Find out your skin type

Which best describes your skin's oil production
Minimal Production
Feels Balanced
Moderate to High
Which describes the look of your pores
Very Small
Difficult to visualize, fine pores
Larger in Tzone than cheeks and sides of face
Moderate to Large
How hydrated is your skin
Feels Balanced
Good Hydration
Minimally Hydrated
How does your skin feel
Soft, Smooth and Good Elasticity
Oily Feel in center Tzone than sides of face
Thick and firm
Rough thin and tight
Which describes the appearance of your skin
Uniform, no or rare blemishes
Oils in pores in Tzone some blemises
Shiny; comedones/blemishes
Dull, flaky, blotchy
{"name":"Find out your skin type", "url":"","txt":"Which best describes your skin's oil production, Which describes the look of your pores, How hydrated is your skin","img":""}
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