School Life Experience Quiz

A colorful and humorous classroom scene featuring diverse students engaging in various activities, with elements of fun and light-heartedness, emphasizing school life and friendships.

School Life Experience Quiz

Discover your personality and preferences as a student through this fun and engaging quiz! Answer questions about your favorite subjects, teachers, and classroom behaviors to find out what kind of student you really are.

Get ready to explore your school life with:

  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Humorous options
  • Insightful results
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ChillingCactus425
What is ur favourite subject
Romana(coboara jos luceafar bland sati trag una peste ceafa, daca iti place romana don t look in my directiom)
Mate(it s just bcs ur teacher is hot or ur just a nerd)
Engleza(oh yeah u are cool homie dab me up)
Biologie(ur either a really hot nerd or just a nerd)
Chimie(esti o persoana oribila punct)
Fizica(te a hipnotizat drujba cu șuncile de pe burta sau glumesti?)
Sport(cocalar alert!!how are those really skinny jeans fitting u asshole)
Informatica(u may be a nerd, but u have hacker potential)
Franceza(esti mai prost/proasta decat ilie)
Istorie(ur a cool hipster and maybe.... A comunist)
Religie(ora de chiulit de acort cu tn)
What is your fav teacher
Romcescu(the obvious answer the best)
Nitu(te a luat si pe tine sa tai lemnele la maicute?)
Drujba(is it beacuse of his massive..... Burta?)
Vladu (that fake bish?)
Neagu(foarte underrated, te apreciez)
Chisu(te a luat si el pe la cabana? 🧝)
Rodica(uhm.. Nu)
Ilie(uhmmmmmm........ M ai lasat fara cuvinte)
Aia de sport (i am uitat numele, very forgetable teacher)
Istocescu(te a luat captiv in beciul lui???? Give me a sign I will call 911)
Balasa(esti la fel de prst ca ea?)
Andreasca(esti o pers oribila si nu am incredere)
In ce rand stai?
Primul (ur either a nerd, or a poor soul who lost their way)
Mijloc(oh ur cool)
Ultimul(esti ori destept ori cocalar)
Ce faci cand dai un test
Copiezi(basic but reliable)
Inveti si chiar faci pe cont propriuu(Neeeeeeeeerd neeeeeeeeeerd)
Te panichezi nu gasesti pixu după scri pe partea gresita a foii si in loc sa dai testul dai ciorna(ye same)
Clachezi si lesini(do u need a hug?)
Nu inveti dar tot faci(this is only for Daria bcs nuj cand invata fata aia)
Nu inveti si nu faci nmc(stim despre cine vorbim, artistii, poetii, cantaretii)
Nu vi la ora(kind of nesimtit but fearless only do this to balasa)
Iti faci temele?
No(nu ma asteptam la altcv de la voi)
Yes(gj kids)
Ce faci de obicei in timpul orei?
Esti atent la ora? (sa fim seriosi, look at me in the eyes and tell me the truth... Who hurt u)
Esti pe tlf(only a chad does that)
Vorbesti cu colegu de banca(why talk, just text and be chad traim in 2022 ppl)
Faci misto de altii🤡(nmc de zis)
Faci misto de prof(giga chad doar daca nu e romci sau nitu ca ala face misto de tn)
Is ur șugar daddy nitu
Yes(can t argue with that
No(nu mintii
Is ur sugar daddy drujba
Yes(only la teste)
No(the wholesome choice)
Is ur sugar mommy romci
Yes (she is a queen she doesn t desrve u punny students)
No(doar pe ascuns)
{"name":"School Life Experience Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover your personality and preferences as a student through this fun and engaging quiz! Answer questions about your favorite subjects, teachers, and classroom behaviors to find out what kind of student you really are.Get ready to explore your school life with:Thought-provoking questionsHumorous optionsInsightful results","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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