Who developed the idea that the power of government should be divided into branches?
What essay did John Locke publish in 1690?
The Prince
Two Treatises of Government
The Social Contract
What was the first document to limit the powers of the king?
The Magna Carta was signed in 1315
The Mayflower Compact was the?
What does the judicial branch do?
Enforces laws
Writes laws
Interprets laws
What does the separation of powers do?
Checks & Balanaces keeps the balance of power relatively equal between the branches
What is the Declaration of Independance?
The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1778
What did The Declaration of Independence also list?
What was the first form of government for America?
What are some weaknesses of the articles of confederation?
Only had a congress where 9 out of 13 states had to agree
No executive or judicial branch
States had the majority of the power country in debt
All of the above
What happens when a country is in debt?
What does the Preamble of the Constitution set up?
Governeur Morris wrote the Preamble to the Constitution
The introduction to the U.S constitution stablishes?
Federalists are?
Anti-Federalists believe a strong national government is needed to keep the country united?
What do Anti-Federalists feared?
No one is above the law is?
Foundation of liberty in the United States protects us from tyranny?
Civil Law is ?
Laws that define what acts & activities are crimes
No one is above the law
Group of laws that refer to disputes among people or organizations
Statutory Law
If you're born in the United States you're not an official citizen
What is Naturalization?
What is one obligation of of a citizen?
Helping other citizens
All of the above
The Second Ammendment protects?
The Eight Ammendment protects?
The right to aprompt and public trial decided by a jury
Protects right to bear arms
Protects agaisnt excessive bail and fines
The Fourth Ammendment protects?
{"name":"Who developed the idea that the power of government should be divided into branches?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Who developed the idea that the power of government should be divided into branches?, What essay did John Locke publish in 1690?, What was the first document to limit the powers of the king?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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