
Why did some paleothical hunters and gathers migrate to americas?
They were following big mammals, like the wooly mammoth
They were trying to escape the encroaching glaciers
They were seeking fertile grasslands for big grazzing mammals
They sought better materials for their tools and weapons
What two factors most signicicantly altered the lives of the Paleo Indians?
Geographical isolation and the descovery of maize
The disappearence of big mammals and the closing of the route from Berigina to the americas
Lack of a written language and the use of manufactored tools
The absence of big mammals and the dicovery of maize.
What evidence revealed to historians that a lack of protein was to blame for stagnant population growth after the demise of the big mammals?
Palolithic art
Skeletons of big mammals
Migratory patterns
Remains in garbage pits
What have historians deduced about the people of poverty point by studying their dwellings?
Their dwellings were organized by gender
Their diets were insufficient in protein and fat
They didnt have a heirarchical social structure
They were proficient at acquiring food
Why did cultiviation of corn generally become women's work?
It required far less effort
It was veiwed as communalrather than indiavidual work
It was a task women could do with young children
Men to preferred the thrill of hunting to the repetitive task of farming
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between hunters and corn cultivators?
They had a successful trading relationship in which hunters acquired stores
They were constantly at war over previously shared territory
They were often able to coexist but when conflicts arose the corn cultivators generally prevealed
They were generally able to forge a peacful coexist
What evidence convinces archaeologists that the Cahokia had enemies?
The pallisade that surrounded the city
Artistic renderings on pottery remnants
The remains of sacrificed humans
The arrows burried with the chieflains
What was the first true urban center in america
Pueblo Bonitto
Which of the following could be considered a conswquence of the collapse of large urban communities?
Greater efforts to ally with other indgenouse people
Strict social stratification
Groups and tribes becoming smaller
Greater adherence to religiouse practice
What was one benifical side effect of the diseases that Eurasian peoples acquired from domesticated animals?
Religious tolerence increased
Human survivors developed biological resistance
Sanitation practices improved
Animal husbandry develped
Which of the following was a consequence of improving military technology in Europe?
Technology became more sophisticated and weapons more devestatingly effective
Wars declined because of the capacity for killing became to great
Wars declined because they became more expensive to undertake
Warfare increased as weaponry became more widely available
What caused the closing of the land route from Asia to North America
New iceage
Volcanic eruption
Rising sea levels
Clovis Blades, which originated from New Mexico have been found as far away as ________.
South America
In 1500, how did the Islamic world differ from that dominated by China?
The islamic world refused to trade with the west
The islamic world was divided into many many different empires
China had embraced Christianity
China traded far more widely than the islamic world
{"name":"History", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Why did some paleothical hunters and gathers migrate to americas?, What two factors most signicicantly altered the lives of the Paleo Indians?, What evidence revealed to historians that a lack of protein was to blame for stagnant population growth after the demise of the big mammals?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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