"It makes more sense to work hard at games with less luck." This sentence is about a specific subject in our book. Which is it?
Positional heuristic
Reward/effort ratio
Ending conditions
Analysis of Chess and Go
In 1775, three Continental Army are defending against three Loyalist Militia. Who is most likely to win?
Trick question! You cannot say which is most likely, because the outcome depends on a random die roll.
Continental Army
Loyalist Militia
You cannot make a firm prediction because both sides are even.
In Freedom: The Underground Railroad, someone just rolled the die and got this result. Which slave catcher captures which slave?
The Blue Pentagon captures the slave in Chicago.
The Blue Pentagon captures the slave in Northwest Ohio.
The Purple Oval captures the slave in Northwest Ohio.
Trick question! None of the slaves in this picture are captured.
"What's better, sparse or bushy games?" Choose the response that makes the most sense in the context where the book uses these terms.
Bushy is better; more hiding / security / surprise for the player.
Neither is better. Good games give you some interesting choices, but not so many that you are overwhelmed.
Games with less intense art (aesthetic deserts) are usually not as pleasing as those with more intense art (aesthetic jungles).
The same game with lower production costs is almost always better.
Which of these is outside the Magic Circle but inside the circle of Game?
A students loves the sunny day so much she spins around and around to make herself dizzy, then falls onto the grass, laughing.
Three college students debating politics
The US Presidential Elections.
Friends playing basketball.
Freedom: The Underground Railroad is about a certain time period and a certain country. Which period and country is the best fit?
United States; 19th century
Canada; 1800-1865
United States; 1700s
Erewhon (a fantasy place); year 3325 - 3378
In Freedom: The Underground Railroad, your friend suggests keeping slaves in northern cities in order to gain revenue. What are the dangers in doing this?
You need to get slaves to Canada in order to win. As long as they are in America, they might get caught.
Actually, there are no major risks to this strategy.
If you do this, your revenue from the Slave Market goes down.
Canada may eventually declare war in order to retrieve the slaves.
In games like Freedom: The Underground Railroad, what is the optimal way for a group of players to play?
Each player should try to beat the others and be the best player.
One player should make all the decisions and tell the others what to do.
Each player should be quiet and not talk.
They should talk to each other and help each other plan moves.
How does nuclear deterrence prevent war, according to game theory?
If both sides promise they will launch their missiles in response to the other side doing so, neither side has an incentive to launch their missiles first.
If one side can get way ahead in terms of nuclear weapons, the other side will be so afraid of them that there will be no war.
If one side eliminates all of their nuclear weapons, the other side can defeat them with just regular weapons (not nuclear weapons). This is a more peaceful outcome.
Nuclear deterrence is the idea that the best thing to do is for each country to give up all their weapons and live in peace with each other.
Earlier this semester, we gave each of our teammates a "team score" from 1-5. Suppose you got a 2. What does it mean?
Only cats get team scores this low; therefore, you are a cat.
This is a very low score; it means you are not earning the respect of other people on your team. If you don't earn respect from people, you will probably not have a good career in the media industry.
A high score like this shows that you are earning a lot of respect from other people. They admire your dedication to the group and your willingness to help out. Most importantly, it means that they will spread your positive reputation among their networks of friends which, over time, will really help your career in the media industry.
Nothing really.
{"name":"\"It makes more sense to work hard at games with less luck.\" This sentence is about a specific subject in our book. Which is it?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"\"It makes more sense to work hard at games with less luck.\" This sentence is about a specific subject in our book. Which is it?, In 1775, three Continental Army are defending against three Loyalist Militia. Who is most likely to win?, In Freedom: The Underground Railroad, someone just rolled the die and got this result. Which slave catcher captures which slave?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/12-538672/underground-rr.jpg?sz=1200-00000000001000005300"}
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