Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 8 Dec 21
[2112.03278] Zhaoyu Han, Steven A. Kivelson: Pair-density-wave and reentrant superconductivity originating from valley polarization
[2112.03296] Andreas Honecker, Lukas Weber, Philippe Corboz et al.: Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of highly frustrated magnets in a cluster basis: The two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland model
[2112.03310] Viktor Hahn, Pascal Frey, Alexander A. Serga et al.: Accumulation of magnetoelastic bosons in yttrium iron garnet: kinetic theory and wave vector resolved Brillouin light scattering
[2112.03312] Ellen Fogh, O. Mustonen, P. Babkevich et al.: Randomness and Frustration in a S = 1/2 Square-Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
[2112.03320] Panagiotis Kotetes: Diagnosing Topological Phase Transitions in 1D Superconductors using Berry Singularity Markers
[2112.03327] Fabrizio Oliviero, João Augusto Sobral, Eric C. Andrade et al.: Noncoplanar magnetic orders and gapless chiral spin liquid in the $J_{1}$-$J_{d}$-$J_χ$ model on the kagome lattice
[2112.03341] G. Krieger, L. Martinelli, S. Zeng et al.: Charge and spin order dichotomy in NdNiO$_2$ driven by SrTiO$_3$ capping layer
[2112.03342] Barış Pekerten, Joseph D. Pakizer, Benjamin Hawn et al.: Anisotropic Topological Superconductivity in Josephson Junctions
[2112.03343] Essa M. Ibrahim, Ping Tang, Shufeng Zhang: Magnetism of two-dimensional magnets in the presence of random fields
[2112.03348] M. Vimal, S. Sandfeld, A. Prakash: Grain segmentation in atomistic simulations using orientation-based iterative self-organizing data analysis
[2112.03353] K. Götze, M. J. Pearce, M. J. Coak et al.: Pressure-induced shift of effective Ce valence, Fermi energy and phase boundaries in CeOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$
[2112.03357] Gabriel Margiani, Sebastian Guerrero, Toni L. Heugel et al.: Fluctuating Trajectories and Switching Rates of a Synthetic Two-Level System
[2112.03367] Manoj Singh, Boning Yu, James Huber et al.: Lattice-Driven Chiral Charge Density Wave State in 1T-TaS$_{2}$
[2112.03368] N. Biniskos, F. J. dos Santos, K. Schmalzl et al.: Complex magnetic structure and spin waves of the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn5Si3
[2112.03384] D. Bayer-Buhr, M. Vimal, A. Prakash et al.: Determination of Thermal Accommodation Coefficients on CaSiO3 and SiO2 using Molecular Dynamics and Experiments
[2112.03445] Basita Das, Irene Aguilera, Uwe Rau et al.: Effect of doping, photodoping and bandgap variation on the performance of perovskite solar cells
[2112.03457] Ruyi Zhang, Xinyan Li, Fanqi Meng et al.: Wafer-Scale Epitaxy of Flexible Nitride Films with Superior Plasmonic and Superconducting Performance
[2112.03488] A. J. Healey, S. C. Scholten, T. Yang et al.: Quantum microscopy with van der Waals heterostructures
[2112.03490] Dan Phan, Andrey V. Chubukov: The Effect of Repulsion on Superconductivity at Low Density
[2112.03496] Xiang Gao, Shao-Jun Li, Shou-Long Chen et al.: Interaction Effects of Magnetic Monopoles and Kinks in a Doped Dipolar Superlattice Gas
[2112.03505] Inderpreet Kaur, Sankalpa Ghosh: Bogoliubov spectrum and the dynamic structure factor in a quasi-two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled BEC
[2112.03507] Y. Ishii, A. Ikeda, M. Tokunaga et al.: Gradual charge order melting in Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 induced by ultrahigh magnetic field
[2112.03516] Rito Furuchi, Hiroki Nakano, Norikazu Todoroki et al.: Magnetization process of the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the floret pentagonal lattice
[2112.03525] Nguyen T. Hung, Jyesta M. Adhidewata, Ahmad R. T. Nugraha et al.: Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Type-II Nodal-Line Semimetals by van Hove Singularities in Density of States
[2112.03528] Yong Zhao, Edirisuriya MD Siriwardane, Jianjun Hu: Physics guided deep learning generative models for crystal materials discovery
[2112.03537] Alexis Front, Georg Förster, Van-Truong Tran et al.: Simulation of thermodynamic properties of magnetic transition metals from an efficient tight-binding model
[2112.03550] Feng-Feng Song, Guang-Ming Zhang: Tensor network approach to the two-dimensional fully frustrated XY model and a bosonic metallic phase with chirality order
[2112.03559] Yiling Zhang, Chunyu Jia, Zhaoxin Liang: Dynamics of two dark solitons in a polariton condensate under non-resonant pumping
[2112.03578] Alexandra V. Zampetaki, Benno Liebchen, Alexei V. Ivlev et al.: Collective self-optimization of communicating active particles
[2112.03599] Nguyen Hong Quang, Nguyen Que Huong: Charged excitons or trions in 2D parabolic quantum dots
[2112.03627] Ranjith R Kumar, Sujit Sarkar: Physics of emergence beyond Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for interacting topological quantum matter
[2112.03629] So Kitsunezaki, Akihiro Nishimoto, Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi et al.: $μ$CT observation of Lycopodium paste incorporating memory of shaking
[2112.03630] Ngoc-Cam Hoang, Thanh-Phuc Nguyen, Vladimir A. Osipov: Symmetry-dependent exciton-exciton interaction and intervalley biexciton in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
[2112.03642] Mirza H. K. Rubel, Sujon Kumar Mitro, Khandaker Monower Hossain et al.: A comprehensive first principles calculations on (Ba0.82K0.18)(Bi0.53Pb0.47)O3 single-cubic-perovskite superconductor
[2112.03668] Anran Wei, Fenglin Guo: Elastic properties of self-folded two-dimensional nanomaterials: a theoretical model validated by molecular dynamics simulations
[2112.03671] Annette Setzer, Pablo D. Esquinazi, Sergei Buga et al.: Nanometers-thick Ferromagnetic Surface Produced by Laser Cutting of Diamond
[2112.03679] Vladimir Vargas-Calderón, Herbert Vinck-Posada, J. M. Villas-Boas: Dark Exciton Giant Rabi Oscillations with no External Magnetic Field
[2112.03707] Dylan Bissuel, Tristan Albaret, Thomas A. Niehaus: Critical assessment of machine-learned repulsive potentials for the Density Functional based Tight-Binding method: a case study for pure sil...
[2112.03711] Alana Okullo, Heather M. Hill, Albert F. Rigosi et al.: Bonding characteristics of the interfacial buffer layer in epitaxial graphene via density functional theory
[2112.03730] Thomas Gisler, Mohamed Helal, Deividas Sabonis et al.: Soft-clamped silicon nitride string resonators at millikelvin temperatures
[2112.03748] Hongbin Wu, Jin Lan: Curvilinear manipulation of polarized spin wave
[2112.03768] Maciej Pieczarka, Olivier Bleu, Eliezer Estrecho et al.: Bogoliubov excitations of a polariton condensate in dynamical equilibrium with an incoherent reservoir
[2112.03787] M. Mayo, J. Javier Brey, M. I. García de Soria et al.: Kinetic theory of a confined quasi-one-dimensional gas of hard disks
[2112.03794] N. Aucar Boidi, H. Fernández García, Y. Núñez-Fernández et al.: In-gap band in the one-dimensional two-orbital Kanamori-Hubbard model with inter-orbital Coulomb interaction
[2112.03812] Julian Faundez, C. A. Aguirre, S. G. Magalhães et al.: Electronic properties and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelate composts
[2112.03819] Gabriel Clarke, Dominik Daisenberger, X. Luo et al.: Pressure-Dependent Phase Transitions in Hybrid Improper Ferroelectric Ruddlesden-Popper Oxides
[2112.03820] Janine Gückelhorn, Akashdeep Kamra, Tobias Wimmer et al.: Influence of low-energy magnons on magnon Hanle experiments in easy-plane antiferromagnets
[2112.03828] Bimal Neupane, Hong Tang, Niraj K. Nepal et al.: Bending as a control knob for the electronic and optical properties of phosphorene nanoribbons
[2112.03830] Marco A. E. Maria, Alexandre F. Fonseca: Sarin filtration by porous rGO membrane: a molecular dynamics study
[2112.03845] A. Romero-Ros, G. C. Katsimiga, S. I. Mistakidis et al.: Realization of the Peregrine soliton in repulsive two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
[2112.03876] Sihe Wang, Weike Yuan, Xuanming Liang et al.: A new analytical model for the contact of Gaussian rough surfaces
[2112.03891] Phanibhusan S. Mahapatra, Manjari Garg, Bhaskar Ghawri et al.: Quantum Hall interferometry in triangular domains of marginally twisted bilayer graphene
[2112.03894] Peng YiTaisuke SasakiSuhas Eswarappa PrameelaTimothy P. Weihs, Michael L. Falk: The Interplay Between Solute Atoms and Vacancy Clusters in Magnesium Alloys
[2112.03900] Tara M. Boland, Arunima K. Singh: Computational Synthesis of 2D Materials: A High-throughput Approach to Materials Design
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