Give antibiotic before extraction/surgery
σ� Minimize extraction force
52. Which of the following is NOT the local measures to control bleeding after surgical extraction?
σ� Use vitamin K
σ� Apply pressure with sterilized gauze
σ� Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket
σ� Suture across the socket
53. In aggressive measure to control bleeding, which medication is commonly used?
σ� Adrenoxyl injection
σ� Dicinone tablet
σ� Tranexamic acid mouthrinse
σ� Desmopressin injection
54. Which hemostatic agent do you use to control bleeding from bone?
σ� Gelfoam
σ� Bone wax
σ� Surgicel
σ� Ferric sulfate
55. How to prevent prolonged/excessive bleeding after extraction and oral surgery?
σ� Assessing difficulty of surgery
σ� Make proper incisions
σ� Minimize excessive trauma to soft tissues tearing
σ� Avoiding using Aspirin & NSAIDs after surgery
σ� All of the above
56. What are the causes of surgical emphysema?
σ� High-speed air turbine drills
σ� Blowing air syringes
σ� Increased intraoral pressure through sneezing
σ� All of the above
57. What is a true cyst?
σ� A non-inflammatory cyst
σ� A pathological cavity enclosed in an epithelial lining, no communication to root canal (needs surgery)
σ� An epithelial-lined cavity opens to and continuous with root canal (RCT/Apicect.)
σ� A pseudocyst
58. What can you see in histopathological examination of a radicular cyst?
σ� Keratin
σ� Pus
σ� Cholesterol crystals and inflammatory cells
σ� Calcified materials
59. What are the treatment procedures for radicular cyst?
σ� RCT with/without apicectomy if it’s small
σ� Extraction and apical curretage
σ� Enucleation for large cysts with or without apicectomy and retrograde filling
σ� All of the above
60. What is a residual cyst?
σ� A non- odontogenic cyst
σ� A develomental cyst
σ� An inflammatory cyst
σ� A pseudocyst
61. What is a paradental cyst?
σ� An odontogenic cyst which locates in between roots of vital teeth
σ� Non-keratinised inflammatory cyst which locates distal to the mandibular third molar
σ� A dermoid cyst
σ� An eruption cyst of infant
62. Dentigerous cyst develops around:?
σ� Root
σ� Crown of unerupted tooth
σ� Mandible
σ� Gingiva
63. What is the clinical significant in Odontogenic Keratocyst?
σ� Common among men
σ� Aggressive behaviour with high recurrent rate
σ� Commonly occur in anterior maxilla
σ� Often involves with multiple cysts
64. How to treat odontogenic keratocyst?
σ� Enucelation and curettage
σ� Surgical ressection
σ� Application of Carnoy's solution
σ� All of the above
65. Which statements below about eruption cyst are true?
σ� It's associated with erupting tooth
σ� It's a soft tissue, bluish swelling over a crown of newly erupted tooth
σ� Its histology is the same as dentigerous cyst
σ� Its treatment is to excise or unroof the cyst lining
σ� All of the above
66. What is the radiographic feature of calcifying odontogenic cyst?
σ� Ill-defined radiolucency
σ� Radiopaque along the margin of a radiolucency
σ� Well-defined radiolucency containing varying amounts of radiopaque material (areas of calcification)
σ� Ground glass appearance
67. Which cyst has got "heart-shape" radiolucency in nasopalatine canal?
σ� Globulomaxillary cyst
σ� Nasopalatine duct cyst
σ� Nasolabial cyst
σ� Radicular cyst
68. What type of cyst has got an empty cavity, no epithelial lining, commonly occurs in the mandible with a history of trauma?
σ� Stafne's inclusion cyst
σ� Aneurysmal bone cyst
σ� Traumatic bone cyst or simple bone cyst or solitary bone cyst
σ� Median mandibular cyst
69. What is the most common site for mucocele?
σ� Upper lip
σ� Lower lip
σ� Tongue
σ� Cheek
70. What is the most common indication for removal of sub-lingual salivary gland?
σ� Sialoadenosis
σ� Ranula (plunging)
σ� Neoplasm
σ� Lymphoma
σ� Stone
71. What is the likely diagnosis when you aspirate from a soft tissue swelling showing blood?
σ� Traumatic bone cyst
σ� Abscess
σ� Blood vessel
σ� Haemagioma, aneurysmal bone cyst or contamination
72. Which case the enucleation of cyst in applied?
σ� Small cyst in the jaws
σ� Large cysts near vital structures
σ� Ameloblastoma with aggressive behaviour
σ� Cystic fibrosis
73. Which case of cyst do you need to do marsupialization?
σ� Mucocele
σ� Traumatic bone cyst
σ� Very large cyst involving vital structures and ranula
σ� All of the above
74. How to diagnose an Oro-antral fistula?
σ� Insert a large needle into fistula & take X-ray
σ� Squeeze patient nose & ask to strongly blow to see air bubble (Valsava test)
σ� Use the probe to explore the fistula
σ� All of the above
75. Which of the following is NOT the modes of spread of infection?
σ� Saliva
σ� Lymphatic
σ� Blood
σ� Direct spread
76. Where can the infection spread from maxillary 2nd premolar spread to?
σ� Maxillary sinus
σ� Palatal space
σ� Infratemporal space
σ� Infraorbital space or buccal space
77. Which one of the following space that the infection from the mandibular 3rd molar will NOT spread to?
σ� Pterygomandibular
σ� Lateral pharyngeal
σ� Submandibular and submasseteric spaces
σ� Infratemporal space
78. Which type of acute infection that can cause airway compromised?
σ� Infraorbital space
σ� Ludwig’s Angina
σ� Buccal space
σ� Canine space
σ� Cavernous sinus
79. What is the most effective antibiotic for acute infection?
σ� Rodogyl
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid
σ� Cephaxin
σ� All of the above
80. In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital?
σ� Localized infection
σ� Extremely severe infections involving potential facial spaces
σ� Palatal abscess
σ� Canine space abscess
81. When aspirate a cystic lesion which shows cholesterol, what type of cyst might it be?
σ� Dentigerous cyst
σ� Eruption cyst
σ� Inflammatory cysts
σ� Odontogenic keratocyst
σ� Aneurysmal bone cyst
82. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows blood, what type of lesion might it be?
σ� Contamination, aneurysmal bone cyst or haemengioma
σ� Lipoma
σ� Mucoccel
σ� Radicular cyst
83. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows air, what type of lesion/structure might it be?
σ� Traumatic bone cyst or solitary bone cyst
σ� Aneurysmal bone cyst
σ� Thyroglossal duct cyst
σ� Eruption cyst
84. What does crepitus or egg-shell crackling on palpation of the jaw bone mean?
σ� The cortical bone is hard
σ� The cortical bone is thin
σ� The cortical bone is fractured
σ� The bone is completely resorbed
85. How do you perform pulp vitality tests?
σ� Tap on the tooth
σ� Use periodontal probe
σ� Spray air on the tooth
σ� Use cold spray, hot GP points, or electric pulp tester
86. What are the surgical options of jaw cysts?
σ� Apply acid
σ� Enucleation, marsupializaion, and local resection +/- reconstruction
σ� Incision and drainage
σ� Root canal canal treatment
87. Which flap design will you raise for surgical enucleation of a radicular cyst at the apeces of teeth #12 and #11 with ceramic crowns?
σ� Envelop flap
σ� Triangular flap
σ� Rectangular flap
σ� Modified scallop semilunar flap
σ� Semilunar flap
88. Which one of the following is the best method of marsupialization of large cysts?
σ� Packing with gauze into the cystic cavity
σ� Opening the cystic cavity with a plastic tube or sterilized urinary catheter
σ� Packing with alveogyl
σ� Covering the cystic cavity with resine sten
σ� Packing the cystic cavity with gelfoam
89. Which one of the following is NOT the pedunculated lesion?
σ� Denture irritation hyperplasia
σ� Peipheral giant cell granuloma
σ� Pregnancy epulis
σ� Papillary hyperplasia of the palate
σ� Pyogenic granuloma
90. Which of the following is NOT the treatment of denture-induced hyperplasia?
σ� Leave the denture out at night
σ� Remade the denture
σ� Laser surgery
σ� Surgical excision
91. Which one of the soft tissue lesions which penetrate into underlying bone (cupping)?
σ� Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
σ� Central giant cell granulama
σ� Focal fibrous hyperplasia
σ� Drug induced gingival hyperplasia
92. What is Rhadomyoma?
σ� Benign tumour of fat tissue
σ� Benign tumour of striated, voluntary muscle
σ� Malignant tumour of bone
σ� Malignant tumour of salivary gland
93. Which of one the following lesions do NOT need to do incisional biopsy?
σ� Firoepithelial polyps
σ� Mucocoeles
σ� Fibromas
σ� Haemengioma
σ� Papillomas
94. How to treat benign tumours?
σ� Observe
σ� Reduce
σ� Excise
σ� Resect
σ� All of the above
95. Which one of the following drug does NOT cause gingival hyperplasia?
σ� Nifedipine
σ� Warfarin
σ� Phenytoin (Dilantin*)
σ� Cyclosporin
96. What is Compound Odontome?
σ� Odongenic tumour characterized by the formation of calcified enamel & dentin in an abnormal arrangement
σ� A bag of teeth
σ� A variant type of ameloblastoma
σ� A malignant tumour of the tooth
97. What is radiographic feature of fibrous dysplasia?
σ� Unilocular radiolucency in the tooth apex
σ� Multilocular readiolucency in angle of the mandible
σ� Dense radiopaque in the maxillary sinus
σ� Ground glass appearance in the maxilla and mandible
98. Which one of the following is NOT the surgical treatment of benign tumour of the jaw bones?
σ� Excise/enucleate/curettage
σ� Resect
σ� Chemotherapy
σ� Reconstruct
99. Which of the following is NOT the mode of spread of infection?
σ� Haematologic
σ� Lymphatic
σ� Saliva
σ� Direct spread
00. Where can the infection from maxillary 2nd premolar spread to?
σ� Maxillary sinus
σ� Palatal space
σ� Infratemporal space
σ� Infraorbital space or buccal space
σ� All of the above
101. Where can the infection from mandibular molars spread to?
σ� Submandibular or buccal space
σ� Sublingual space
σ� Submental space
σ� Lateral pharyngeal space
σ� All of the above
102. Which one of the following space that the infection from the mandibular 3rd molar will NOT spread to?
σ� Pterygomandibular
σ� Lateral pharyngeal
σ� Submandibular or submesseteric
σ� Palatal space
σ� All of the above
103. Which teeth that infection can cause cavernous sinus thrombosis?
σ� Maxillary 2nd molars
σ� Maxillary 3rd molars
σ� Infection of maxillary canines, 1st premolars, and mesiobuccal root of the 1st molar
σ� Maxillary incisors
104. What is the complication of cavernous sinus thrombosis?
σ� Airway obstruction
σ� Venous thrombosis and cranial compression
σ� Osteomyelitis
σ� Cold abscess
105. Which type of acute infection that can cause airway compromise?
σ� Infra-orbital space
σ� Ludwig’s Angina
σ� Buccal space
σ� Canine space
σ� Cavernous sinus
106. What is the most important and first step to treat acute infection?
σ� Prescribe antibiotic
σ� Prescribe analgesics
σ� Antiseptic mouthwash
σ� Incision and drainage of pus
σ� All of the above
107. Why local anesthetic is not allowed to inject in the infected site?
σ� Very painful
σ� Not effective anesthesia
σ� Causing needle tract infection
σ� All of the above
108. How do you make incision on a fluctuant abscess?
σ� Like normal incision, blade cut on the surface of pointed swelling
σ� Use number 12 blade to cut below the pointed swelling
σ� Use number 11 blade, upside down to open the pointed swelling
σ� Use the large needle to aspirate
109. Which antibiotic has become more resistant to bacteria?
σ� Rodogyl
σ� Azithromycin
σ� Amoxicillin plus Clavulanic acid
σ� Cephaxin
σ� All of the above
110. In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital?
σ� Localized infection
σ� Ludwig’s Angina, Cavernous sinus thrombosis and other danger spaces
σ� Buccal space abscess
σ� Palatal abscess
σ� All of the above
111. Why compound antibiotic such as Amxocillin + Clavulanic acid is more effective than single antibiotic?
σ� It inhibits penicillinase or Betalactamases and active against Staph. Aureus
σ� It is more expensive than single antibiotic
σ� It is made in developed country
σ� It is active against anaerobe bacteria
112. The danger area of face where from infection can spread directly to cavernous sinus includes:
σ� From below the eyes up to chin
σ� Area around the lips
σ� Area around lips including lower part of nose
σ� Whole of the face
σ� From maxillary sinus.
{"name":"Oral surgery", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. What are the ideal treatment plans?, 2. In which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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