Reviewing and Submitting to a Research Journal

Thank you for viewing the MTF Reviewing and Submitting to a Research Journal webinar. Please complete the quiz to earn 1 CE credit. The Massage Therapy Foundation is an NCB Approved Provider #305254-00.
A Research Journal
publishes book reviews
does not go through the editing process
publishes articles that are written in a scientific method and adhere to specific guidelines
is a write up a specific experience
Authoring an article in a research journal requires
a graduate degree
time, attention to detail, and participation in a peer-review process
Paying a fee of $500
none of the above
The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is a peer-reviewed research journal.
An open-access journal requires authors to pay to submit their articles for publication.
The types of articles that can be published in IJTMB include
commentary and relevant news
letters to the editor
education and practice pieces
all of the above
Please place the submission steps in order:
Author submits written article
Editorial team reviews for scope, soundness, organization, and language
Peer-reviewers are assigned, and a multistage review takes place
Suggestions, revisions, feedback are given to the author
Publication is either approved, approved with revisions or denied
A peer-reviewer for a journal
is sourced by the author
provides guidance and mentors the author
is listed as an author of the article
An open-source article costs money for the author and the reader to access.
The Massage Therapy Foundation Case Report Contest
is open to students
is open to pracititioners
a great process to help get published in a research journal
All of the above
The Massage Therapy Foundation offers
Online resources such as Research podcasts
Grants and Contests
Education webinars
All of the above
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