Heart & Blood

The role of hemoglobin in the red blood cell is to carry?
A. oxygen
C. hormones
B. Carbon dioxide
Both A and B
Which of the following is an anticoagulent?
A. Calcium ions
C. Thromboplastin
B. vitamin K
D. Heparin
Blood returning from the lung enters which heart chamber?
A. Left atrium
C.right ventricle
B. Left ventricle
D. Right atrium
Blood moves through blood vessels in which of the following sequences, starting from the heart?
A. arteries >arterioles>venules>capillaries>veins
B. arterioles>arteries>capillaries>veins>venules
C. arteries>arterioles>capillaries>venules>veins
D. arteries>capillaries>veins>arterioles>venules
The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the"
A. lungs
C. Right atrium
B. Left atrium
D. None of the above are correct
Which of the following is not true of atria?
A. They are the upper chambers of the heart
B. They are called the discharging chambers
C. They have thinner walls than the ventricles
D. All the above are true atria
The sequence of an impulse moving through the conduction system of the heart is:
A. Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibers, bundles of His
B. Atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibers, bundles of His, sinoatrial node
C. Sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, bundles of Hism Purkinje fibers
D. Sinoatrial node, bundles of His, atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibers
Which type of shock results from the effects of infectious agents, such as bacteria, releasing toxins in the blood?
A. Cardiogenic shock
C. Anaphylactic shock
B. Neurogenic shock
D. Septic shock
Which structure in the fetus allows blood to bypass the immature liver?
A. Foramen ovale
B. Ductus venosus
C. Ductus arteriosus
D. Umbilical vein
A person with type AB blood type has:
A. anti-A antibodies
C. B antigens
B. anti-B antibodies
D. both A and B
What is a condition in which an artery has become abnormally widened because of a weakness in the arterial wall?
A. aneurysm
C. gangrene
B. ischemia
D. phlebitis
Pericardial fluid can be found between the:
A. Myocardium and the epicardium
B. Myocardium and the endocardium
C. Pericardium and the ribs
D. Epicardium and the pericardium
The pulmonary semilunar valve is the valve
A. Between the left atrium and left ventricle
B. That opens from the right ventricle into the artery
C. Between the right atrium and right ventricle
D. That opens from the left ventricle into the artery
Which of the following is the most common form of blood cancer in children between the ages of 3 and 7?
A. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
C. Acute lymphocytic leukemia
B. Multiple myeloma
D. Chronic myeloid leukemia
Blood pressure is highest in the:
A. capillaries
C. Large arteries
B. Large veins
D. Small veins
The first heart sound is caused by closing the _____ valves (s)
A. mitral
C. tricuspid
B. semilunar
D. both A and C
An increase in which of the following can actually decrease blood volume?
A. Blood volume
C. Heart rate
B. Strength of the heart contraction
D. Blood viscosity
Injections of vitamin B12 are used successfully to treat ____ anemia
A. aplastic
C. hemmorhagic
B. pernicious
D. hemolytic
The best description of pulse pressure is the:
A. Pressure of blood against artery walls during ventricular systole
B. Pressure of blood against artery walls during ventricular diastole
C. Pressure of blood against artery walls during atrial systole
D. Difference between the systolic and the diastolic blood pressures
The blood type considered the universal donor is type
A. A
C. O
B. B
A woman could have Rh antibodies in her blood if:
A. Rh+ blood was given in a transfusion
B. an Rh+ fetus was developing within
C. RhoGAM was given
D. both A and B occurred
Which of the following substances is given to patients to dissolve blood clots?
A. vitamin K
C. heparin
B. Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)
D. warfarin
Which of these blood vessels contain precapillary sphincters?
A. venules
C. arterioles
B. Muscular arteries
D. metarterioles
Another name for "hardening of the arteries" is
A. Angina pectoris
C. arteriosclerosis
B. atherosclerosis
D. embolism
Which artery in the arm is used for measuring blood pressure?
A. brachial
C. ulnar
B. radial
D. axillary
A red blood cell that is smaller than normal and has less hemoglobin than normal would be called
A. Microcytic and hypochromic
C. Microcytic and hyperchromic
B. Macrocytic and hypochromic
D. Macrocytic and hyperchromic
Which of the following is a condition in which blood pools in the veins because the valves have become incompetent?
A. An aneurysm
C. Varicose veins
B. phlebitis
D. gangrene
Which statement is true of arteries?
A. They always carry oxygenated blood
B. They always carry blood away from the heart
C. They are the capacitance (storage) vessels of the body
D. both A and B are true of arteries
The major ingredient in hemoglobin that allows oxygen to be transported is
A. sodium
C. iron
B. zinc
D. copper
Which structure in the fetus carries oxygen-rich blood from the mother to the baby?
A. Umbilical vein
C. Ductus arteriosus
B. Umbilical artery
D. Ductus venosus
Blood loss anemia is also known as _____ anemia
A. aplastic
C. hemorrhagic
B. pernicious
D. hemolytic
Which layer of blood vessel is made of tough connective tissue?
A. Tunica media
C. Tunica intima
B. Tunica externa
D. endothelium
The internal layer of tissue in the heart is the
A. epicardium
C. myocardium
B. pericardium
D. endocardium
Which term refers to a decrease in blood supply to a tissue, leading to gradual cell death?
A. An aneurysm
C. gangrene
B. ischema
D. phlebitis
The bicuspid or mitral valve is the valve
A. Between the left atrium and left ventricle
B. That opens from the right ventricle into the artery
C. Between the right atrium and right ventricle
D. That opens from the left ventricle into the artery
A person with only antibody B in his or her plasma would have which blood type?
A. A
B. B
D. O
After birth, the umbilical vessels remaining in the infant's body:
A. Become fibrous cords that remain throughout life
B. Are shed in about 6 weeks
C. Shrink to eventually become capillaries
D. Remain as possible shunts for use later in life
Which blood vessel carries blood away from the capillaries?
A. arteries
C. venules
B. arterioles
D. both A and B
In the formation of a clot, the insoluble network if fine threads in which the cellular elements of blood are trapped is called:
A. fibrinogen
C. thrombin
B. fibrin
D. thromboplastin
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of veins?
A. The endothelium has one-way valves
B. They have a thinner tunica media than arteries
C. They carry blood away from the heart
D. They receive blood from venules
Which type of shock results from any type of heart failure?
A. Cardiogenic shock
C. Anaphylactic shock
B. Neurogenic shock
D. Septic shock
Both the tunica media and the tunica externa are ABSENT in:
A. arteries
C. capillaries
B. veins
D. both B and C
The cavity of the heart that normally has the thickest wall is the:
A. Right atrium
C. Right ventricle
B. Left atrium
D. Left ventricle
Which type of shock results from blood loss?
A. Cardiogenic shock
C. Anaphylactic shock
B. Hypovolemic shock
D. Septic shock
When whole blood is spun down in a centrifuge, the buffy coat can be found:
A. Between the plasma and red blood cells
B. At the very top of the test tube
C. At the very bottom of the test tube
D. In the plasma below the water but above the soluble proteins
Which of the following is not a granulocyte?
A. monocyte
C. basophil
B. neutrophil
D. eosinophil
The function of the blood is to:
A. Carry food to the cells
B. Remove waste from the cells
C. Assist the body in temperature regulation
D. All of the above
Which of the following is not an atrioventricular valve?
A .aortic
C. bicuspid
B. mitral
D. tricuspid
Which of the following cell types can carry oxygen?
A. leukocyte
C. platelet
B. thrombocyte
D. erythrocyte
A cause of a heart murmur may be:
A. Incomplete closing of a valve
C. Narrowing of a valve (stenosis)
B. Incomplete contraction of the atria
D. both A and C
Cardiac output is determined by the:
A. Return of blood to the heart and the heart rate
B. Strength of contraction of the left ventricle
C. Stroke volume and heart rate
D. Systolic discharge and stroke volume
Blood passing through the tricuspid valve has just left which heart chamber?
A. Left atrium
C. Right atrium
B. Left ventricle
D. Right ventricle
Erythropoiesis is the formation of:
A. platelets
C. White blood cells
B. Red blood cells
D. All of the above
Which of the following is an example of a leukocyte?
A. monocyte
C. platelet
B. thrombocyte
D. erythrocyte
The pulse in the wrist is felt over which artery?
A. radial
C. ulnar
B. brachial
D. axillary
Which of the following formed elements assist in coagulation?
A. leukocytes
C. thrombocytes
B. erythrocytes
D. monocytes
The primary fluid flow principle of circulation is based on all of the following except:
A. Flows only when a pressure gradient is absent
B. Does not flow when the pressure is the same in all parts of it
C. Flows only when its pressure is higher in one area than in another
D. Flows always from its higher-pressure area toward its lower-pressure area
Which agranulocyte can produce antibodies?
A. monocyte
C. neutrophil
B. lymphocyte
D. basophil
Which blood vessel muscle layer is usually thicker in the arteries than in veins?
A. Tunica media
C. Tunica externa
B. Tunica intima
D. endothelium
The first blood vessel of systemic circulation is the
A. Pulmonary artery
C. Superior vena cava
B. aorta
D. Inferior vena cava
The P wave in an electrocardiogram results from
A. Depolarization of the ventricles
C. Repolarization of the ventricles
B. Depolarization of the atria
D. Repolarization of the atria
When you take a blood pressure reading, the first sound that you hear (top reading) is the:
A. Systolic sound, indicating the relaxation of the ventricles
B. Systolic sound, indicating the contraction of the ventricles
C. Diastolic reading, indicating the contraction of the atria
D. Diastolic sound, indicating the relaxation of the ventricles
Which structure in the fetus allows blood to be shunted from the right atrium to the left atrium?
A. Foramen ovale
C. Ductus arteriosus
B. Ductus venosus
D. Umbilical vein
Which granulocyte helps protect against infections caused by parasites?
A. monocytes
C. neutrophil
B. eosinophil
D. basophil
Which clotting disorder is an inherited X-linked disorder?
A. thrombosis
C. hemophilia
B. thrombocytopenia
D. embolism
If damaged, which valve could allow blood to leak back into the left ventricle?
A. bicuspid
C. Aortic semilunar
B. tricuspid
D. Pulmonary semilunar
One hemoglobin molecule contains:
A. One molecule of heme
C. Four iron atoms
B. One molecule of globin
D. All of the above
The thickest layer of tissue in the heart wall is the:
A. epicardium
C. myocardium
B. pericardium
D. endocardium
Which of the following most accurately describes what is measured by an electrocardiogram?
A. Electrical conductivity
B. Number of contractions per minute
C. The speed and strength of contractions
D. Any abnormal functioning
A heartbeat that is less than 60 beats per minute is called:
A. tachycardia
C. Sinus dysrhythmia
B. bradycardia
D. fibrillation
Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are examples of ______ anemia
A. aplastic
C. hemorrhagic
B. pernicious
D. hemolytic
An Rh-positive mother should be concerned about erythroblastosis fetalis under which circumstance?
A. If the father is Rh-negative, the Rh-positive mother should be concerned
B. If this is her second child and she has not taken RhoGAM, Rh-positive mother should be concerned
C. She should not be at all concerned about erythroclastosis fetalis
D. both A and B are correct
Which of the following is not a white blood cell?
A. neutrophil
B. thrombocyte
C. lymphocyte
D. All of the above are white blood cells
The pH of blood must stay
A. Slightly acid
C. Slightly basic
B. neutral
D. Moderately acid
{"name":"Heart & Blood", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The role of hemoglobin in the red blood cell is to carry?, Which of the following is an anticoagulent?, Blood returning from the lung enters which heart chamber?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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