Would you make a good counsellor?

1. When you are in a situation that might lead to conflict do you:
Avoid the situation and hope it gets resolved somehow
Think of as many reasons as possible why you are right and then prepare to get your point across and stick to your guns
Try to see all points of view and where you might need to compromise
2. Your partner has a long-term smoking habit that is causing them some health difficulties. Do you:
Accept that they have the habit and that you need to put up with it
Discuss their quitting at every opportunity on the basis that they need motivation and you can help them with that
Ensure that they understand that you don’t like the habit, but it is their decision to quit or not
3. Your friend’s father died recently. Do you:
Wait for your friend to contact you – she knows where you are, and you don’t want to intrude
Let your friend know what she can do to make herself feel better and how you coped with a similar situation in your past
Let you friend know she can call on you anytime, although you are not sure what you can do
4. You have arrived at a party, do you:
Head straight for the bar and feel anxious about all the new people
Seek out one person who you know and spend all evening with them
Embrace the opportunity to network and meet as many people as you can
5. You are worried that your child is falling behind at school. Do you:
Hire extra tutoring support for them
Talk to them about how important it is to perform well at this stage in life
Ask them if anything is troubling them and if so can you talk about it?
6. Thinking about your own life, do you think:
You feel out of control about certain situations and that you need to address this
You should be in control of all aspects of your life and you work hard to achieve this
You recognise that no-one is in control of everything and aim to accept this
{"name":"Would you make a good counsellor?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. When you are in a situation that might lead to conflict do you:, 2. Your partner has a long-term smoking habit that is causing them some health difficulties. Do you:, 3. Your friend’s father died recently. Do you:","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/26-971563/pexels-photo-356079.jpeg?sz=1200-00000003361000005300"}
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