IT Student Worker Skillset

Do you have a student worker account?
Do you have a SNOW account?
Do you know how to perform the following actions in SNOW(you can select more than one)
Open Request
Close Request
Update Request
Convert Incidents to Requests
Assign tickets
Search for tickets
Check for unassigned tickets / Triage
Which tasks have you performed before:
Password Reset (email/blackboard/webadvisor) through Active Directory
Password Reset (email/blackboard/webadvisor) through self-service
Adding email accounts on Outlook
Adding email accounts on mobile (android/iPhone)
Troubleshooting classroom issues with projector
Troubleshooting classroom issues with USB
Troubleshooting classroom issues with DVD/CDs
Troubleshooting classroom issues with sound
Calibrating Smart Boards and Touch Unit setup
Fix Display settings problems
Fix Output/Source problems
Deploy Media Carts
Deploy HP Laptop
Deploy printer
Deploy PC
Deploy MAC
Install/Uninstall Software
Back-up user data
Know Deep freeze/ template passwords
Clean hard drives
Change default programs for different file types
Run Updates (Windows/drivers/bios)
Set up a Media Cart and screen for events
Change mouse/keyboard for user
Provide laptops for events
Fix phone problems
Set up or provide assistance for GoToMeetings
Set up printing for laptops
Image computers (how to use clonezilla and how to add computers to domain)
Provide supplies (markers,erasers etc)
Access the IT closets
TV setup (cablebox)
Replace hardware
Storage room organization
Create CAT5 cable
{"name":"IT Student Worker Skillset", "url":"","txt":"Do you have a student worker account?, Do you have a SNOW account?, Do you know how to perform the following actions in SNOW(you can select more than one)","img":""}
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