Your mental health check-up

How often have you felt down or depressed in the last two weeks
Not at all
Several times
Have you noticed feeling anxious...
Not at all
Several times
Almost constantly
How often have you felt tearful?
Not at all
A few times
Too many times to count
Do you feel you have a clear direction in your life?
Yes! Absolutely
I've got a general idea
I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow
How would you describe how you feel about your life?
In control, happy and generally excited
Mostly good, but a bit lost at times
I feel completely at sea
How well do you sleep?
Like a baby - 7 - 8 ish hours a night
It varies...
Terrible, haven't had a decent nights sleep in a long time
How is your level of energy?
Pretty good, feel steady throughout the day
Often struggle with tiredness
Terrible. Tired ALL the time.
How is your gut? Do you have issues with digestion, constipation, loose bowels?
No problems, tolerate everything.
A bit of reflux/heartburn & some discomfort here and there
Chronic constipation / loose stools or bloating
{"name":"Your mental health check-up", "url":"","txt":"How often have you felt down or depressed in the last two weeks, Have you noticed feeling anxious..., How often have you felt tearful?","img":""}
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