AP Bio

Which list of components characterizes RNA?
(A) a phosphate group, deoxyribose, and uracil
(B) a phosphate group, ribose, and uracil
(C) a phosphate group, ribose, and thymine
(D) a phosphate group, deoxyribose, and uracil
Which of the following molecules would contain a polar covalent bond?
(A) Cl2
(B) NaCl
(C) H2O
(D) CH4
Because of the unique properties of water associated with hydrogen bonding, water evaporates from pores on the leaves of the plants and draws up water molecules in a continuous chain from the roots up through the vascular tissues of plants. Which of these groups of terms describes the process and properties of water that explain this?
(A) adhesion, cohesion, and translocation
(B) adhesion, cohesion, and transcription
(C) cohesion, hybridization, and transcription
(D) cohesion, adhesion, and transcription
Hydrolysis is involved in which of the following?
(A) formation of starch, a polysaccharide, from monomers of glucose
(B) hydrogen bonf formation between nitrogen bases of nucleic acids
(C) peptide bond formation between amino acids to form a protien
(D) the digestion of sucrose, a disaccharide to its monomers of glucose and fructose
The process by which protein conformation is lost of broken down is
(A) dehydration synthesis
(B) translation
(C) denaturation
(D) hydrolysis
An organic compound that is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1 :2 :1 ratio is known as a
(A) lipid
(B) carbohydrate
(C) protien
(D) nucleic acid
Which of the macromolecules below could be structural parts of the cell, enzymes, or involved in cell movement or communication?
(A) nucleic acids
(B) protiens
(C) lipids
(D) carbohydrates
The plasma membrane is composed of several different macromolecules. Which macromolecule serves as the fluid interface between the intracellular and extracellular environments?
(A) protiens
(B) phospholipids
(C) carbohydrates
(D) cholestrol
The partial negative charge at one end of a water molecule is attracted to a partial positive charge of another water molecule. What is this type of attraction called?
(A) a polar covalent bond
(B) an ionic bond
(C) a hydration shell
(D) a hydrogen bond
Polymers of carbohydrates and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by which of the following processes?
(A) the joining of monosaccharides
(B) hydrolisis
(C) dehydration reactions
(D) ionic bonding of monomers
If the pH of a solution is decreased from 7 to 6, it means that the concentration of
(A) H+ has decreased to 1/10 of what it was at pH 7
(B) H+ has increased 10 times what it was at pH 7
(C) OH- has increased 10 times what it was a pH 7
(D) OH- has increased by 1/7 of what it was
Recall the structure of a typical amino acid and how the molecule has two distinct "ends." Which two functional groups are always found in amino acids?
(A) amine and sulfhydry
(B) hydroxyl and carboxyl
(C) carboxyl and amine
(D) phosphate group and nitrogenous base
The tremendous variation and unique properties of proteins are most a result of
(A) interactions between R groups of the amino acids
(B) hydrogen bonds linking amino acids
(C) the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of the protein
(D) peptide bonds linking amino and carboxyl groups
The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What would be the molecular formula for a polymer made by lining 10 glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions?
(A) C60H120O60
(B) C6H12O6
(C) C60H102O51
(D) C60H100O50
Which of the following pairs of base sequences could form a short stretch of a normal double helix of DNA?
(A) 5' - AGCA - 3' with 3' - UCGU - 5'
(B) 5' - AGCT - 3' with 5' - TCGA - 3'
(C) 5' - GCGC - 3' with 5' - TATA - 3'
5' - ATGC - 3' with 5' - GCAT - 3'
Water is an excellent solvent. Select the property that justifies this statement.
(A) As a polar molecule, it can surround and dissolve ionic and polar molecules
(B) It forms ionic bonds with polar molecules, and hydrophobic interactions with nonpolar molecules.
(C) It forms hydrogen bonds with itself so cohesion is possible
(D) It is liquid and will adhere to many substances
If nine molecules of a monosaccharide with the formula C6H12O6 are assembled to produce a complex carbohydrate, how many atoms of hydrogen will be in the final polymer?
Compare the number of H+ ions in a solution with a pH of 2 to a solution with a pH of 6
Salivary glands produce a large quantity of enzymes, which are transported out of the secretory cells. Which of the following organelles would be in abundance in these cells?
(A) nuclei
(B) ribosomes
(C) smooth ER
(D) lysosomes
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have all of the following structures in common EXCEPT
(A) a plasma membrane
(B) cytoplasm
(C) linear chromosomes
(D) ribosomes
An organelle that is characterized by extensive, folded membranes and is abundant in cells that detoxify poisons, such as liver cells
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
An organelle with a cis and trans face, which acts as a packaging and secreting center of the cell
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
These organelles are not found in red blood cells but are present in large numbers in muscle cells
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Large membrane-bound structures that contain hydrolytic enzymes and that are found predominantly in animal cells
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Insulin is a protein synthesized in the cytoplasm of pancreas cells and then transported to the plasma membrane where it enters the bloodstream. Which of the following summarizes the pathway for insulin through a pancreatic cell?
(A) ribosome -> Golgi body -> vesicle -> plasma membrane
(B) smooth ER -> nucleus -> vesicle-> plasma membrane
(C) rough ER -> Golgi body -> vesicle -> plasma membrane
(C) nucleus -> vesicle -> rough ER -> plasma membrane
Which of the following component molecules of the plasma membrane is most important in the reception phase of cell signaling?
(A) protien
(B) phospholipids
(C) cholesteral
(D) carbohydrates
Which of the following uses passive transport, without protein channels, to move materials across the cell membrane?
(A) the depolarization of a muscle cell
(B) the uptake of glucose by the microvilli of cells lining the stomach
(C) the movement of insulin across the cell membrane
(D) the movement of carbon dioxide across the cell membrane
Large molecules are moved out of the cell by which of the following processes?
(A) endocytosis
(B) exocytosis
(C) translocation
(D) passive diffusion
In cell signaling, how is the flow of specific ions regulated?
(A) opening and closing of ligand-gated ion channels
(B) transduction
(C) cytoskeleton rearrangement
(D) endocytosis
Which of the following processes could result in the net movement of a substance into a cell if the substance is more concentrated in the cell than in the surroundings?
(A) active transport
(B) facilitated diffusion
(C) diffusion
(D) osmosis
What is a G protein?
(A) a specific type of membrane receptor protien
(B) a protein on the cytoplasmic side of a membrane that becomes activated by a receptor protein
(C) a membrane-bound enzyme that converts ATP to cAMP
(D) a guanine nucleotide that converts between GDP and GTP to activate and inactivate relay protiens
Which of the following can activate a protein by transferring a phosphate group to it?
(A) cAMP
(B) G protein
(C) protein phosphatase
(D) protein kinase
Many signal transduction pathways use sec messengers to
(A) transport a signal through the lipid bilayer portion of the plasma membrane
(B) relay a signal from the outside to the inside of the cell
(C) relay the message from the inside of the membrane throughout the cytoplasm
(D) diffuse directly into the nucleus, turning on genes
Which of the following signal molecules pass through the plasma membrane and bind to intracellular receptors that move into the nucleus and function as transcription factors to regulate gene expression?
(A) epinephrine
(B) neurotransmitter released into synapse between nerve cells
(C) yeast mating factors alpha and a
(D) testosterone, a steroid hormone
The fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as consisting of
(A) a phospholipid bilayer with embedded carbohydrates.
(B) two layers of phospholipids with cholesterol sandwiched between them.
(C) carbohydrates and phospholipids that can drift in the membrane.
(D) diverse proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer.
Small, nonpolar, hydrophobic molecules such as fatty acids
(A) easily pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer.
(B) very slowly diffuse through a membrane's lipid bilayer
(C) require transport proteins to pass through a membrane's lipid bilayer
(D) are actively transported across cell membranes.
Cells of the pancreas will incorporate radioactively labeled amino acids into proteins. The "tagging" of newly synthesized proteins enables a reasearcher to track their location. In this case, we are tracking an enzyme secreted by pancreatic cells. What is its most likely pathway?
(A) ER-> lysosomes-> vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane
(B) Golgi apparatus-> ER-> lysosome
(C) nucleus-> ER -> Golgi apparatus
(D) ER-> Golgi apparatus-> vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane
If the S phase were eliminated from the cell cycle, the daughter cells would
(A) have half the genetic material found in the parent cell
(B) be generally identical to each other
(C) be genetically identical to the parent
(D) synthesize the missing genetic material
Protein phosphorylation is commonly involved with all of the following EXCEPT
(A) regulation of transcription by extracellular signaling molecules
(B) enzyme activation
(C) activation of G protein-coupled receptors
(D) activation of receptor tyrosine kinases.
White blood cells (WBCs) are most resistant to lysis than red blood cells (RBCs). When looking at a sample of WBCs, what would you do to reduce interference from RBCs?
(A) mix the blood in a salty solution and allow the RBCs to lyse
(B) Mix the blood in an isotonic solution and allow the WBCs to float to the top
(C) Mix the blood in a hypotonic solution, which will cause the RBCs to lyse
(D) Mix the blood in a hypertonic solution, which will cause the RBCs to lyse.
Which of the following groups is best characterized as being eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, and without a cell wall?
(A) Plantae
(B) Animalia
(C) Fungi
(D) Viruses
Systematists categorize all living creatures into what three domains?
(A) Bacteria, Animalia, Eukarya
(B) Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
(C) Archaea, Plantae, Eukarya
(D) Protista, Plantae, Eukarya
Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit?
(A) parasitism
(B) commensalism
(C) mutualism
(D) predation
Place the following groups of plants in order beginning with those that first appeared on Earth.
(A) moss, angiosperms, ferns, gymnosperms
(B) moos, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
(C) moss, ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms
(D) seed plants, cone-bearing plants, bryophytes
Evolution of which feature enabled vertebrates to reproduce successfully on land?
(A) the amnoite egg
(B) origin of limbs with digits
(C) flagellated sperm
(D) keratinized body covering
Genetic variation in bacterial populations is introduced in several ways. Select the one process that will not introduce genetic variation in bacteria.
(A) transduction
(B) transformation
(C) conjugation
(D) meiosis
Shared derived characters are used to develop cladograms. Which is a correct description of them?
(A) They are features that characterize all the species on a branch of a phylogenetic tree.
(B) They can be determined through a BLAST comparison of related genes in a group of species
(C) They are homologous structures that develop during adaptive radiation
(D) They can be used to identify species but not higher taxa.
In a comparison of birds and mammals, having four appendages is
(A) a shared ancestral character because it originates in an ancestor of the taxa
(B) a shared derived character because it is shared by all mammals
(C) a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals
(D) an example of analogy rather than homology
Which of the following processes is responsible for the bending of the stem of a plant toward a light source?
(A) The amount of chlorophyll produced on the side facing the light increases.
(B) The rate of cell division on the side facing the light increases
(C) The rate of cell division on the side away from the light increases
(D) The cells on the side of the stem away from the light elongate
Hydrogen bonding plays a particularly important role in which plant process?
(A) bulk flow of solutes from source to sink
(B) photoperiodism resulting in flowering
(C) attraction of the sperm and egg
(D) the transcription-cohesion-tension mechanism
How does the sperm of flowering plants reach the egg?
(A) via a pollen tube that grows from the pollen grain through the carpel tissues to the egg
(B) via raindrops of a dew film that allows the sperm to swim from the male plant to the female plant
(C) usually via an insect, which places sperm in the ovary while probing for nectar
(D) by actively swimming down through the style to the egg
Which of the following plant structures will become the seed?
(A) a flower
(B) an embryo
(C) an ovule
(D) an ovary
In order to flower, short-day plants require a period of
(A) light greater than a critical period
(B) darkness greater than a critical period
(C) light less than a critical period
(D) darkness less than a critical period
If a long-day plant has a critical length of 9 hours, which 24-hour cycle would prevent flowering?
(A) 16 hours light/8 hours dark
(B) 14 hours light/10 hours dark
(C) 15.5 hours light/8.5 hours dark
(D) 4 hours light/8 hours dark/4 hours light/8 hours dark
Which of the following statements best supports the idea that certain cell organelles are evolutionarily derived from symbiotic prokaryotes living in host cells?
(A) The process of cellular respiration in certain prokaryotes is similar to that occurring in mitochondria and chloroplasts.
(B) Mitochondria and eukaryotes have similar cell wall structures.
(C) Like prokaryotes, mitochondria have a double membrane
(D) Mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA and ribosomes that are similar to those of prokaryotes
Cells that produce digestive enzymes must contain a lot of _____, whereas the cells that detoxify poisons in the liver would have an abundance of ____.
(A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes
(B) rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum
(D) microbodies, lysosomes
Which of the following is an example of simple diffusion across a membrane?
(A) the movement of H+ across the thylakoid membrane during photosynthesis
(B) the uptake of neurotransmitters by the postsynaptic membrane during the transmission of a nerve impulse
(C) the movement of oxygen into the alveoli across the epithelial membrane and into the bloodstream
(D) the exchange of sodium and potassium across a cell membrane through the sodium-potassium pump
Insulin is a protein that is produced by pancreatic cells and secreted into the bloodstream. Which of the following options correctly lists the order of the structures through which insulin passes from its production to its exit from the cell ?
(A) rough ER, transport vesicles, Golgi apparatus, transport vesicles, cell membrane
(B) rough ER, lysosomes, transport vesicles, cell membrane
(C) rough ER, Golgi apparatus , smooth ER, cell membrane
(D) rough ER, transport vesicles, Golgi apparatus, vacuole, cell membrane
{"name":"AP Bio", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which list of components characterizes RNA?, Which of the following molecules would contain a polar covalent bond?, Because of the unique properties of water associated with hydrogen bonding, water evaporates from pores on the leaves of the plants and draws up water molecules in a continuous chain from the roots up through the vascular tissues of plants. Which of these groups of terms describes the process and properties of water that explain this?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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