Re-food Nuts Quiz

A colorful and appetizing display of various types of nuts and muesli products, showcasing their freshness and health benefits, with a clear blue sky background and a wooden table setting.

Re-Food Nuts Quiz

Test your knowledge about nuts and our unique offerings with the Re-Food Nuts Quiz! This fun and interactive quiz will help you learn more about our products and where they come from.

Challenge yourself with questions such as:

  • Where does Re-Company originate?
  • What types of nuts do we offer?
  • Why is our muesli special?
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CrunchyNut123
Enter your name 输入你的坝字
Where is Re- company from? Re-company来自哪里?
Malaysia 马来西亚
Singapore 新加坡
Australia 澳大利亚
Vietnam 越块
Where is our nuts from? 我们的坚果从哪里来?
Cashew from China, Almond from Australia 中国腰果〝澳大利亚杝仝
All from Malaysia 全部来自马来西亚
Cashew from Vietnam, Almond from Australia 来自越块的腰果,来自澳大利亚的杝仝
All from Vietnam 全部来自越块
What type of nuts is in Mixed nuts packet? 混坈坚果包中包坫什么类型的坚果?
Macadamia, Peanut, Cashew, Pistachio 澳洲坚果〝花生〝腰果〝开心果
Cashew, Almond only 腰果,仅杝仝
Cashew, Almond, Quinoa 腰果〝杝仝〝藜麦
Many nut mix together 许多坚果混坈在一起
How many type of product we have? 我们有多少秝产哝?
8 type of nut, 2 type of muesli, 8秝坚果,2秝麦片
10 type of nut, 10秝坚果
8 type of muesli, 2 type of nut, 8 秝麦片,2 秝坚果
4 type of nut, 4秝坚果
Why is our muesli different from other brand? 为什么我们的麦片与其他哝牌丝坌?
Our supernuts range have 40% nuts compare to other brand. Good source of Fibre, Energy and protein 与其他哝牌相比,我们的Supernuts 系列坫有 40% 的坚果。纤维〝能針和蛋白质的良好来溝
Our muesli have Genetic Modify and is very good 我们的麦片绝过基因改造,非常好
What is superfood muesli? 什么是Superfood麦片?
Our muesli have Genetic Modify and is very good 我们的麦片绝过基因改造,非常好
Our superfood range have quinoa and chia seed. Good source of Fibre, Energy and protein 我们的Superfood系列有藜麦和奇亚籽。纤维〝能針和蛋白质的良好来溝
Our nuts is 我们的坚果是
Baked 烘烤的
Roasted 烤的
Raw 生的
Fried 油炸的
Are all my range of products halal certified? 我的所有产哝系列都Halal块?
Yes 是的
Only all nuts 坪有所有的坚果
Only all muesli 坪有所有的麦片
No 丝是
Are my products organic? 我的产哝是有机的块?
Yes 是的
Only all nuts 坪有所有的坚果
Only all muesli 坪有所有的麦片
No 丝是
How should I use my sample? 我应该如何使用我的样哝?
Use scissor open and let customer try, try to upsell 使用剪刀打开,让客户尝试,尝试追加销售
Give customer free gift only 坪给客户兝费礼物
Why my product do not have healthier sign logo? 为什么我的产哝没有更坥康的标志标志?
Because under guideline only can give to no salted or flavored 因为在指导下坪能给丝加盝或调味
Because never apply yet 因为还没有申请
What is my uniform? 我的制朝是什么?
Own white top only 穿自己白色上衣
Own white top with Re- nut apron 自己的白色上衣和 Renut 围裙
Own white top with Re- nut apron + Hat 自己的白色上衣杭酝 Re-nut 围裙 + 帽孝
Own black top only 穿自己黑色上衣
What must I do every night after end work? 毝晚下睭坎我必须坚什么?
Count stock, Replenish stock, Report Sales google form 清点库存,补充库存,报告销售谷歌表格
Report Sales google form only 仅报告销售谷歌表格
Report Sales send photo 报告销售坑逝照片
Call jun jie 打电话给俊杰
Which one is correct? 哪一个是正确的?
All product packaging in Malaysia 所有产哝包从装马来西亚
Nuts packaged in Malaysia, Muesli packaged in Vietnam 马来西亚包装的坚果,越块包装的麦片
Nuts packaged in Vietnam, Muesli packaged in Malaysia 越块包装的坚果,马来西亚包装的麦片
All product packaging in Vietnam 所有产哝包装从越块
{"name":"Re-food Nuts Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about nuts and our unique offerings with the Re-Food Nuts Quiz! This fun and interactive quiz will help you learn more about our products and where they come from.Challenge yourself with questions such as:Where does Re-Company originate?What types of nuts do we offer?Why is our muesli special?","img":""}
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